I greeted General Farnese on his return.

But he wants me to come right away because Melvis is calling me.

It's another call.

Or me, while Melvis was fighting the inhabitants of heaven, I'd been abandoned for a long time, but you don't think I'm dead with that... or so I put it between the thrones.

Signs loom from left to right. But I can't see.

(Faster on the left!

I kick right at the same time.

There were signs that something blew up, along with the voice "What?"

Soon an attack will also come from your right hand.

Keep one leg up, so roll aside.

- Zashu.

There was a deep cut in the floor.

You're gonna kill me, aren't you?

Then I'll fight back the right way.

Apply physical strengthening to target the area around the head.


My body was stiff.

I know Melvis put a magic vegetable on his voice, but his body still moans. Scary. Yeah.

"" Yes ""

I heard an honest voice and the two signs went down.

It was Zicke and Manny who attacked me.

They're near Melvis, the Eternal Invisible.

So I can't see, and I can't even grasp the signs.

I could only feel faint signs before, but now I know because my ability to read magic vegetables is back, or even signs of coming.

"I found out."

"You found out."

"I knew it."

"I knew it."

Just to make sure, you attacked me.

As always, they don't know why.

"Dear Melvis, it's Golan. I'm on my way now."

Drop your head in front of Melvis.

"Hmmm... quick, but interrogated the heavenly people"

That's fast. No, we're not talking about interrogation, we're getting down to business.

More like this, chatting... I couldn't think of the sight of you chatting with Melvis.

That's not to say, you don't shake a public tale from me.

"It seems that this invasion was led by the Enra Institution and joined by many institutions"

What Melvis did would be torture in the name of interrogation......

He seems to possess as much magic as it is dedicated to.

There seems to be a wide variety of things Melvis has heard.

How many interrogations did you make?

To sum it up briefly, it seems that in heaven, each force shredded its bamboo and the Enra Institution won.

They say the Enra Institution got the best land.

The best land in heaven is a place rich in holiness and prone to holes in the demonic realm.

Why the place is good, because you can get demon stones with less force.

Demon Stone is the orb of dominion that we have in our bodies.

When people say it's easy to get something, it makes me feel complicated.

The Enra Institution, which housed several organizations under its control, launched into a massive demonic incursion.

The reason is to build a cloth stone to go to the world.

Apparently, due to the inability of the inhabitants of the heavens to go to the human world, they are unable to secure enough sanctity.

Yamato negatives may also be working.

And the heavens are no longer poor.

As it is, one day the holy spirit will be exhausted.

or so, each institution does not stop researching, and there is no talk of saving holy chi.

Let's do something about it before we can't even go if we want to go to the world.

Isn't this your last chance? All in all, they went in to prep under it.

I also found the heavens quite stuffed with cutting feathers.

Okay, so what they do in the demon world, so does the Demon Stone Gathering, but the main thing that seemed to be the "only success story" search that had previously been reported.

Because they found me in Tralzard territory.

Speaking of which, some enemies are fleeing back then.

There are success stories in the demonic world, so let's secure them.

Looks like that's what I wanted to search for.

"What are we going to do, find out?

That's strange. What's it worth to me?

"I hear my soul understands how to get to the world"


That experiment.

They chose "a completely unpurified soul" in the underworld and stuck it together.

It was "me" soul that originated, and it was "me" soul that stuck together.

Speaking of which, I still have memories of my previous life.

It's not purified at all, so it's obvious.

"It seems that when the self merges the remaining soul, the original soul rejects it"

"... maybe"

You've been safe, me.

"They say it's impossible, except for too similar a soul. Except for the twins of the soul."


"Me" and "me" were twins? Though it means soul.

I'm intelligent and intelligent? I'm a gentleman, right? Hmm, that's impossible.

"If that uncleaned soul remembers how to get out of the underworld," he said.


What the hell is that? Do you remember your soul?

You mean I remember.

……………… no, wait.

Why was I reincarnated into the world?

Even though flesh and soul are connected.

Moreover, to get out of the underworld, it is conditional upon the soul being completely purified.

How much "ole" soul has been purified that "besides" makes me get out of the underworld?

It's weird when you think about it.

Why were you... out of the underworld then?

When I thought about it, I felt like I was shot by lightning.

"I remember...... yes or no"

Way out of the underworld...... I was unconscious but I got none.

Exactly. I remembered.

Where and what to do, my soul understood.

Dead in the world, I fell into the underworld.

I remember the procedure.

That's why I was reincarnated from the underworld to the world.

Whatever it is, I remember, remember, remember.

Normally, the soul is completely purified, so that information disappears beautifully and refreshingly.

But I remember only me.

And I get it.

Because "I" left, "I" could be reincarnated.

"Oh well... Did you"

I remember everything.

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