Many people are sighing and laughing at the fact that there are too many 25 boys in the pirate group Whitebeard, and these are the adopted sons who are treated as sons by Whitebeard, which is too filial.

At this time, Whitebeard's face was getting worse.

Today can be said to be the worst day in his life. He heard the news of his son's betrayal one after another, and he knew it in front of people all over the world.

This mood is more than a bad one.

He couldn't help but have some doubts, is he really qualified as a father?

Why did his sons betray him one by two?

Seeing that his father's face was not very good, Marko comforted him: "Father, I will talk about the sad things later. Now I will finish answering the questions first. I think there must be something else hidden here."

"That's right, Dad, I don't believe anyone other than Titch would betray Dad. There must be a problem here."


Whitebeard's complexion was a little better because of their comfort, at least he still had them, and they were by his side during the war on the top.

"Marko, I'll leave this question to you." Whitebeard shook his head, he didn't want to participate in such a question.

"Okay, Dad." Marko nodded.

Marko glanced at the big guy and said, "Actually, we can rule out several of these four options at once. First of all, little Oz, his size is too big, he can't cause such an injury to Dad.

Next is Bista. Bista was helping Dad throughout the video. Until the end of the last video, Bista didn't show any betrayal.

So both Oz and Bista can be ruled out.

The only ones left were Scuardo and Titch.


Here, Marco glanced at the white beard, and his face was not very good, "But at this time, the war on the top has just begun, and Titch should be advancing the city.

So it shouldn't be him who hurt Dad, so there is only one answer. "

Marco's analysis immediately aroused the suspicion of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates.

"How could it be Scuardo?

He respects Dad so much! "

"Is there something wrong? Although Scuardo is only the captain of our pirate group, his respect for Dad is not weaker than ours. It is impossible for him to do such a thing."

The Whitebeard Pirates are actually mainly composed of the sixteenth division led by the sixteen captains on the Whitebeard ship.

However, as the Four Emperors, they also have many vassal pirates, similar to Luffy's Straw Hats.

There are a total of 43 pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates. They all joined the Whitebeards because of their worship of Whitebeard.

These pirates do not usually follow the Whitebeard Pirates, but if Whitebeard has any orders, they will arrive as soon as possible.

They are all gathered by Whitebeard's personal charm. It can be said that each of them is a fan and son of Whitebeard.

However, such Scuardo would be the one who seriously injured Whitebeard?

They couldn't believe it.

They subconsciously thought that Titch did this, but after Marco's analysis, they had to face that the real murderer was most likely Scuardo.

And seeing this scene, the big vortex spider Scuardo himself was stunned on the spot.

He is not on the Moby Dick now, but is watching the live broadcast on his own pirate ship.

Originally, he was very angry who dared to betray and hurt his father.

In the end, after listening to Marco's analysis, good guy.

The traitor is me? !

Scuardo wanted to deny Sanlian on the spot, I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense.

After listening to Marco's analysis, the crew members next to him saw that Scuardo's eyes were not right. Are you Tic too?

Scuardo wanted to cry but had no tears. He wanted to explain to his father in the live broadcast, but now that others were not there, he couldn't say it, which made him unable to express the pain.

How could he be the murderer who hurt Dad?

How can it be?

It must have been done by someone else.

However, looking at other candidates, this guy Bista is Dad's hardcore, and he performed extremely well in the video. It can't be him.

And Little Oz, with such a small wound, is almost like a toothpick to Little Oz, not worthy of it at all.

And Titch is advancing the city again, and there is no other candidate.

Could it be that it was really what he did... Scuardo's mentality collapsed, why did he hurt Dad? !


During the live broadcast, Marco and the others had no other answers to choose from, only Scuardo was a suspicious object.

In the absence of other clues, Marko gave the answer to Roque.

"The answer is correct." Luo Ke nodded.

Roque's answer made Scuardo, who was thousands of miles away, stay where he was.


It turned out that the traitor was really himself.

He couldn't believe his ears.

The people in the Whitebeard Pirates who thought the same way as Skuardo looked at Roque and wanted to know the reason from him.

Not just them, many people around the world want to know the answer.

Today, their eyes were opened. Among the pirates, the most loyal Whitebeard Pirates frequently exploded with thunder today. First, Tiki killed his brother for the fruit, and as a result, a more fierce one came here and killed his father directly.

Good guy, filial piety is still your filial piety from the Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard, why are you accepting your son? You are completely accepting enemies.

It is suggested to continue. I hope that one day I will receive a son who can kill you. The navy thinks so, and many pirates have the same idea.

As the saying goes, those who are good at swimmers drown, and those who like to take their sons die at the hands of their sons. There is nothing wrong with them.


Seeing everyone from the Whitebeard Pirates look over, Luo Ke understood their doubts and said casually:

"Scuardo was alienated by Akainu in the war on the top, and mistakenly thought that Whitebeard had made a deal with the Warring States, as long as he brought the Whitebeard Pirates to the Navy headquarters to die, and accompany the Warring States to perform a play to show the Navy Strength.


Sengoku will release Ace.

Originally, Scuardo didn't believe it, but Akainu believed that Ace was Roger's son, and Whitebeard made Ace his successor. Compared with Ace, everyone else was unimportant. Scuardo couldn't believe it.

And more importantly, Scuardo was once destroyed by the pirate king Roger. He had hatred for Roger, and Whitebeard deliberately concealed Ace's identity, which deepened Scuardo's suspicion. .

So Scuardo backstabbed Whitebeard at the beginning of the war on the top, piercing Whitebeard's chest with a knife.

Akainu's rebellion was successful, and Whitebeard was seriously injured, so he couldn't show his true strength in the top battle, which also laid the foundation for the failure of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It can be said that in this top war, the Whitebeard Pirates were crushed by the Navy from the beginning to the end in terms of ingenuity, and the Navy was played around by Blackbeard Tickey. The intelligence of the Whitebeard Pirates is all in it. On the head of Blackbeard, unfortunately this is a traitor.

As for Scuardo's serious injury to Whitebeard, Whitebeard didn't blame Scuardo. He knew that the other party was being plotted, and then he forgave him and forgave him. "

Akainu, Akainu, Akainu again!

In the whole war on the top, how many things do you have to do?

It was you who designed the assassination of Whitebeard, it was you who wounded Whitebeard, and it was you who killed Ace...

Why did you see that you were doing something during the entire top war? Are you finished?

The Whitebeard Pirates' hearts were filled with anger.

They just said, how could the people of their Whitebeard Pirates do such a thing, not everyone is Tiki.

It turned out that Akainu was behind the scenes.

Thinking of Akainu's revenge for killing Ace in the top battle, the entire Whitebeard Pirates immediately aroused public anger.

ps: The fourth update, uh, the editor said that the last update will be posted after 11:30, so the last chapter will be at this time, and those who go to bed early can wait until the next day to read it. Down.

Chapter 82

"Akainu, this **** fellow, don't die!"

"Why do these navies only think about intrigues and tricks all day long, they are no different from that guy Titch."

"No, there is still a difference. In terms of conspiracy and tricks, both Sengoku and Akainu have been played around by Titch."

"Don't these navies have any shame at all? It's obviously a frontal battle, and they always play these tricks. They don't even have the courage to face off with Dad. The so-called admiral, but that's all."

"Be careful with people from the navy in the future. Who knows what tricks these cunning guys will come up with."


The words of the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates spread all over the world with the live broadcast.

People who heard these words also really felt that the navy's strategy in this top war was really powerful. Although it sounds a little invincible, in dealing with pirates, morality is the greatest immorality.

But this also refreshed everyone's impression of the navy. For a long time, they thought that the navy was an upright pirate. After all, justice sounds quite positive.

But now it seems that people can't be seen, and the sea can't be measured. If people's justice is considered simple, then it's a fool.

The example of the Whitebeard Pirates is right in front of you.

As the people from the Whitebeard Pirates said, it is better to be careful, who knows what conspiracies they will come up with.

There's nothing wrong with the civilian side. Although I think it's a little disgraceful for the navy to win, but after all, it's on one side. It's fine to win.

On the other hand, the pirates have raised their vigilance in their hearts. These navies are too dark, and none of them can be put on the table. They accuse the current navy of not talking about martial arts at all, and doing sneak attacks and tricks.

He didn't even dare to fight in a dignified manner, he was getting more and more depraved.

This sea always speaks with its strength. If the navy goes on like this, it will die sooner or later.

Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku, Akainu and other admirals frowned when they listened to the curse of the Whitebeard Pirates, but the more angry the enemy was, the more victory they represented.

It's nothing, but it's annoying to smear the Navy in front of people all over the world.

And what makes Sengoku and Akainu even more unhappy is that they were played with applause by Tiki in the top war, which is the key to their anger.

Even this alone is enough to erase the navy's victory over the Whitebeard Pirates in the Battle of the Top.

Akainu: I wounded Whitebeard in the battle on the top.

Everyone: But you were used by Blackbeard as a gunman.

Akainu: I'm eyeing Ace, the son who killed Roger.

Everyone: But you were used by Blackbeard as a gunman.

Akainu: I defeated the Whitebeard Pirates at the top.

Everyone: But you were used by Blackbeard as a gunman.

Akainu:  …

The navy paid such a high price, and even the navy headquarters was beaten to pieces. As a result, Blackbeard Tickey took advantage of it and was completely manipulated by others. This is not a victory, it can be said to be a complete failure.

The faces of the navy are not good-looking. It can be said that in the normal battle, except for Blackbeard, they and the Whitebeard Pirates are all losers.


On the other side, Scuardo burst into tears when he knew the truth.

When he knew that Ace was Roger's son, he really complained about Whitebeard, but without Akainu's provocation, he didn't even want to betray Whitebeard.

However, after hearing Luo Ke say that he stabbed his father, his father gave him a hug and forgave him regardless of previous suspicions.

This made him both moved and hated his previous thoughts. If he hadn't complained, Akainu's plan would not have been successful.

Now that the truth has emerged, he feels that it is necessary to apologize to his father, and by the way, to settle his quarrel with Ace. No matter what happened in the past, now they are the sons of the white-bearded father, and this is the only important thing.

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