"Dad, Titch is gone!" Marco said with a somewhat ugly expression.

"We searched the cabin and couldn't find any trace of Titch." Joz frowned as well.

The words of Marco and Joz immediately caused bad thoughts to arise in the minds of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Saatchi's face was darker than ink.

Originally, he didn't want to believe that Tickey killed him anyway, but now Tickey ran away and disappeared without a trace at this critical moment. This side reflects that there must be a ghost inside!

Could it be really Titch?

Saatchi suddenly discovered a blind spot, that is, Shi Zang, who Titch left, did not hear the answer to the first question at all.

At that time, no one knew that the correct option was the fourth one.

However, Titch's face suddenly became ugly after hearing the option, and then he left in a hurry.

This means that he knew about it when he heard the option.

However, Titch hasn't killed him yet, so why do you know the answer?

A bold idea popped into Saatchi's mind.

That is to say, Titch was about to do this just now, but was interrupted by the live broadcast, so he understood that if there was no live broadcast interruption, then he would have killed himself.

So after hearing this answer, the thief left with a guilty conscience.

Why did Titch want to kill him?

Saatchi suddenly looked at the box he was holding, which contained the Devil Fruits harvested today.

Just now he was about to eat this fruit, and Titch was by his side.

Could it be that Titch killed him for this fruit? !

Thinking of this, Saatchi felt very sad, his brother of 20 years was not worth a Devil Fruit.

Titch's disappearance, coupled with the fact that he is now looking for a traitor, the two things added up, and it was no coincidence that everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates immediately realized this.

"No way, the traitor turned out to be Tiki?"

"Why did Titch do such a thing, is there some misunderstanding?"

"This fellow Titch!! I will never forgive him for daring to do such a thing."

"Hurry up and find this guy. In any case, this matter must be asked clearly! Dad and Saatchi are so good to him, why did he betray us!"

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates scattered in a hurry, and they all scattered to find the trace of Tiki.

Whitebeard's face was extremely serious, which had violated his bottom line.

Killing a brother and betraying the Whitebeard Pirates is an iron law that must not be violated on this ship.

In Whitebeard's mind, Tiki's smiling face appeared. He couldn't understand that it was Tiki who did such a thing. Why did he betray Whitebeard's pirate group? !

Soon Titch was found and captured.

Although the Moby Dick is big, it is only so big no matter how big it is. Now the Moby Dick is blocked by a barrier, and people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in.

And the people of the Whitebeard Pirates are very familiar with this ship, and they know almost every corner.

The whole group went to look for it, and after a while Tickey was found.

Tickey, who was brought back, was still wet.

It turned out that this guy thought that he would be found sooner or later when he stayed on the boat, so he dived directly into the sea, waiting for the end of the live broadcast to escape directly from the sea.

However, there are murlocs in their Whitebeard Pirates. Some people are looking for them on the boat, and some people are looking for them in the sea. No matter how well Tickey hides, he can't hide from the eyes of the murlocs in the sea.

After being discovered, Tickey didn't resist, so he surrendered obediently and was arrested.

He knew very well that no matter how much he resisted, he wouldn't be able to beat Whitebeard in his heyday, so it would be better to surrender before the situation got even worse.

Moreover, having been Whitebeard's son for more than 20 years, he is very clear about the character of this old man. Of course, he is also very clear about Whitebeard's weakness.

Whitebeard glanced at Titch with great disappointment, then looked at Roque and said:

"Answer: Marshall D. Teach."

"The answer is correct." Luo Ke readily affirmed.

However, this affirmation made Whitebeard angry and sad. He would rather the answer was wrong than see this scene happen.

Seeing Whitebeard's angry eyes, Titch immediately knelt down and said, "Dad, I was confused for a while.

I was blinded by lard, and I came up with this idea. Damn it, Saatchi, I'm sorry for you, I couldn't hold back my greed and wanted to do this kind of thing.

Dad, kill me, I committed such a crime, even if I die, I deserve it. I dare not ask for your forgiveness, but in the end, please allow me to call you Dad again. "

Titch burst into tears, and his face was full of remorse. Seeing the brothers who have been together all the time become like this, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates present looked sad.

Angry and disappointed with Titch.

They originally wanted to say something to Titch, but after hearing Titch's words, they couldn't say it. They could only look at Whitebeard and let him decide.

Whitebeard looked at Titch in disappointment, "Titch, I never thought it was you who did such a thing, how could you do such a thing to the brother on the boat?

Exactly why, what kind of blood feud do you and Saatchi have? You want to kill him, you are brothers for more than 20 years!

How can you let it go? ! "

Whitebeard covered his forehead with heartache. If he hadn't recovered his health now, he would have been so dizzy when he heard this.

Saatchi looked at Titch with an unbelievable and very painful look.

"Is it because of this? Are you going to kill me?"

Everyone looked over and saw the box that Saatchi was holding. The lid of the box was opened, revealing the Devil Fruit inside.

"Just for a Devil Fruit?" Saatchi asked.

"I was wrong, Saatchi, I was wrong, you can beat me up, you can do anything, as long as you can vent your anger," Teach said.

Saatchi looked at Titch with great disappointment. He didn't expect their brotherhood of more than 20 years to be broken because of a Devil Fruit.

"If you really want this devil fruit, tell me, can I not give it to you?

Why didn't you tell me first? "Saatchi hated that iron was not steel," said Saatchi.

Titch lowered his head and didn't speak, as if I was a sinner at your disposal.

Everyone looked at him, and for the sake of their decades-old brothers, they couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.

However, they didn't see Titch's head bowed, and after hearing their relaxed tone, a glimmer of success flashed in their eyes.

As a veteran of the Whitebeard Pirates, Titch is very aware of the atmosphere of this group. From the father to the crew, everyone attaches great importance to brotherhood.

That's why they were so angry at the betrayal between brothers that they couldn't tolerate it.

But the same is true, they can't be completely cruel to their brother.

Father Whitebeard is even more so, so Titch knew what he should do and what not to do the moment he was discovered.

Resistance will only make the father more angry, he just needs to play the role of his son well enough.

For a father, even a son who made a mistake is still a son.

In the final analysis, he was only malicious because of the treasure. He just made a mistake that all pirates would make.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of thing is an unforgivable felony, but among pirates, it is not a very serious matter.

The only serious thing to say is that he probably killed Thatch.

But now, he hasn't done anything yet!

How could the father kill another son with his own hands for the sake of a son who did not die.

This wave is called advancing by retreating.

Titch's lowered face, a sly light flashed in his eyes.

Whitebeard was heartbroken when he knew the reason. He didn't expect that it was because of this reason, that his son would fight against each other just because of a devil fruit.

The family relationship of the Whitebeard Pirates that he had worked hard to maintain for so many years was defeated in front of a Devil Fruit.

He looked at Titch who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were full of helplessness, anger, disappointment and sadness.

He didn't know what to do with Titch. Even if Titch did something to kill Thatch, he couldn't do anything to kill his son in the face of Titch's words of remorse.

Just let Joz tie up Titch, and think about what to do with this guy after the live broadcast is over.

Now so many people are watching, no matter how Tickey betrays the Whitebeard Pirates, it is also the family business of the Whitebeard Pirates.

No matter how hateful Titch is, he is also his son.

The ugliness of the family cannot be made public, and he can't do anything to kill his relatives righteously in front of outsiders.

This will only make loved ones hate haters.

Presumably, the guys who had a grudge with the Whitebeard Pirates or had grudges (Li's), are now watching his jokes.

Just as Whitebeard thought, Kaido, bigmom, Doflamingo... and even the navy are watching this family drama of the Brothers and Brothers being staged by the Whitebeard Pirates.

I didn't expect that Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, would not know how to deal with such a thing!

But this has nothing to do with them, they are comfortable eating melons.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who have always been famous for their brothers and sisters, finally broke out with brothers today.

The so-called unity of the Whitebeard Pirates is nothing but that.

The Navy Headquarters, Sengoku and other navies feel a little pity.

Unexpectedly, the Whitebeard Pirates actually produced Tiki, the second-fifth boy.

The so-called strongest fortress is also destroyed from the inside.

Originally, there were guys like Tiki, and they could destroy him from within the Whitebeard Pirates.

But now the traitor has been prosecuted.

Although they watched a good show, the ultimate beneficiary of this incident was the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates lost a potential time bomb altar because of this.


Others don't know what Tickey thinks. Roque already understood what the other party thinks when Tickey kneels down. This is the black-bearded Tickey who is known for his cunning, gambler and disguise. How could he surrender obediently? .

This guy is 100% acting for Whitebeard.

But this has nothing to do with Luo Ke, Whitebeard is soft-hearted, that's Whitebeard's business, he has already clarified everything, and Whitebeard can't be cruel, so this trouble will be borne by the Whitebeard Pirates themselves.

He is just a questioner with no emotion, only responsible for expounding the facts, causing influence, and harvesting energy.

ps: Second update.

Chapter 80

"The name of that devil fruit is the Dark Fruit. It has the ability to invalidate the abilities of other Devil Fruit users, absorb damage, and **** things into a black hole to compress and smash. It is a very terrifying fruit.

Tickey saw the appearance of this fruit from the Devil Fruit Book a long time ago, and has been waiting for the appearance of this fruit. He believes that only this fruit can support his dream.

He stayed in the Whitebeard Pirates for this purpose, and he believed that staying here had a better chance of encountering this fruit.

Titch is a gambler. He is betting on his luck whether he can meet this fruit. If he can't meet it in his life, then he will stay with the Whitebeard Pirates.

If it happens, then he will continue his ambitions, in fact, Tiki and Luffy, they both want to be the pirate king.

It can only be said that as a pirate, his luck is not too bad, but for your Whitebeard Pirates, your luck is not very good. "

After listening to Roque's words, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates finally understood why Titch would kill his brother for a mere Devil Fruit.

It turns out that this guy didn't have a temporary intention, but had a long-standing intention.

He had been eyeing this dark fruit for a long time. After waiting for more than 20 years, he finally got this fruit.

However, this fruit does not belong to him. Tiqi, who is anxious, does not want to miss this hard-won opportunity, so he kills and grabs the fruit.

Unexpectedly, Tickey, who they always thought was a simple and honest man, actually hides such a big ambition under this appearance.

One Piece? !

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