As soon as the live broadcast ended, Crick and his remaining men who were not hacked to death by Hawkeye rowed away in the boat without looking back.

In the end, Bharati, who seemed to be fighting again and again just now, was calmed down at once.

However, Barati's turmoil subsided, but Luffy's psychological turmoil did not.

He always remembered the scene in the video just now, where Ace was killed by Akainu in order to save him, where he stared at the sky helplessly.

Even if he was heartless when he saw this scene, he felt pain from the bottom of his heart, even if it hadn't happened yet.

So knowing that Klick and his gang left, he didn't even look at them. He no longer had the heart to care about these guys.

Luffy stood on the spot and thought for a long time, but after thinking about it, he couldn't come up with a solution.

It hasn't happened yet, he can't do anything now, and the guy named Whitebeard, the captain of Ace in the live broadcast, seems to be very angry after knowing this. He said that he would protect Ace and let the navy come to him.

So Luffy thinks about it and doesn't seem to have what he has to do now. It seems that all he can do now is to continue sailing, and then keep getting stronger.

When that day does come, he can help Ace.

ps: For the first update, ask for a monthly ticket for an evaluation ticket for flowers.

Chapter 46

I won't let that scene happen... Luffy thought to himself.

So Luffy, who woke up from his thoughts, went to invite Sanji to join his pirate group.

He is going to go out to sea, how could there be a lack of an excellent chef in the pirate group?

However, because of the interruption of the live broadcast, Sanji and Luffy did not defeat Klick together, and did not deepen the bond, which means that the relationship is not yet in place.

Sanji didn't agree to Luffy's invitation for a long time, but he couldn't stand Luffy's soft and hard bubbles, and Boss Zeff forced him away.

In the end, Sanji agreed to the request of the spaceship on the road, but it also caused them to waste a lot of time here.

After saying goodbye to all of Bharati, Luffy, Sanji and the others hurriedly chased after Zoro and Usopp who had left.

Just when Luffy and the others were chasing Zoro.

A lot of things happened in Cocosia Village.

First, Nami returned to the Dragon Park, and then watched the live broadcast with everyone from the Dragon Pirates.

The Evil Dragons didn't know Luffy yet, but Nami recognized it. I didn't expect this guy to be so big and strong.

She couldn't help but regret a little, maybe she should let him help her eliminate the dragon.

But it's too late to regret now.

But she was not discouraged by this. Fortunately, she still had a way to save her village. She had raised enough 93 million baileys, and she was still missing 7 million baileys, so she could save the village from the evil dragon. Buy it back, and then everyone will be free.

And while they were watching the live broadcast, an unexpected person appeared, and Zoro was caught by the murlocs.

Nami, who didn't want to see Zoro killed by a dragon, offered to take this person to herself.

At this time, the dragon didn't bother to care about Zoro, because he saw a human being that he hated extremely, Admiral Kizaru in the live broadcast.

At the beginning, it was this man who easily defeated him and took him into the push city, which left a great psychological shadow on him.

It was Kizaru who made him realize his weakness, so after he was released, he fled far away and came to this corner of the East China Sea to take revenge on mankind.

Although he said that when the dragon empire was established, he would return to the great route to show those human colors, but the slogan was just a slogan after all, it was used to unite the murloc compatriots and have a direction.

In fact, the dragons knew very well that their strength would never defeat the monkey-like navy.

So he stayed in the East China Sea for eight years. In the past eight years, apart from expanding his sphere of influence, collecting money, taking revenge on mankind, and eating, drinking, and having fun, he did nothing, let alone return to the great route.

After the evil dragon saw the strength of Admiral Akainu, Kiabou, Aokiji... these human powerhouses in the video, he realized this more deeply, they would never be able to defeat these monsters.

However, the more this is the case, the more he hates human beings. He hates not being able to avenge his anger on them, so he can only find some substitutes to vent his anger...

This anger reached its peak the moment he saw the monkey navy release water on the grandson of the navy hero!

The dragon's expression was distorted, and a huge roar came from his mouth: "Damn!!!"

He hates it so much!

It was obvious that these navies were merciless when they hunted down their murlocs. They killed his elder brother Tiger, and crushed him down and caught him.

However, when facing the grandson of the naval hero, he released water one by one, especially the monkey navy. He had experienced the strength of that guy. If he really wanted to do it, that kid would not be able to survive.

However, he was kicked to the safest place for treatment.

The dragon felt that he had been discriminated against and insulted. When these humans dealt with them, they said justice and showed no mercy, but when dealing with their own people, their hands softened.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! ! ! ! ...

The evil dragon was so angry that he wanted to kill at this moment!

At this time, the long-nosed pirate whose subordinates said that there are Song and Zoro together has now escaped to the Kokosia Village.

Hearing this, the corner of the dragon's mouth suddenly raised an evil smile, "Is it Kokosia Village? I just happen to have something to go there!"

Luo Ke saw all of this in his eyes. Just as he remembered, the dragon went to Hoksiah Village. In order not to implicate the villagers here, Usopp wanted to lead the dragon and his gang away.

However, it failed, and Usopp was caught.

However, when the dragon and the others brought Usopp back to the dragon park, they found that Zoro had killed all the murlocs left here. The angry dragon wanted to kill Usopp. Nami cleared the suspicion and asked Ying to pretend. Kill him, let him play dead, and save Usopp's life.

However, the Evil Dragon took out a treasure map, which recorded the address of Cocosia Village. Nami felt bad when she saw this map, because it was the map she drew to collect and redeem money from the village.

Nami hurriedly ran towards the village, but due to the changes brought about by the live broadcast, Nami came a little late, and Colonel Mouse had already arrived at Cocosia Village. When Nami arrived, Colonel Mouse had already asked his subordinates to hide Nami. Thirteen million Baileys were dug up.

She instantly realized that this was the master of the evil dragon. She ran back to question the evil dragon, but was mercilessly laughed at. Only then did she realize that the evil dragon never thought of letting her go.

She returned to Cocosia Village in despair. At this time, the people in the village also knew what happened. Nami's efforts over the years were all in vain, and the villagers in Cocosia Village were not willing to endure like this any longer.

No matter how Nami pretended to be strong and persuaded the villagers that she would raise another 100 million Bailey to buy back the village, don't do stupid things, just sacrifice in vain, she didn't want to see them and her mother Belmer being killed by the dragon kill.

But the villagers are no longer willing to let Nami suffer this kind of pain alone, and they want to fight to the death with the dragon gang.

Looking at the backs of the villagers who were determined to find the dragon, Nami sat helplessly on the ground, her face full of despair.

Who will save us?


At the same time, Luffy and Sanji, who were late at the seaside near Cocosia Village, also rushed over, and happened to bump into Usopp and Zoro who escaped. Luffy and the others also came from Usopp. Thorpe heard about Nami.

Just when they were filled with righteous indignation to defeat the Dragon Pirates.

Deep in the moon, in a dark room, the corner of Luo Ke's mouth slightly raised.

"Okay, the actors are here, it's time to start the second live broadcast."


ps: For the second update, ask for a monthly ticket for an evaluation ticket for flowers.

Chapter 47

Just when the Evil Dragon Pirates were aggressively trying to find Sauron who had killed his compatriots, the villagers of Cocosia Village were desperately trying to find the Evil Dragons, from Xin Xiaoqun 712205071


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Colonel Mouse was counting the Baileys captured from Nami, Nami was sitting on the ground helplessly calling for help, and Luffy and Zoro were running towards the Evil Dragon Park.

In the sky of Evil Dragon Park and Cocosia Village, an invisible barrier suddenly unfolded out of thin air.

Everyone saw a flash in front of their eyes. The Evil Dragon Pirates, Colonel Mouse and his navy, the villagers of Cocosia Village, and the Straw Hat Pirates all appeared out of thin air in Evil Dragon Park.

And all over the world, the last live broadcast is only a few hours away.

There were even some people who stayed where they were after the last live broadcast and discussed with their friends enthusiastically about the fact that Mi Xin did not move in the live broadcast just now.

At this moment, they were surprised to find that the mid-air image that appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air a few hours ago cracked again.

A black crack suddenly appeared and stretched out, turning into a screen that was the same as before.

However, at this time, there was no screen playing on it, so it was pitch black.

"What happened? What happened?"

"Could it be that the second quiz live broadcast is about to start?"

"Who is the one who answered the question this time?

Could it be me?

I want a life potion too! "


The Navy Headquarters, the Warring States period just finished dealing with the Whitebeard's attack on the Naval Branch of the New World, and suddenly got a report from his subordinates that the mysterious shady scene appeared again on the main square of the Headquarters.

Sengoku, who heard the news, couldn't even catch a break, so he rushed to the square immediately.

By the time he arrived, Garp, Aokiji, Akainu... and other senior naval officers were also present.

As for Yanape himself, he was kicked by Sengoku to the branch in the New World to deal with the funeral. There is no other reason, just because this guy is faster.

Everyone looked at the shady screen nervously, not knowing what would happen this time.

A few hours ago, the live broadcast broke out a war on the top. As a result, not only did Whitebeard, who was dying of old age, regain his youth, but also directly blew up Whitebeard, directly sinking a branch of the Navy!

Only the world where the navy was wounded appeared.

Unexpectedly, a few hours after the end of the live broadcast, a new live broadcast will start again. Do you want to hurry up?

I just hope that nothing bad for the Navy will happen in this live broadcast.


In the new world, the Whitebeard Pirates can be described as beaming and happy as a family.

Daddy Whitebeard has returned to his youth and his body has returned to his golden age. This is the best news for the Whitebeard Pirates.

As long as Dad is there, then their Whitebeard Pirates will be able to stand tall and not be afraid of anyone.

Not long ago, they sank the New World branch of the navy, greatly excited, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This is also an announcement to the navy and the world that the Whitebeard Pirates will not tolerate bullying!

After giving the navy a warning, the Whitebeard Pirates returned to their territory and started a banquet.

Today, such two happy things happened, it is not an exaggeration that they should celebrate for five days and five nights.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were in a very happy mood happily drank and celebrated on the Moby Dick.

Now that Whitebeard's body has recovered, he doesn't need any more drips, nor does he need to control the amount of alcohol he drinks. He also let go of drinking.

Everyone was elated.

But at this moment, the familiar black screen appeared in the mid-air of the Moby Dick. Could it be possible to answer the question again?

However, to their surprise, this time there was no enchantment they were familiar with.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates who didn't know what was going on looked at the black screen.

Such a scene happened all over the world, whether it was a commoner, aristocrat, or a big man in the world, all of them were brought to the spotlight by the sudden reappearance of the shady scene.

Just when everyone was watching, the black screen finally changed, and a different scene from the previous Moby Dick appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This is a very ornately decorated place, with villas, swimming pools, and a platform covered with stone tiles for sunbathing. It looks like a luxurious villa of some nobleman.

And there were quite a few people standing in this villa who seemed to be divided into three camps.

One side is a villager with a **** and a sickle, the other side is a navy in a blue and white uniform, and the other side is a murloc with a strange stature.

What made the Sengoku Garp of the Navy Headquarters and Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates shrink was that they saw a familiar face among the villagers.

This face is none other than Garp's grandson, Ace's younger brother, Dorag's son, Monkey D. Luffy.

"Luffy?!" Garp and Ace couldn't help shouting.

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