Sacrifice... Robin suddenly realized something.

Robin pinched her chin and thought, if she was put in that situation, she should choose to leave the Straw Hat Pirates alone, and it was useless for the World Government to arrest her, in fact, she wanted to get her own reading ancient times. The ability to write, help them interpret the historical text of Hades.

In exchange for this, they would definitely choose Hades and spare the Straw Hat Pirates.

Since this is the case, she should be brought back by CP9, and CP9's headquarters seems to be on Judiciary Island... Robin continues to deduce.

And Luffy is a guy who dares to go to the top of the war even in the face of the entire navy to save his brother. Knowing that his partner has been captured, he should not give up.

And I heard before that the reason Luffy became the Five Emperors was because his partner Sanji was captured by BIGMOM, so they went to BIGMOM to make a scene and rescued Sanji.

The Straw Hat Pirates even dared to make trouble at BIGMOM, and Judiciary Island seems to be nothing.

If that's the case... Robin suddenly smiled, if that's the case, then she seems to have really met a group of friends who can trust her with her life.

Although I don't understand why this guy Spandam wants to launch a demon slaughter order in his hometown, this should be the correct answer, because the only place related to Spandam in the title is Judiciary Island, if it is not in the water If it is seven capitals, then it can only be on Judicial Island.

Right or wrong, let's bet this time, even if she loses, she will only be wrong on one question.

Robin looked at Roque and said, "Answer: Judicial Island 々¨."

Robin's answer was beyond everyone's expectations. No one could understand why the name Judiciary Island popped up from Robin's mouth.

And where is the Island of Justice?

That's where the World Government uses to try prisoners, and a few people even know that Judiciary Island is the headquarters of CP9.

The commander of CP9, Spandam, launched a demon slaughter order on Judiciary Island. Is this possible?

Few people believed that Robin's answer was correct.

Even the Warring States of the Navy Headquarters thought this was absurd. Although they very much hoped that the place where the Demon Slaying Order would be launched was not the Seventh City of Water but other places, the Judicial Island was too outrageous.

Even if Spandam is a brain-dead, he wouldn't destroy CP9's headquarters, right?

To launch a demon slaughter order on Judiciary Island, can this guy Spandam afford the price?

Is he crazy?

They didn't believe it in the Warring States period, nor did the civilians and pirates. Even Spandam, who was watching the live broadcast, scoffed at it.

"I will launch a demon slaughter order on Judiciary Island, but don't laugh to death. I don't know the answer and it's not like that. How is this possible." Spandam sneered, how could this be possible? Given the demon slaughtering order, can he still be the chief of CP9?

That's what it is... that's what Spandam thought.

At this time, Luo Ke, who was in the live broadcast, spoke.

"correct answer."

Spandam's eyes were as big as copper bells, his jaw was about to drop in surprise, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't believe it was written all over his face.

He actually launched a demon slaughter order on Judicial Island? !

Warring States and the others were also taken aback by this answer. First, they thought that Spandam was a lunatic, and even the headquarters of CP9 was bombed.

But soon they breathed a sigh of relief. Since the slaughtering demon was the Judiciary Island, the Seven of Water would be fine.

Fortunately, it's okay, this is a bit of recovery. If the Seven of Water is really bombed, then Aokiji will really be to blame.

Fortunately, it is Judicial Island. Judicial Island and the Navy belong to the lower-level departments of the World Government. They are not under the control of the Navy. Moreover, it was Spandam of CP9 who blew it up.

This is a fortune among misfortunes.

Everyone in the navy was relieved, and finally kept the navy's final reputation, otherwise the name of the navy who killed innocent people would never be taken off.

Warring States said to Qingzhi: "After this incident, you need to write a report and submit it. If you issue a demon slaughter order for this reason again, then you should not be an admiral of the navy."

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Qingzhi answered honestly.

Akainu snorted dissatisfied with Sengoku's light-hearted letting go of Aokiji, and such abuse of the rights of an admiral, this guy is not worthy of being an admiral at all.

Akainu's humming was heard by Sengoku, who glared at him, "The same is true for you, because of your actions in the past, the justice of the navy has been smeared by you, you also write a report to me and submit it, you and Qingzhi Both were fined three months' salary."

Akainu glanced at Sengoku with some dissatisfaction, but he also understood that he had indeed caused a bad image to the navy this time, and he did not object and acquiesced to the punishment.

The Navy breathed a sigh of relief, as did the people in the Seven Water Capitals and other places.

Fortunately, O'Hara's tragedy was not staged in the Seven Waters.

Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die this time.

They didn't want to see O'Hara's tragic situation in the Seventh of Water again.

And if there are two, there will be three, maybe it will be their turn next time.

Hearing that this demon slaughter order bombed the Judicial Island of the World Government, that is, bombed himself.

Many people are a little gloating about misfortune, and it's time for them to have a taste of the Demon Slaughter Order. Don't always use it on others, and try it yourself.

Although the Demon Slaughtering Order was not launched in the Seventh Water Capital, there are still many people who cannot forgive Qingzhi's abuse of the Demon Slaying Order.

How can such a terrible thing be handed over to others at will, how can it make them feel at ease.

And it's obviously something that can be done easily, but they insist on doing it like this, and their personal affairs are at the expense of them. This kind of thing makes them very cold.

After Admiral Akainu, people also didn't like Admiral Aokiji, and the Navy is just like that. It's stupid for them to have too high expectations for them.

This is the real situation of the real navy.

Don't think too much of them.

The events of the Slaughtering Demon Order on Judiciary Island shocked people all over the world and caused heated discussions.

At this time, Robin was relieved after hearing (Li Zhaozhao) that the answer was correct, which meant that she answered all ten questions correctly.

Robin looked at Luo Ke gratefully, "¨"Thank you."

Luo Ke was a little surprised to hear Robin's words, but nodded, "You're welcome, this is the result of your own efforts."

However, Robin's thank you is not because of this, but because the live answering question given to her by Robin has made her know a lot of things and helped her achieve a lot of wishes.

Even if there is no reward, these have already made her very satisfied.

She exposed the evil deeds of the World Government in O'Hara in front of the whole world, made Akainu notorious, and avenged Dr. Kroba and the scholars... These are things she wanted to do but couldn't do. , but it is now implemented.

Hearing Luo Ke's words, Robin shook his head and thanked Luo Ke very seriously:

"Thank you, thank you very much."

All she can do now is thank you. Luo Ke is a very mysterious and powerful man. Apart from these few words of thanks, she doesn't seem to be able to say anything to thank him.

This owed kindness can only be repaid in the future if there is a chance.

"Now that the ten questions have been answered, the next step is to play the related video robbery as usual."

PS: The first update.

Chapter 115

As soon as Luo Ke's voice fell, the live broadcast screens around the world instantly switched to black.

Immediately after, a video starts to play.

An eight-year-old girl appeared in front of everyone all over the world. With the familiar facial features and distribution, they recognized at a glance that this was Nico Robin when they were young.

Thinking of O'Hara's tragedy, everyone quietly watched the image with sympathy.

Eight-year-old Robin, because his mother went to sea to explore the history, sent samples to relatives' homes and under the fence. Because he ate flowers and fruits, he was regarded as a monster by the children in the village and was not welcomed.

Only the scholars of the Tree of Omniscience and Dr. Crowbar took good care of her, because her mother, Orbia, was their companion, and Nicole Robin also inherited her mother's talent in studying history. Very talented.

Soon the eight-year-old Nicole Robin successfully passed the assessment to become a historian. On this day, she proposed to the Dr. Crobars that she would like to study the history with them.

She studied so hard to be able to join them. She was too lonely by herself.

However, this aroused unanimous opposition from the scholars. They knew that this was a terrible thing and did not want to involve Robin. Dr. Crowbar also made her swear that she would not be allowed to study, otherwise she would not be allowed to enter the Tree of Omniscience.

Robin ran out of the tree of omniscience in a fit of anger, and came to the navy in frustration, where he met a giant and became friends with the giant.

However, as they chatted, Robin learned a shocking thing from the giant's mouth, that is, the people of the world government are coming to destroy these scholars who are studying the blank history, and he is Vice Admiral Sauluo of the naval giant, because Robin's mother, Orbia, was caught and managed to escape.

Robin hurried back and wanted to tell everyone the news, but it was too late. Spandain took the CP to arrest the scholars. Robin looked at Olbia, who was lying on the ground, but didn't recognize it. Her mother, Robin was too young when she left.

Looking at Robin's blank eyes, and Olbia's gratified eyes as she watched her daughter grow up, the people who saw this scene were filled with emotion, the mother and daughter met, but the daughter didn't know her mother, what a sad picture .

After gathering the scholars together, Spandain called the Five Old Stars. Dr. Kroba knew that they were going to die, and before dying, he wanted to confirm with the Five Old Stars whether their research was correct.

Seeing this scene, the complexion of Mary Joa's five old stars suddenly changed. I didn't expect this past story to be broadcast in this way.

The five old stars began to recall what they said at that time, and whether there were any secrets that should not be said. This is a live broadcast for the world, which means that people all over the world will see it. If important things are revealed, it will be troublesome. .

People all over the world also listened intently to the conversation between Dr. Kroba and the Five Old Stars.

"The past belongs to everyone, and no one has the right to prevent people from knowing the unknown history." Dr. Crowbar said.

"It may revive ancient weapons and cause a crisis in the world. Even if you don't use them, there will be people with ulterior motives who will use them." The voice of the Five Old Stars came from the phone bug.

"No matter what the past is, as long as it is history, we must face it squarely, so that we can also come up with countermeasures when something happens again." Dr. Crowbar said.

"It's ideal." Wu Lao Xing said.

"Really? You don't do it because you don't want to." Dr. Crowbar sneered, "In the historical text, what we most want to know is not the content of the text but the reason for their existence.

Why do people leave the past on these indestructible hard rocks, instead of paper, and send them all over the world, that is because they are afraid of being destroyed, that is to say, those who leave these have enemies. "

People all over the world swallowed, and they felt as if they were listening to the secrets that the world government had been hiding and did not want to be known.

The truth about this world!

The deep voice of the Five Old Stars came from the phone bug, "What exactly do you want to say, Dr. Krogba?"

"Assuming that those people perished because they were defeated by an enemy, then their enemy should exist in the history of was born.

If the enemy of those who have been wiped out is the World Government, then the blank 100 years is a history that the World Government has wiped out with its own hands and is not good for itself.

Through our research, we found that there was a country that existed at that time and has now disappeared without a trace, but what was recorded in the literature is what a huge kingdom looked like in the past... Although the traces of that country have been wiped out, we know that they will lose. of them inscribed their thoughts on the text of history. "

"It turns out that this is really a bold assumption." Wu Lao Xing said.

"Ancient weapons do threaten the world, but for your world government, the existence and thought of one of the kingdoms that will be awakened together with the historical text is a threat that surpasses ancient weapons!

Although we still have to unravel what that threat is, the kingdom that holds the key to everything and once prospered in the past is called..."

Before Dr. Krogba's words were finished, the Five Old Stars decisively gave an order, "Go!"

In an instant, Spandaine knocked Dr. Krogba down with one shot.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the Five Old Stars came from the phone bug, "O'Hara already knows too many things! Order an attack."

People all over the world were listening to Dr. Crowbar say the name of the kingdom, but he was ordered to be shot by the Five Old Stars.

This makes people all over the world very uncomfortable, what exactly is that kingdom?

A huge kingdom?

In the historical text, what scares the world government the most is not the weapons recorded above, but the ideas of the huge kingdom left behind.

Is it because the world government is afraid of these ideas that it makes every effort to erase the blank history and kill these scholars who study history? !

What is the thought that makes the world government so worried, and what kind of kingdom does that kingdom have?

Questions linger in people's hearts one after another, and no one doubts the authenticity of this passage.

Because the orders of the Five Old Stars have confirmed this, they impatiently killed Dr. Crowbar in order not to let more people know about these things.

In other words, the historical text is actually left by the people of a kingdom that the world government once defeated. It records the thoughts of this kingdom, records the situation of ancient weapons, and records the history of wars between them.

The things left by this kingdom are even feared by the world government that has overthrown them, for fear that they will be known.

At this time, people couldn't help but think about it, because they thought of another thing, that is, when Whitebeard and Roger chatted, they said that ONEPIECE is a secret treasure that can overthrow the world government, and whoever can find him will have the power to overthrow the world government. .

And the legacy of the huge kingdom also has the power to overthrow the world government.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across everyone's mind. Could Ralph Drew, who is said to have hidden the great secret treasure ONEPIECE, be the ruins of that huge kingdom?

The world government forbids pirates from going out to sea, hinders them from searching for great treasures, and even kills Roger, who became the pirate king, to prevent the truth of ONEPIECE from being spread out.

Originally, they were still skeptical that ONEPIECE could overthrow the world government. However, after watching this video, they still have the attitude of the five old stars. The most important thing is that the giant who used to be the enemy of the world government and still worries and fears the world government. The kingdom is back.

All this proves that this is true, not only ONEPIECE is true, but also the huge kingdom, and the power to overthrow the world government is also true.

Everything is hidden in the ruins of that huge kingdom, Ralph Drew. Whoever can find it can overthrow the world government to establish a new huge kingdom and rebuild the world order.

At this moment, many people all over the world fell into madness, especially those kings of the alliance countries and ambitious pirates.

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