In the Roaring Restaurant that Cecilia was referring to just now, Jiang Qi held his face with both hands, looked at Cecilia who was chewing slowly and eating the food, and smiled slightly.

Eyes closed slightly, entered the chat group, I haven’t been to the group for nearly a day, and I don’t know if there are any interesting things on their side now.

Moreover, I also have something to find someone to help me with, and only people in the group can help me in this matter.

Meili iron fan: “The first day the group owner disappeared, I missed him”

Slime: “The group owner has disappeared since the incident at noon yesterday, and I don’t know what to do.”

It’s not a waste angel: “Maybe it’s playing a game”

Asuna: “I don’t think the group leader should be the same as Miss Jia Baili”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “I feel the same way as Asuna about this”

Meili Iron Fan: “That may be in… Chatting with online influencers? ”

Sophie: “Isn’t this the doctor yourself?” You seem to be the only one in the group.”

Flame Lingji: “A character like the Lord of the Group should be busy every day, and he is usually quite busy”

Princess of the Moon: “Didn’t I say, Flame Spirit Ji, the group of lords take care of all opportunities?” It’s good that he didn’t fish all day”

Jiang Qi: “…”

Traveler: “This…”

[The Princess of the Moon withdrew a chat message].

Flame Lingji: “Lord of the group, are you just busy?” ”

Princess of the Moon: “Oh, group master, the concubine found that you are a little more handsome than yesterday”

It’s not a waste angel: “You really refreshed my understanding of the lower limit of human beings”

Slime: “Is this talking nonsense with your eyes open?” learned”

Jiang Qi: “In that case, lend me 100 dimensional points, there is no money”

That’s right, when Jiang Qi was ordering food just now, he suddenly found that he had lost all his money.

And Cecilia obviously won’t bring money, which leads to a very embarrassing thing, she may have to eat the overlord meal

In front of a girl, if she can’t even pay for a meal, whether she cares or not, she can’t accept it anyway.

Meili Iron Fan: “??? ”

Meili Iron Fan: “When I put a question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but that you have a problem, @Jiang Qi”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Group Lord, you this…”

Asuna: “I didn’t expect the group owner to encounter such difficulties.”

Slime: “Well, I don’t know how to express my feelings.”

Flame Lingji: “? ”

Traveler: “I have a few rough fragments here, do you want it?” @Jiangqi”

The other people in the group are a little unbelievable, the reason why Jiang Qi actually came to the group is to borrow money from Penglai Mountain Kaguya?

But…… Jiang Qi seems to have never said what his family conditions are, so in fact, to borrow money, it is not incomprehensible, it is too surprising.

Ying, on the other hand, looked at a few rough fragments in his backpack, and then looked at the darker in his hand, and asked in the group.

After using it a few times, Ying found that this Darker was indeed very good, quite suitable for himself, and much easier to use than the previous weapon.

Although it seems that it is about to be bought in the group, it is also given to him by Jiang Qi, it is his intention, and now that he has encountered difficulties, Ying also wants to help.

Princess of the Moon: “Group master, you underestimate the concubine body, 100 dimensional points, you also open the exit?” ”

Jiang Qi: “Then 1000, when there is a task another day, I will return you”

It’s not a waste angel: “In other words, I also participated in the mission last time, group master, have you forgotten?” ”

Jiang Qi: “You haven’t actually exchanged all the dimensional points for money to krypton gold??? ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Poof, sorry, Jia Baili, I really didn’t hold back”

Meili iron fan: “It seems that the group owner knows Jiabaili’s habits very well”

Slime: “But the princess of the moon, isn’t she also an otaku girl?” How do you know she hasn’t run out yet? ”

Jiang Qi: “Nonsense, people’s families are not bad money, they all say that they are princesses, will they be bad money?” Do you think that everyone like Jia Baili will be cheated of money by those heavy krypton game pits? ”

Asuna: “This…”

It’s not a waste angel: “I feel offended”

Princess of the Moon: “Okay, okay, group master, I’ll send you a red envelope”

Indeed, since completing the task in the world of the Four Palaces Kaguya last time, Penglai Mountain Kaguya has not touched the dimensional point.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to use it, it’s just that those things in the mall today either can’t afford it or can’t look at it.

As a princess in the moon capital, an immortal with the body of Penglai, if nothing else, the last thing he lacks is money, and naturally he will not exchange precious dimensional points for money.

[The Princess of the Moon sent an exclusive red envelope].

After Jiang Qi quickly received the red envelope, his dimensional point balance increased by a thousand points, which surprised him a little.

But if you think about it carefully, you can also understand that Penglai Mountain Kaguya itself has the power to manipulate Xu Yu and eternity, and there are many things in the mall that she can’t look at.

Jiang Qi: “@Princess of the Moon, if the people on the Moon Capital find you and want to arrest you, tell me, I will help you cripple them all”

Meili iron fan: “How can there be a feeling that the group owner only needs to give him money, and he will do anything”

Slime: “Actually, this is normal, a thousand dimensional points, but you can do a lot of things”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “As far as I’m curious, what is the purpose of the group master borrowing dimensional points?” ”

Sophie: “Miss Shinomiya, you found a blind spot”

Asuna: “I remember that the strength of the group leader is quite strong, even if he encounters a strong enemy who can’t be beaten, a thousand dimensional points can’t let him defeat the enemy”

It’s not a waste angel: “It may be that you need krypton gold to play games”

Princess of the Moon: “I can’t say that, maybe the group leader found us a group lord’s wife?” ”

Traveler: “…”

Meili iron fan: “I think this is impossible, with the personality of the group leader, I will not go to find a girlfriend now”

Asuna: “Doctor, do you know the group leader so well?” ”

Meili Fan: “No, it’s just my gut feeling”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Actually, I think that the words of the Princess of the Moon have a certain possibility”

Sophie: “The age of the group leader, in the age of human beings, is exactly the age of youth”

Jiang Qi: “…”

Should I say that I am worthy of being a girl? This intuition is indeed quite accurate, and I actually guessed the purpose of borrowing dimensional points with such a loss.

However, he and Cecilia have not reached this level, and now, they are not even friends.

The main thing is that eating with girls, but you can’t even pay for the meal, this is too shameful.

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