"The "Man" Matches Her to Become a Group Favorite" Author: Guan Xianjun



    And the character is a gentle senior, paranoid blackened, beaten up by other male protagonists, and ended miserably.

    Among the four "princes" of the noble academy, those who are chasing poor, kind and good girls, in addition to her lonely and melancholy fake man "His Royal Highness", there are also—

    Crazy cool tyrants, the one-of-a-kind "His Royal Highness Ao";

    Elegant, gorgeous and suave "His Royal Highness";

    The taciturn and forceful "War Highness".

    Yu Qiuran: ... Since ancient times, there have been many gentlemen and two men, and I have no interest in engaging with Ji. Brother dei, I will take the time to retire and say goodbye!

    After she enjoyed the quiet (not) campus life of a school celebration with kidnappers, the society was forced to highlight, the Qixi Festival fire rescued people, and she was often trapped in the Shura field... After she found out—

    The elegant flower of Her Royal Highness quietly learns to make all kinds of snacks, washes her hands and makes soup every day;

    His Royal Highness the iceberg shoveled **** hard and kept a litter of small animals for her to enjoy;

    The domineering Highness Ao carefully sticks to her, almost obeying her words.

    Why is it a reward for such a preference, just when she is struggling with which little friend to help in the upper position,

    System: Get up and running! The heroine has the highest affection for you!

    Yu Qiuran, who has no love for her: I'm so angry, but I still have to keep a melancholy smile!


    Content Tags

    Search Keywords: Protagonist: Yu Qiuran ┃Supporting Role: ┃Others:

    One sentence introduction: school group pet life of women disguised as men

    Intention: Youth intertwined with friendship and love

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