Though unusual hunger is gone, meals are the capital of the body.

If you don't eat it when you can, you'll regret it. I don't know when there's a call, especially now.

"Dad, I'd like something to accumulate in my stomach, but what do you have?

"Heh. Then I'd like some meat. There's a buffalo, but is it easy to bake?

If you're not a buffalo or a swordsman, you're not a wild cow. No, it's wild.

Pretty fierce cow, strong enough to skewer together if about goblin.

You should imagine making American Buffalo several times bigger and more ferocious.

Just hunting is hard work. I can be a big fan, by the way.

"That sounds like it. Around three..."

"Hey, bring your usual"


Nothing, I'm not short tempered by that.

I am patient about myself.

But I guess I can have one or so of my apologies.

"Sumiya-san. As I said this morning, it's out of stock."

"I told you I was ready!

"I don't have a city today. I have it the day after tomorrow."

Apparently, my favorite ingredient ran out. As is often the case.

Involved in Inn's father were the Minotaur tribes.

Top race featuring both arms of a hairy twinkle on a big body.

The underworld monkey tribe is the evolutionary system of the giant monkey tribe.

Even that giant monkey clan can be the superior species of the Raptor Monkey (eh) clan.

You can't get involved with the owner of an inn like this.

"I've been waiting in my room all this time, and I'm angry. Run around town. But get it! Or I'll twist that neck off."

As much as I would screw my neck off, the more the Underworld Monkeys would do it, the easier it would be.

Inn's father is shaking too.

This underworld monkey tribe, it doesn't seem to be a resident of this country in the first place.

Has it come as a merchant's escort?

"Sorry, just go..."

I stopped my father from trying to leave.

"Why are you interrupting?!?

The attention of the underworld monkeys turned to me.

"Isn't that just past me? I know you're angry, but it's not a good idea to spread it among the weak."

"Are you preaching without telling me? Not your mouth, come with your fists!

What, you okay?

I grabbed the back of my opponent's neck with my left hand, fixed it so his body wouldn't move, and then hit him in the stomach with my right hand.

It's commonly known as belly bread.

You've been figuring out how to use your body lately, right before my fist hit your belly, a shock wave occurred.

Sonic boom? Hey, did you overspeed the sound?

I would otherwise fly through the inn and say "Bye Bye Bye Bye Ohn," but I hold on to the medulla oblongata, so that's not it.

Instead, my neck went against my back. Maybe it broke a little.

"Father, this Mitsujin is tired, so he wants to rest. Where's the room?

"Heh, heh, heh. Yeah. Ugh, top or third from the right of the floor!

"Okay. I'll put you to bed in your room, so don't ask me to cook you three buffaloes."

"Wow, I can't understand!!

Dad is still gaggling when he says the threat has left.

I wonder how scary I saw it.

I went up the stairs in charge of the Underworld Monkeys.

"Er, third from the right... right here"

In the room, it was prettier than I thought.

The weapon is rolling unconstitutionally, but if you look at the house, the laundry was disciplined.

Maybe he has a surprisingly mammy personality.

"Whoa, next to the laundry, you have the same bag as mine. You're a superior race, but you have luggage?

So this guy's husband is going to be a pretty strong guy.

I decided not to think about it and went down the stairs.

Did my father make it in a big hurry or my dishes were already lined up.

"This guy is going to do it."

Quickly puckering, someone sat in front of him.

"... you, the merchant?

And all of a sudden they asked me questions.

I don't know the race of the man in front of me. When you get a little rare, you don't get any information.

And, like me, he was a resident of another country. Is this inn easy for people from other countries to gather together?

"Merchant... well, half"

I buy fights but don't sell them from myself, so I only took half of them as merchants.

And then, when I said I wasn't a merchant, I said, "Well, what is it? 'Cause it seems."

Other than merchants, it's not a good idea for residents of other countries to be very urochial.

The man gave me a horrible look in my answer.

"Was it good for you after all? Well, there seems to be only one leftover mon in the inn, and I figured for sure... no, I'm better than that. The streets were temporarily closed."

"The streets? Why?"

"I guess it's because the army goes through. I don't want to see a line marching in because it doesn't necessarily mean no spies are in it."

He was at war somewhere, and he went out with the army heading for reinforcements.

Because of that, he said, he stopped for a few days.

What am I supposed to do with such a story to me?

"Oh, my God."

"Sort of. Sorry I'm late than that...... but let me tell you one thing, I'm too conspicuous. If you want to dry, I'd prefer next to my laundry. And it usually dries on the back streets."


"You mean the bag?

"That's right. We're walking down the back street of the inn looking for a place to stay. If I wanted to look for it, I'd be surprised it was dignified on the street."


Could I have been mistaken?

As I was silently eating meat, the man looked around and lurked his voice.

"Give it to the room quickly. It's awkward to talk here any more."

"Are you going to the room?

When I looked disgusted, the man dived further into his voice.

"You were hired by Master Nehyol, weren't you? Come on, get me in the room."

That's what the man said.

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