109 – Watching Movies

“Yes, please wrap it nicely.”

“Did you choose that?”

“Still, I thought this would suit me the best. Now, let’s go somewhere to rest until we see a movie.”


The long shopping trip has finally come to an end.

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I think I just need to spend a little time until I meet Ari. Because there is less than an hour left.

“Are you done shopping?”

“You bought everything? Sister, do you have anything else to buy?”

“No, men like to shop a lot. I think it ended early.”

“I’m already exhausted. I’ve been walking around like this because it was a gift for my girlfriend, but I’m powerless now.”

Sounds terrible.

I don’t feel sorry for the time and effort she spent for Ari, but if it’s not for Ari, there’s no reason for her to do more shopping.

Men, that is to say, among the men of the previous world, I think there must have been quite a few people who enjoyed shopping.

But at least I wasn’t that kind of person.

In the first place, there was no money to spend on the act of shopping.

The only shopping that a real man like me enjoys is grocery shopping.

“It’s unique.”

“Tell me it’s a good habit. I don’t think you’re going to enjoy shopping too, right?”

“Well, that’s right.”

If you analyze the information about Joo Ah-hyun that you have seen so far, it is an easy conclusion to draw.

Because he’s the type of person who would say that he would save the time he would spend shopping and use it for exercise.

I told you to see me early today, but he said he woke up early in the morning, did a bare-body workout at home, and worked out more at the local gym as soon as it opened.

Um. I also can’t understand


“It’s better to spend time shopping for self-improvement. It’s really… I don’t get it.”

“Uh…. Honestly… it is.”

As expected, what came back was an affirmative answer.

“Sometimes you see people like that. They make their girlfriends carry their bags and shop for hours. I really don’t understand. What are they doing?”

“As if you were enslaving your lover…”

“That. Um. Wouldn’t it be love? It’s my personal opinion.”

As I expressed my opinion in that way, I walked to a place where I could rest.

There was a moment when the middle sister’s answer was a bit awkward……. Well, it must have been because of my mood.


“Ariya, this… I don’t think I’ve done much for you.”

Yuhani said that and handed over a small box from his pocket.

Inside it was a hairpin with a slightly sharp design.

An indescribable sense of happiness came over me.

“You say there’s nothing you’ve done for me… Thank you so much…!”

I didn’t do anything. Who was it that saved me when I was about to live with him for the rest of my life?

If it wasn’t for you, I would still have listened to his complaints and complaints.

A lot has changed since I met Yoo Han, but to be honest, everything was fine for me. I think it was all a positive change.

Yoohan seems to be too humble in this respect.

Of course, that is also his charm.

Ear piercings, dyed hair, and even this hairpin are all parts that reflect Yuhani’s taste, and I feel happy that they are gradually becoming colored with Yuhani’s color.

I am so happy that the image of me dating that person is slowly disappearing.

A woman stood awkwardly behind Yuhan.

The person I just met for the first time, Yuhani’s new editor. His name is Joo Ah-hyun.

I think that person may have helped in some way to buy this gift.

Both Yuhan and I come out much earlier than the scheduled time, but the two of us were already together when I arrived.

If you look at the situation before and after, it’s a rough idea.

Since Yuhani said that he had ‘picked it himself’, he probably wouldn’t have been of much help, but to some extent.

In fact, someone could say that.

It’s like asking if you’re not offended by the fact that you bought a present for your girlfriend while you were with another woman.

No, I think a lot of people would say that.

Still…… What am i?

I know that Yuhani has been wanting a harem since before he met me, and I also know that, judging from Yuhani’s usual behavior, women will continue to seduce me.

And I also know that Yuhan gave up Harem because of me.

I’m already very happy, but it’s not at all happy that Yuhan’s greater happiness is blocked because of me.

Um. In fact, this kind of thought is likely to happen whenever there is a certain atmosphere between Yoo Han-yi and Joo Ah-hyun, the editor, but…….

Still. Because Yuhan has an atmosphere that seems to be bewitching.

If that person continues to get entangled with Yuhan, I think that relationship will soon change.

If that person is not someone who will harm Yuhan.

I am ready to accept anytime.


The first movie theater I saw in my life was quite shocking.

Noisy movie commercials on the big screen, movie posters everywhere, and even the smell of popcorn.

A little while ago, when I heard that Ahyeon noona was going to the cinema for the first time, she made a surprised expression…….

Well, in fact, what should I do about that? I mean, I had my own personal circumstances.

“Yoo Han-ah, is there a movie you want to see? I decided with the editor in advance.”

“Uh… I don’t have anything specific. It would have been perfect if there was noir.”

I answered Ari’s question like that.

Actually, there are quite a few movies that are being screened, and I checked out several of them yesterday.

Hero movies aren’t to my taste at all, and romance movies…… It didn’t look too funny.

I didn’t want to see romance as a movie. Romance in front of Seong Yoo-han, a love master.

“Was that your taste?”

“It’s fun to see gangsters. Knives come out and punches come out.”

“It’s unique.”

“It’s the right taste.”

“hehehe. That’s fun.”

As expected, I chose one editor well. I know what’s fun. I have the same taste as the boss.

We’re always bickering, but in a place like this, we get along well.

Women gangsters fight in the world of noir, right?


It might be worth looking for at home. I think it’s very strange.

“Ariya, what genre do you like?”

“Ah… That’s…”

Ari slightly stretched her words.

“I’m looking for art films rather than genres…”

He gave an elegant answer.

I don’t know if I see it by chance, but I’m looking for it myself. Unusual tastes.

Anyway, Ari told me to pick whatever I wanted since there aren’t any movies like that here anyway.

Ahyeonie noona, who says she doesn’t choose a particular genre, also agreed with that opinion.

If you choose to filter after considering various factors……. What remains…….

“That. How about a horror movie?”

“Ugh, huh?”


Then there was a moment of silence.

The reaction is unclear.

No, rather than being suspicious, isn’t it just that you don’t like this?

“Ah… Doesn’t everyone hate horror movies? Then something else…”

“Uh… I’m fine, Yuhan!”

“Huh? Really?”

“Yeah! I really like that…!”

A suspicious tone no matter how you look at it.

Actually, I’m a person who isn’t inspired by ghosts, but I chose it because I thought it looked better than others.

Is this okay?

Look at the side.


“Sister… Are you okay…? Even though sister hates bugs.”

“Hey! That’s different!”

I don’t think it’s that different.

Well, I have no intention of looking at things that other people don’t like.

By the way.

“Huh. Let’s just choose something else…”

“Hey, let’s just watch a horror movie.”

“I think it’s good, Yuhan.”

Why are these people doing this? Did I misjudge?

Do you actually like horror movies?

“No, are you okay? You look like a b*tch.”

“Sir… You can’t even fight…”

“Are you arguing with a man over something like that?”

“This is going crazy.”

“Ah, you? Really see that? Are you okay?”

“Me, I’m fine! I like it!”

“I can’t see it, so I’m not forced to do it? I’d like to see something else.”

“Really good! Really good…!”

I don’t think so.

But I don’t feel like I’ll listen to it even if I ask to see it.

Um……. They say so, but you just have to believe it.

I need to go get some popcorn.


Eight men and women visit a closed psychiatric hospital for experiencing courage.

Somehow they split into two groups.

For unknown reasons, strange things happen when people disappear one by one…….

I know that these words are bad, but…… , Shouldn’t those people really go to a mental hospital?

Why on earth would you go to a place like that yourself?

I can’t really calm down, but I can’t show it.

There is Yuhan right next to me, but I don’t want to show him that way.

Of course we feel like the genders have been reversed…… I’m a lover with a unique feeling, and I know that Yuhan likes and gets excited when I show a manly side.

I didn’t have any complaints about that kind of relationship either…….

Still, as a woman, I didn’t want to be seen shivering in a horror movie in front of her boyfriend.

I agreed to a horror movie today because I wanted to show Yuhan a little better, but now I can’t.

Also, while I was confident that I would make Yuhan happy, I think I would be too ashamed personally if I showed myself in such a poor way now…….

I stretched out my arm toward Yuhani.

Yuhan was holding the popcorn for the two of us, but I thought it would be better to eat at least that now.

I thought it would be better to endure the movie if I had something in my mouth.

But when I stretched out my arm, something else touched the tip of my finger. It is probably Yuhani’s arm.

Looking at the momentary flinching sensation, it seems that he is also nervous.

At the beginning of the movie, even though there was a scary scene, he laughed and unexpectedly showed a manly side.

I wanted to show a bit of a womanly side, so I reached out and grabbed Yuhani’s arm…….


Isn’t Yuhan supposed to have such thin arms? You must be thicker than me

It seems to have a warm feeling…… ?

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I feel anxious. I feel very insecure. Cold sweat seems to flow from my back.

Sensations felt instinctively.

Why? What?

When I slowly turn my head, Yuhan looks at me with a strange expression and then smiles.

I usually feel warmth from a similar smile, but now it feels very different.

When I close my eyes…….

Why is Yuhan’s arm over there?

I’m sitting on Yuhan’s right side, so I should have held his right arm in my hand.

I felt some strange hardness in his hand.

The texture of the object that I thought was Yuhani’s arm has changed.

I lowered my eyes there. My head seems to have already come to a conclusion, but please, I hope it’s not what I think.

Of course, that didn’t happen.

In my eyes…… My hand is Yuhani’s…… The figure came in holding his thigh.

The position of the hand was obviously the thigh, but…….

I know that Yuhan always pushes his big ‘it’ to one side.


I felt a bigger shock than when I saw the scary scene earlier and tried to take my hand away, but Yuhan’s arm grabbed my hand and sent it back to where it was before.

“U, Yuhan…!”

I tried talking to Yuhan in a small voice, but Yuhan ignored it and put his mouth in my ear.

And then.

“Arya, are you going to keep making me mad?”

I brought out shocking words.

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