However, surprisingly, people were not surprised when they heard Aokiji let Robin go.

Maybe it's because Aokiji's appearance in the video has always been compared to Asaxi. It was also the same when he met Luffy in the hot spring. He is a navy that is completely different from Akainu.

Thinking of this, many people can't help but think that it would be great if Aokiji was the Admiral of the Navy.

In contrast, Akainu is cold-blooded and ruthless, even killing innocents without mercy, while Aokiji looks lazy, but more humane, even the eight-year-old Nico Robin, who is facing the task target, is soft-hearted and let go. she.

Such men become admirals, at least they don't have to worry about being sacrificed.

Originally, the conscientious and conscientious Akainu was the best candidate for marshal, but Akainu's character really scared them.

You can be lazy and fish, but you can't kill yourself.

Besides, Aokiji looks rather lazy, and his ability to become an admiral is enough to show his extraordinary ability.

So in the case of similar abilities, Aokiji is more suitable.

At this moment, people all over the world came to a consensus.

And there is one more important thing, that is, Aokiji ran away in anger after Akainu became the marshal and became a pirate.

This is too wasteful for the navy, so it would be better to let Aokiji be the marshal.

As for Akainu, it would be better to be his admiral. If possible, they would even want Akainu to resign and leave in anger. They are afraid of such a navy.

No matter how unwilling or dissatisfied they are, the order of the world still depends on the navy, but at least I hope it will be a navy that can really think about them.

Akainu killed innocent people with one hand, while Aokiji let go of Robin with one hand.

When these two incidents were exposed, the corners of Mary Joa's five old star's mouth twitched.

This is not good news for them.

Akainu's image can be predicted to be very poor among the people. If you insist on pushing him to be the Admiral of the Navy, the image of the world government and the navy will be even worse in the eyes of the people of the world.

The Five Old Stars don't want to see this kind of situation. Although they don't care about the lives of these people, if they don't care too much about the opinions of the people, it may lead to rebellion. This is what they think about.

And if you don't choose Akainu, then Aokiji and the others still don't want to choose.

This guy Aokiji actually let go of Nico Robin, who they thought was a threat.

This can already be regarded as a betrayal.

If Aokiji is not a naval admiral, they can even directly arrest Aokiji to Judicial Island on this charge to face trial.

When Qingzhi was still a lieutenant general, he dared to obey their orders.

If he were to be the Admiral of the Navy, whether the navy is still a World Government or not, you should ask him a question.

A disobedient admiral is not needed.

After thinking about it, Wu Lao Xing couldn't help but think of the third candidate, Admiral Kizaru.

Could it be that they can only choose this ape?

PS: The fourth update.

Chapter 106

Wu Laoxing was a little speechless.

They looked at Kizaru's performance in the war on the top. Seeing that their old rival Drago's son Luffy was about to be killed by Kizaru, the guy kicked into Whitebeard's arms.

Good guy, even they were taken aback, where are you from?

None of the three marshal candidates were satisfied, so the Five Old Stars could only temporarily put the matter of the successor of the Warring States period to a later date.

Time will dilute everything.

Fortunately, this guy from the Warring States is not too old to use it, so let him work for the World Government for a few years, and let him retire after they find a suitable candidate.

It's just that these three issues have already made the navy and the world government lose face.

There are still seven questions left. The Five Old Stars are too big when they think about it. Wouldn't there be more headaches for them?

On the other hand, the Five Old Stars had a big head, but Crocodile became more relaxed.

Because Luo Ke asked three questions one after another, and none of them had anything to do with him.

Then he can continue to do things in Alabasta.

But the next action has to be hurry, otherwise there will be many nightmares in the night. If things are exposed on his side, then the efforts of the past few years will be in vain.

However, just when Crocodile thought so, Roque in the video spoke.

"The answer is correct, then please listen to the next question.

Question: Who is Nico Robin's subordinate now?

The time limit is one minute, and the timer starts. "

Crocodile cracked on the spot when he heard the question.

Ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped wildly over his head, causing Crocodile's scalp to go numb.

He stared at Roque and Robin in the live broadcast with wide eyes.

My heart is full of, no, no, no!

Crocodile's mentality collapsed, but the navy and the Five Old Stars breathed a sigh of relief, finally having nothing to do with them.

Not only that, but they were also refreshed.

This question is a good one for them.

They have been looking for Nico Robin's whereabouts. This woman who can read the text of history will threaten the world government as long as she lives.

Because the historical text not only has their dark history, but it is also said that the historical text also records the information and whereabouts of the three ancient weapons and the coordinates of Ralph Drew.

For the Five Old Stars, they can not find the historical text, but they must not let others find it.

However, the historical text is scattered all over the world and has been hidden. It is too troublesome to find it, and even if this kind of thing is found, it cannot be destroyed. How to preserve it at that time is another problem.

Gather them together and save them to Marijoya. In case of encountering a guy like Roque or a guy like Tiger who burned Marijoya, it is equivalent to helping them put together the historical text. It's enough for others to come here, no need to look around.

There are quite a few devil fruits with strange abilities in this world. There is a door fruit in CP9, which is hard to guard against.

Rather than collecting them and letting others make a fortune, it is better to let them be scattered all over the place.

And this kind of thing is not suitable for mobilizing the public, the best way is to let him disappear into the history.

Since we can't solve the historical text, we can solve the problem for those who can read the historical text.

As long as no one in the world can read the historical text, it doesn't matter if the historical text is found.

fundamentally solve the problem.

Judging from the current situation, the only person left in the world who can read the text of history is Nico Robin.

As long as she is eliminated, the historical text is no longer something they need to worry about.

And without the road signs in the historical text, no one can find Ralph Drew, and there will be no One Piece.

Everything is going in a good direction.

So knowing where Robin is now and what he's doing is really good news for the Five Old Stars.

Of course, the first place on their trouble list is to be reserved for Luo Ke. If this guy is not removed for a day, the world government will never have peace!

The Five Old Stars and the Navy are looking forward to the answer to this question.

The revolutionary army is also looking forward to the answer to this question.

Not only them, many people around the world and pirates are looking forward to the answer to this question.

What is this devil's son who has been wanted by the world government for 20 years now?

Robin didn't expect Roque to ask this question. She hesitated whether she should say it, because speaking out will not only expose Crocodile, but also her position to the navy and the world government.

She looked at Luo Ke and found that Luo Ke smiled at her with a hint of not being cowardly in his eyes.

Robin took a deep breath and decided to bet once.

In Crocodile's desperate eyes, Robin said:

"Answer: My current boss is King Shichibukai, Crocodile."

What? !

The Sengoku and other navies were all stunned. The devil's son Nico Robin they had been looking for was actually in the hands of the pirate Crocodile who had surrendered to them.

Right under their noses? !

After the stunned anger, Sengoku said angrily, "Crocodahl, what the **** is this guy trying to do?

Don't you know that Nico Robin is wanted by the world government?

How dare you take her in! "

Sengoku looked at Brannew and asked, "Where is Crocodile now?"

Brannew pushed his glasses and said, "Crocodahl has been staying in Alabasta since he became Shichibukai and never left.

It is said that he has also become a hero of Alabasta and will help the local people to defend against pirates.

Reputation sounds good. "

This news made the navy who heard it look incredulous. This guy actually became a hero?

Pirates? hero?

Although Wang Xia Qiwuhai is regarded as a pirate who has surrendered to them, and is barely his own, but they have never regarded this group of guys as their own, a pirate is a pirate.

Hearing that Crocodile did good deeds in Alabasta and became a hero, the navy who heard this was incredulous.

Before the Warring States period, I heard about Crocodile, and I didn't care too much. As long as these Qiwuhai didn't do anything, they could turn a blind eye to everything they did.

And Qiwuhai is not completely benign. In fact, Qiwuhai has only obtained a license for legal looting. They can legally loot ships and people from non-joined countries.

All you need to do is distribute a portion of the grabbed items to the World Government.

Of course, this is just a nominal statement. In fact, they can rob anyone, as long as they don't cause too many problems.


The world government doesn't bother to care about them, after all, if you want the horses to run, they have to be fed, right?

But they never thought of making these Qiwuhai good people and doing good deeds.

Is Crocodile still a hero in Alabasta?

The sun is coming out from the west?

Before, they didn't care too much about Crocodile's abnormality, but now he has taken in Nico Robin to do things for him.

Combining the two together, it is hard not to make people feel that there is a problem inside.

The Warring States immediately ordered, "Immediately go find out what Crocodile has done in Alabasta, and immediately contact the navy colonels and officers above the colonel near Alabasta to go to Alabasta, and try to get Ni after the live broadcast ends. Robin can be arrested.

If Crocodile resists, arrest him together. "

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Brannew replied.

Sengoku stared at the live broadcast, what exactly are you planning, Crocodile? !

At this moment, the fact that Nico Robin, the son of the devil, is working for King Shichibukai is also spreading around the world.

This made those who heard it couldn't help laughing.

The Devil's Son, whom the World Government has been looking for for so many years, is actually working in their Shichibukai.

It seems that the pirates you recruited didn't listen to you either.

Many people were dissatisfied with the fact that the World Government recruited pirates.

Issuing a license for legal looting to pirates is like raising a tiger. Many people can't understand whether the world government makes decisions with their butts or something, using such a foolish trick.

They couldn't help but gloat when they saw Crocodile's disobedience to the World Government.

However, in Alabasta, the cadres of the Baroque work club were wide-eyed.

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