Manga Guidebook

Chapter 65: discuss

"Waste Ministry? Why?"

Chen Zijun knows that the comics environment in this world is so developed now, so there are naturally a lot of people who like comics, and it is not that kind of niche society, so you should not be afraid of not being able to attract talents.

"Maybe something happened, I don't know."

"Hmm...that's it." Chen Zijun pondered, "Is there anything similar?"

"Let's look for it."


The two spent a lot of effort, but never found a suitable place.

"Isn't this Zijun! Did you come to join the club?" A familiar voice sounded from Chen Zijun's side, and Zhong Xiaqing, who was wearing a school uniform, came over.

"Sister Xia Qing, why are you here?"

"Me, I'm recruiting new people for our club, and our minister insists on using me as a propaganda." Zhong Xiaqing smiled and pointed to the back position by the way.

"I seem to know why your minister must pull you." Chen Zijun saw a small group of shy little boys looking at Zhong Xiaqing eagerly, and by the way he also knew what club Zhong Xiaqing was in.

Kendo Club!

"By the way, this is my friend Zuo Wei Mian, hey, pay attention to your eyes."

Zuo Weimian came back to his senses and said excitedly in a loud voice: "Hello, senior, I'm Zuo Weimian, eighteen years old, and my interest is to watch Huang... er, sports cartoons!"

"Hello, I'm Zhong Xiaqing." Zhong Xiaqing responded with a smile.

After the introduction, Zhong Xiaqing said: "Zijun, there is news about the club you asked me to inquire about. There used to be a very large comic club called the Comic Club, but a big thing happened. The seniors bullied the juniors. , and finally developed into a group fight, and there was a case of killing people. The principal was very angry and directly handed the involved comic club to the abandoned department. Basically, everyone at that time was punished, and a small number of people were directly fired."

"In the end, I don't know why, there is no such society, so there is a high probability that it does not exist now."

"Is that so." Chen Zijun felt a little regretful.

"Would you like to join our Kendo Club? You can learn one-handed self-defense."

"I don't need it for the time being, Sister Xia Qing, then I'll take my leave."


Chen Zijun dragged Zuo Weimian next to him and left directly.

"Hey, Chen Zijun, how did you know such a beautiful senior."

"I won't tell you."

"Don't be so stingy, just say it and listen."

"I'm afraid you will kill me if you say it."

"No way."

"Guess it for yourself."

"So Zijun, the manga club is gone. What club do you want to join? We have to join at least one. Why don't you go back and have a look."

"Do you have any ideas?" Chen Zijun asked.

"I already have it. I want to join the swimming club."

"..." Chen Zijun's head hurts: "Why would I ask you such an idiot question."

"I'm going home first."

"Hey? Don't you see it?"

"The time given by the school is two weeks, there is still time, don't worry."

"I go first."

Chen Zijun walked out of the school gate and did not go directly back to Tokiwazhuang Apartment, but came to the Time Cafe.

"Yo, Zijun, how did you feel in high school?" Senior Xu Hui was waiting in front, and when he saw Chen Zijun come in, he said with joy.

"It's okay, I'm considering joining the club."

"The club is really youthful. I remember that I joined the basketball club in high school. It feels really good to sweat."

"I'm going to change clothes first."


Chen Zijun walked into the changing room, took out the key, opened it, and changed his clothes.

After looking in the mirror and arranging her appearance, Chen Zijun smiled and started to work.

The journey of a cartoonist started from part-time job!

It feels very in line with who I am now.

Although it was in the afternoon, it did not mean that there were fewer people. On the contrary, many high school students who had left school came over. Even Chen Zijun saw many girls wearing the uniforms of Suzaku High School. Fortunately, because of Chen Zijun's tuxedo Because of this, he looked more mature, and he didn't see any acquaintances.

During the discussion of the guests, Chen Zijun accidentally heard the people discussing "Shape of Sound".

"Hey, even though General Ishida was very angry when he saw him in front of him, but now he feels pity."

"Mr. April's character creation is really good. Sometimes I hate it to death, and I feel pitiful for something."

"Shoya Ishida's friends are really annoying to death. How can I put it? Although they are young, they just have the urge to beat him up."

"Have you found the teacher at the beginning of the comic? Although there is no scene where the teacher is too bad, he is the most hateful."

"Why do you say that?"

"This head teacher is extremely irresponsible. Nishinomiya is not welcome in school competitions. When the parents came to find him, they immediately took Ishida to the post, and did not find out who the reason was."

"That's what you said."

"I just don't know what's going to happen next."

"Wait slowly."


After Chen Zijun heard the voice of the discussion, he was a little happy, because it proved that he had a preliminary reputation. Maybe because there were too few chapters, it was not obvious. It would be better if there were more chapters.

After finishing his part-time work, Chen Zijun quickly drove out his homework, consolidated what he said today, and then continued to draw comics.

Without an assistant, he could only quickly rush the After drawing for an hour, the phone suddenly rang, it was Su Jing.

"Teacher April, how far have you drawn your news?"

Chen Zijun took the call while drawing: "Well... I just finished drawing eleven pages."

"Well, the speed is a little slow."

"In the past two days, some of the shots got stuck and repainted, so the speed was a bit slow, and some backgrounds found a lot of material, which took some time."

"I understand, please continue to work hard. When you come to pick up the manuscript, I will bring you coffee and cake to condolence to you, teacher."

Chen Zijun smiled bitterly: "Cake is fine, what the **** is coffee."

Su Jing smiled and said, "Teacher, make you less sleepy when you stay up late to draw. This is a must-have medicine for every cartoonist."

"Sure enough... the whole liver of drawing comics is very real."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Zijun moved his wrists and found that it was six o'clock, so it was time to cook. For dinner, we made a cucumber and a stir-fried cabbage.

During dinner, Chen Zijun asked Lu Ziyun what club he chose out of curiosity.

"Oh, I read it again and found that I am not interested in any clubs, there is no one I want to join, at first I wanted to join the classical literature club, but I am not very interested in literature after thinking about it, I also want to join a comics club, But I can't find it either."

Chen Zijun became interested: "So, have you ever thought about creating a comics club?"

Chen Zijun wanted to create a comics research club at first, but because of the serial comics, he didn't have enough time and energy, but isn't Lu Ziyun a good candidate? she creates. Once it is established, Chen Zijun will confuse the members to help his assistant's work. As long as the price is reasonable, there must be students willing to do it.

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