In other words, in the war on the top, not only Ace will die, but Dad may also die.

This is basically equivalent to destroying their Whitebeard Pirates!

Knowing that this kind of thing will happen in the future, how could everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates still be able to sit still.

Doing nothing means waiting to die... How could they just wait for all this to come!

Whitebeard was also very angry at this time, but he never thought that Akainu would dare to attack his beloved son.

And it killed Ace in this way.

When he saw that scene, the domineering arrogance on Whitebeard's body couldn't be restrained and exuded.

Damn it!

Akainu, right? I remember this hatred from Whitebeard!

Hearing the angry voices of his sons, Whitebeard said:

"calm down!

Now is not the time to say that. "

Whitebeard always remembers that they are now trapped and monitored. If they really want to take revenge on the Navy, it is not at this time.

The war between the Four Emperors and the Navy was no small matter.

Even if I know now that the Navy will take action against them, I can't talk about this kind of thing under their noses.

Whitebeard's words made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates realize their current situation and shut up.

Ace felt very guilty, "Father, it's all my fault. If this happens, I hope you..."

Whitebeard interrupted Ace's words, "Enough, Ace, I don't want to listen to the following words, you just need to remember, you are my son, we are your family, that's enough!"

"Dad is right. When the Whitebeard Pirates never admitted their counsel, if they dared to take action against our people, they had to show them color."

The crowd said immediately.

Marco analyzed: "But in my opinion, there are two very strange places in this image."

Whitebeard looked at Marko and asked, "Marko, tell me."

"The first point is why Ace was captured. I remember that Ace was locked up in the Push City for a period of time after he was captured, and then the navy announced that there would be a public execution.

If Ace was caught under our noses, we would never have given them so much time to prepare.

So Ace probably left the pirate group alone and was accidentally caught by the navy. ' said Marco, his chin twitching.

"Why did Ace leave alone, this is a weird place.

There is a second point, why did Dad suddenly suffer serious injuries? If Dad hadn't been seriously injured, I believe Akainu wouldn't be able to hurt Dad at all.

If this is the case, then the whole situation of the top war will inevitably be reversed, and Akainu will not have the opportunity to chase and kill Ace. This is the key to our disadvantageous situation.

What happened in places we didn't see, this is the second weird place.

As long as these two points are clear, I believe that we will never become what we are in the image. "Marko said seriously.

After hearing Marco's analysis, everyone also felt the strangeness in it.

Their Whitebeard Pirates are generally group activities. No matter how they act alone, if it is a more dangerous mission, they will be carried out by multiple people. It is strange that Ace is alone.

But they couldn't guess why Ace left alone.

The second point made them more concerned, because they believed that Dad and any admiral would not lose, let alone be severely injured, and the injury was clearly a penetrating injury of a sword.

In the video, none of the three generals fought with Dad at the same time. In the battle, Aokiji was dragged by Joz, Kizaru and Marco were fighting, and the other Hawkeye with a knife was also fighting with Foil Bees. Towers are fighting.

They really don't understand, who can cause such a wound to Dad, and Akainu made it clear that he was fighting with lava, and he used Dad's injury to cause secondary damage after the wound had already appeared.

Could it be that the navy still has an unknown secret killer?

Everyone was puzzled.

In the same way, the conversation of Whitebeard and the others also fell into the ears of people all over the world.

Shortly after the video ended, the live broadcast around the world switched to the Moby Dick.

A group of navies in the naval headquarters are also thinking about the two strange places that Marko said.

All the navies turned their attention to Marshal Warring States. Since it is the top war led by Marshal Warring States, if there is any secret killer, then Marshal Warring States should know better.

However, the Warring States period was also at a loss at this time.

Is there any secret killer in the navy?

ps: Fifth, ask for flowers and ask for a monthly ticket for evaluation.

Chapter 38

Uh...the pacifists should be counted as one, but their performance has been shown in the video, and they are more than enough. It is impossible to hurt Whitebeard.

In addition, the only people who can come in handy are the lieutenant generals and generals of the headquarters.

Could it be that apart from the three generals among them, they could actually hurt the existence of Whitebeard?

Warring States' eyes swept across the elite lieutenant generals in the headquarters, and they also looked at me, you looked at me.

Many of the lieutenant generals in this department used swords. They were not sure who injured Whitebeard, but they were very unsure that they could hurt Whitebeard, so the scene was deadlocked.

Although I don't know who it is, what Sengoku is more worried about is how Whitebeard will react now that he knows all this.

Right now, the Whitebeard Pirates are furious, and it seems they won't give up easily.

If this is not done well, there may be an early battle against the top.

Thinking of this, the Warring States period is a bit of a headache. If there is such a hurry to come to a top war, it will be troublesome.

In the video, the battle at the top can cause the Whitebeard Pirates to lose their vitality and almost wipe out the entire army. That's because the navy has the advantage of the time and place, and Ace is in his hands, making Whitebeard not dare to act rashly.

However, now that he has very few chips in his hand, rushing to start a war will definitely be detrimental to them.

We have to prepare early to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates from attacking.

Thinking of this, the Warring States immediately ordered to closely monitor the movements of the sea, especially the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Just as Kaido, Bigmom and others were amazed that the hidden strength of the navy was more terrifying than they thought, even men like Whitebeard could be injured, and they did not rely on the three generals to do so.

Sure enough, the Navy Headquarters is not easy to mess with, so we have to be careful in the future to avoid getting caught.

Marco's analysis was right on Whitebeard's arms, and he also realized that if it wasn't for the inexplicably serious injury in the video, Akainu would not be able to be so arrogant in front of him.

There must be something strange at this point.

As for Ace... Whitebeard looked at Ace, "Ace, don't leave my side during this time. I want to see how these navies are going to capture you."

Whitebeard raised his head and glanced around, and said loudly, "Warring States, don't play those despicable tricks with Lao Tzu, if you really want to exterminate my Whitebeard, then come and fight in an upright manner and take my son as a hostage. What a hero.

You are also worthy of being called justice? ! "

"he~tui~" The others spit in cooperation, expressing disdain.

Warring States and the others looked at Whitebeard's provocation with a livid face, because this was not a provocation to him, but to show people all over the world.

Now Whitebeard is acting so dignified.

If he really captured Ace to blackmail Whitebeard later, then people all over the world would feel contempt for the actions of their navy.

"This bastard..." Warring States said bitterly, Whitebeard actually used this method to force them to submit, what a cunning bastard.

But now that the microphone is on Whitebeard's side, they don't even have a chance to refute.

Now they can only let Whitebeard wantonly break the black water for them.

But after thinking about it, it is basically impossible for them to catch Ace. Once the conspiracy is exposed, it will be as fragile as paper and vulnerable to a single blow, so Warring States never thought of repeating the old tricks, but he has to worry about Whitebeard. side counterattack.

After all, if you know that the other party will attack you, who will sit still and do it first is the thinking logic of these pirates.


Just after Whitebeard expressed his disdain for the Warring States, the stagnant picture on the Moby Dick changed a bit.

The screen switched to the mysterious man from before.

It was still the familiar dark background, and the familiar mysterious man. He couldn't see his face clearly, and his entire face was hidden in the shadows.

Seeing Luo Ke's appearance, Ace couldn't help but ask:

"What about the back part of the image just now?

Is Luffy okay?

Dad, how is he?

Who was the father who injured me, and why was I caught by the navy? "

Ace's question, crackling like a machine gun, rushed towards Roque in an instant.

But this is also what the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy, and the general audience watching the live broadcast want to know.

However, Luo Ke did not answer their questions.

"I can't comment on what you asked, but you can guess their ending."

Luo Ke's silence made them angry, but they were helpless.

Because they didn't even know who Luo Ke was, where he was, or what he looked like, and there was nothing they could do about him.

"But..." Luo Ke's words changed.

ps: Sixth more, ask for flowers and ask for a monthly ticket for evaluation.

Chapter 39

This, however, caught everyone's attention.

"But what?" Ace asked.

"However, you may encounter these things in future answers, so don't be impatient.

I have prepared many, many interesting questions for you, waiting for you to answer. Of course, you are not just the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And for everyone before the live broadcast, the lucky ones who are selected will be able to participate in the live broadcast of the answering questions, and they will get rich rewards if they answer correctly. "

"Wait, you said that the answer in the future means that this kind of answer will appear again today?" Marko asked.

"Of course, how can something so interesting happen only once?

Then who will answer the question next time, and what will be the question?

let us wait and see. "Luo Ke smiled mysteriously.

"Can't we just continue to answer the question?" Ace asked anxiously. This matter was related to the survival of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he had to be anxious.

"No, I'm tired today, so let's go here, there will be opportunities in the future.

Now, congratulations again to everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates who successfully answered the five questions correctly. According to the agreement, you can get rewards for answering these five questions correctly. "

Ace wanted to say something, but was stopped by Marco. He shook his head. Although the other party's attitude was very kind just now, don't forget how the mysterious man treated him before.

This is not a good-natured person. If you want to evaluate it, casualness, bad taste and arrogance give them a feeling that they are not taken seriously from the beginning to the end.

This live broadcast is not so much about answering questions, but rather a game of fun for the other party.

Such a dangerous and mysterious guy, they had to deal with it carefully.

As soon as the word reward came out, people all over the world were immediately attracted by this mysterious reward.

From the very beginning of answering the questions, they heard Luo Ke talking about the reward, the reward, but they never knew what the reward was.

But now that the other party really wants to come up with a reward, they are all aroused by curiosity.

What exactly will you bring out?

Sengoku, Karp, Akainu, Kaido, bigmom, Doflamingo... All over the world, both big and ordinary people are appetizing enough by this so-called reward, and they all cast curious glances.

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