Originally, I thought that Zefa was already in the waning years, so he would just deal with it. It was no big deal, but now they seem to have made a big mess.


Zefa must be eliminated immediately, otherwise once he escapes, it will be troublesome to deal with it again.

And one of the biggest threats to Zefa's existence is that he is the teacher of the current high-level navy. If he pulls out a new navy, the Five Old Stars can't guarantee that these guys will go to the enemy.

Then it will be troublesome.

They thought of getting rid of Zefa just because they were afraid of Zefa's influence on the navy. Now it has come true. This guy's influence is really a trouble!

Under the orders of Five Old Stars, the next team of CP0 went out to sea to catch Zefa, as for Kizaru and Akainu, they stayed, and they and Mary Joa's CP were searching for the bomb rock.

In case the sound of Luo Ke's voice attacked the tiger from the east and west, and blew up Mary Joa.

Compared with the ugly face of the five old stars, the mood on the navy's side is more complicated. On the one hand, he is happy that the teacher has the opportunity to recover, but on the other hand, he is worried that this matter will not end well.

Sengoku looked at Zefa in the picture with a grim expression. If Zefa recovers his health and his right arm, then he will definitely not be captured, and he will definitely leave the navy.

In the future, Zefa's new navy will inevitably face off against the world government, and their navy and Zefa's navy will inevitably confront the enemy.

Sengoku is a little unsure of what to do now.

If Zefa successfully leaves, maybe he can really build a new navy, one that is not controlled by the world government.

But it will also shake the rule of the world government and change the current world pattern, and the world may lead to a war as a result.

No one knows what the future world will be like at that time, whether it will usher in a new life or lead to destruction because of it, no one knows.


But what is certain is that in this war, many people will die.

Sengoku's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he finally let out a long sigh. As a naval marshal, he had already done what he was supposed to do. If Zefa couldn't come back with Aokiji and Garp this time, then it would be fate.

Then let him see what the future will be like.

He is a man who is about to enter the ground. Whether he can see this scene is unknown. The next marshal should be the one who should worry about this.

It's pointless for him to think too much now.

Warring States remembered that the cause of this incident was entirely caused by Wu Laoxing's recruitment of Weibull as Qiwuhai. Even if there was no such thing as Smog in advance, Wu Laoxing would still recruit Weibull as Qiwuhai.

Sooner or later, Zepha will explode.

Thinking that Zefa has done so much for the navy and the government, it is not an exaggeration to experience such humiliation in his later years.

Perhaps leaving the navy is also a good thing for Zefa.

He can also see clearly now that in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, the navy is just a tool, and their justice is not the justice of the Five Old Stars. If Zefa can build a navy with a true belief in justice, then he will also serve Zefa for Zefa. happy to the world.


I hope that Zefa will not repeat the same mistakes this time. It is enough to see sad things once, and do not perform them in reality again.


Zefa suppressed his excitement and almost wanted to choose the third option directly, but he was still curious about what happened next.

Anyway, there is time for him to choose, he is not in a hurry.

Luo Ke continued: "The fourth reward option is that the right to use Hades is once for one hour."

Hearing Pluto again, many people's eyes glowed.

However, this was not what he wanted for Zefa.

Zefa continued to look at Luo Ke, waiting for the fifth answer.

"The last option, you can choose to resurrect a person related to yourself."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

It's not the first time they heard the word resurrection from Roque's mouth, and they even saw Ace's mother being resurrected by Roque with their own eyes.

This incident has shocked them to this day.

Many people who want to participate in the live broadcast of answering questions also want to revive their relatives, friends, lovers...

The last time Robin's answers were broadcast live, they thought that resurrection would also appear in Robin's reward, but it didn't appear, instead, the use rights of Hades appeared.

I didn't expect it to appear this time.

Zefa can choose to resurrect those related to him.

Zefa's past, people all over the world have seen through questions and images. Countless people are saddened by what happened in his life. If it weren't for these blows, this man wouldn't be reduced to that end.

The two biggest blows in his life were the death of his wife and children and the tragic death of his students.

If there is a chance to revive them, even if it is one of them, I believe that this man will feel a lot better.

However, they suddenly discovered a blind spot in Luo Ke's words.

Choosing to resurrect a person seems to be different from the reward that Whitebeard received last time.

They remembered that it seemed to say that one person was resurrected at random. This time, the two words seemed to disappear. Did Luo Ke ignore it?

People looked at Luo Ke with some doubts.

At this moment, Zefa was shocked when he heard that the person associated with him could be resurrected, and the faces of his wife and children and the faces of his students flashed before his eyes.

Before he had time to recall, he also noticed Luo Ke's wording.

PS: The third update is under.

Chapter 137

"Does choosing resurrection mean that you can designate a person to be resurrected?" Zefa's face showed a rare nervous look.

"That's right." Luo Ke affirmed.

This remark immediately caused an uproar all over the world.

If resurrection is designated, wouldn't it be possible to choose the person who wants to be resurrected most?

If it is immediate, there are many people who are related, but there is only one person who wants to be resurrected the most. If the person who is resurrected is not the one in your heart, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

However, this time Zefa can resurrect the person he wants to choose.

Resurrection is already an incredible thing, and being able to resurrect the person you want is even more unprecedented, and it is also something that many people dream of.

There are many people around the world who look at Zefa with envy and hatred. They can't wait to get this reward. They also have relatives, friends and lovers who want to resurrect. This is an opportunity that can't be exchanged for any treasure.

Almost everyone thought that Zefa would choose the fifth option.

Although it is not certain who it is, it is his wife or son with the highest probability, followed by the student who was killed.

It's a pity that there is only one candidate, and I don't know who Zefa will choose.

At this moment, Zefa was also moved by Luo Ke's words. When he saw that Whitebeard's reward had the option of resurrection, he thought that it would be great if he encountered such an opportunity.

Unexpectedly, he actually met in a blink of an eye.

However, when the opportunity appeared in front of him, Zefa hesitated.

Now there are two options in front of him. One is to choose the Healing Potion Enhanced Edition to let his right hand grow back. He has no choice but to suffer from the disease and give him another ten years to build a brand-new pure navy.

And another option is to choose to resurrect a person, his wife, or his son, or one of his students.

When he heard this answer, the first thing he thought of was his wife and children. When his family was killed by pirates, his son was only three years old. Such a young life. It's gone.

Hearing this reward, he immediately wanted to revive them, even if he could see them again, it would be worth it.

However, this meant that he had to give up what he had already made up his mind to do.

One side is the world, the new navy, justice, and countless people threatened by pirates, and the other side is family members.

Zefa was in a struggle.

People who originally thought that Zefa would be eager to choose the fifth reward were stunned when they saw the struggling look on Zefa's face.

Is Zefa hesitating?

The Navy Headquarters, the Warring States period saw Zefa's expression and quickly understood Zefa's thoughts at this time.

Immediately, I was filled with emotion.

This man is still the navy with justice in his heart.

Before his wife and children were killed, Zefa did not change his belief of not killing, and was afraid that he could not bear his anger towards the pirates, so he took a back seat and became an instructor to train new people.

Now he is faced with such a choice again, whether to choose justice or his family.

If he chooses justice, he can only give up resurrecting his family, and choosing to resurrect his family means that he has to give up justice and can only spend his life with his family in his last life.

The new navy can only give up everything. Zefa, who has not much time left, cannot realize his new navy plan.

In the Warring States period, they did not speak, quietly waiting for Zefa's choice.

At this moment, everyone in the pirate guerrilla team suddenly understood something when they saw that Mr. Zefa had not made a choice.

But they don't know how to choose.

By choosing the healing potion, Mr. Zefa will be able to restore his health, have a longer lifespan, and have the opportunity to complete the ideal of establishing a new navy and annihilating pirates all over the world.

And choosing to resurrect the family, Mr. Zefa can see the deceased family.

No matter which choice, he is very eager for Teacher Zefa, but now he can only make one choice, between justice and his family.

The members of the pirate guerrilla team stood there quietly watching Zefa's back, waiting for his decision.

After being silent for a long time, Zefa finally raised his head. He looked at Luo Ke and said:

"I choose the third option."

Zefa's choice stunned many people who saw this scene all over the world, completely beyond their expectations.

Many people haven't understood Zefa's true thoughts. When they heard Zefa's choice, they mistakenly thought that Zefa gave up resurrecting his wife and children in order to keep themselves alive, which made many people feel disappointed.

And only Zefa's students and his disciples showed admiration and admiration in their eyes after hearing Zefa's choice.

This is what they knew about the Zefa Club, the black-armed Zefa back then!

Luo Ke raised the corners of his mouth when he heard Zefa's choice.

"I thought you would choose the fifth option, it's a little unexpected, or is it really worthy of being a black wrist, isn't it?"

With that said, a green potion appeared in Luo Ke's hand, and he threw it at Zefa with a wave of his hand.

This action shocked many people. This is a magic medicine that can make the flesh and bones of the dead. What if you just throw it around like this and drop it on the ground?

The corners of Zefa's mouth were also twitched by Luo Ke's casual action. The healing potion he cherished was so "ordinary" in Luo Ke's eyes that he didn't know what to say, but he still received the green potion steadily. .

Then the Hailoushi mechanical arm on the right arm fell off, and then the prosthetic limb also fell off, revealing the empty right arm.

Zefa flicked the bottle of the healing potion open and slammed the potion into his own mouth.

Everyone was looking forward to looking at Zefa's right hand. At this moment, even the most powerful people in the world were only paying attention to the changes in the picture.

Seeing that Zefa had just drank the healing potion for a few seconds, a flush appeared on Zefa's face, followed by changes on his right arm.

The wound that had healed began to crack, followed by white bones that sprung up from the inside, muscles and blood vessels wrapped around it, and finally the skin began to wrap them in it.

In the blink of an eye, a complete right arm appeared in front of everyone.

Zefa gripped the newly grown right arm, and didn't find any discomfort, as if it was his original one, and the next second, a black domineering wrapped around his wrist.

Seeing this scene, the navy in the navy headquarters opened their eyes one after another, with a look of nostalgia in their eyes, this is their teacher, Black Wrist Zefa!

He is back!

Not only did his right arm come back to life, but the sickness on Zefa's face also quietly disappeared. He could feel that his body was no longer as internally broken as before. For example, his body was like a lotus root before, but now it has become a stone heart. ............

Hearing Luo Ke's previous words, Zefa looked at Luo Ke and said, "It's not the time yet, and I still have things to do.

They have already experienced a tragic life, and I don't want them to experience a second time.

The world is the same as it was thirty years ago, and I cannot guarantee that the same thing will not happen to them a second time.

Just like I failed to protect my students seven years ago. "

Zefa raised his black hand into a fist.

"So, now is not the time, if they still have a chance to be resurrected, I hope they can be resurrected in a world without pirates.

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