The Sucker Iron (Cumarutu) absorbs the magic vegetables indefinitely, becoming black, hard, and heavy.

It was the multi-eyed (Tatsuku) tribe Dobroy who shielded it in an unprocessed state.

The shape, which resembles a slightly almond-shaped methyl, is just right for shielding.

I think it's a good find.

Apparently, the shield held the projection behind it, although he wanted to flatten it overall.

I put fittings on this and fixed it, and if they aim at it, I'm done.

I guess it would be more convenient to just purely absorb demon iron.

But that doesn't make sense if they take it away from me.

The position is reversed.

"It's my turn from here."

I hit the stunned Dobroy's nose with a sucker iron shield.

There was a low noise with Goin, and the shield was played.

"... hmm?

My nose was stiff. The shield is stiff, but Dobroy himself seems so stiff.

All in return, Dobroy fights back with his weapon. No problem if you take that stuff, with a shield.

No matter what stupid power, you can't crush the shield. Weapons take more damage.

"This shield is the strongest."

That's what I told him back.

Dobroy's face when he heard the words now. Despair was on my face.

He must have fought with this shield before.

That made me stronger. It would be like that.

So the sense of despair when they take it away, it's not half.

Dobroy attacks with a weapon. It's a ruptured method of warfare.

I take it calmly with my shield. Then fight back.

This was repeated several times.

Dobroy, aware of his disadvantage, comes to take back his shield.

But I know just as well as that.

With his weapon in his hand, where he reached out empty, there's no way he could take it back.

I hold my shield tightly with both hands.

"There you go!

I hit him hard with one of my stretched hands.

Then I strained down the side.

As I thought earlier, Dobroy's striking strength is considerable.

Even if I hit him for real again and again, I don't see any damaging damage.

Will this become more sturdy when you are in the Little Demon King class?

"Then there's no choice. Until my heart breaks."

The flesh is fine, but I don't know about the mind.

Residents of the demonic world have been established a racist status since their birth.

If it's a superior race, there's a guy who's only ever stood above the others, Gorman.

I have no experience sipping muddy water. Guys like that, their hearts are brittle.

That's what it is, like a vampire tribe living all over town.

And of the inhabitants of the demonic world, the greatest drawback.

Because I am strong from the beginning, I do not mean to train my moves.

Anyway, the more the species above, the more historically the difference from above.

It's not the difference you can cover where you've got an arm up or abs.

Real hard work makes you stronger? That's what I've been giving up since the beginning. The walls of racial differences are so great.

That's why they don't hone their technology.

So like this dobroy, all you can do is a temple attack called a telephonic punch.

It doesn't work for me.

My health... I'm not inexhaustible because I'm hungry, but I can only move for the amount of magic I've taken in.

As long as your health lasts, I'll fight for you.

"Come on, it's the start of the rambling show"

Unskilled opponents. I hit them unilaterally with shields, beat them, beat them.

Kick occasionally.

After that, I'll hit you again with a shield, beat you up, beat you up.

Roll your feet where you are frightened, and become a horse rider.

I knew I'd hit you with a shield, beat you up, beat you up.

"I wonder how it feels to hit you with a shield"

After you take the mount, the point is to make it strong and weak.

What we need is a center of gravity move. I feel like I'm on a rampage horse, and I just need to keep beating him while I take care not to be shaken off.

How long would I have beaten him with a shield?

Dobroy is really tough.

Even the upper races won't even retain the prototype if this is all they hit.

Even though I have beaten him so much, he still fits in so much that his face swells.

"That's worth the beating.... so let's go gunning. That's your life."

My turn is not over yet.

By the way, the shield with both hands is gradually getting heavier.

Not because I'm tired, but because of the beating, the Sucker Iron Shield is absorbing Dobroy's magic.

Poor thing. He's been beaten with a substance harder than a diamond and even sucked on a magic vegetable.

If I were you, I'd surrender early.


Between octopus beatings, Dobroy called on his surrounding men.

"You were the first to confirm not to get your hands on this because it's a Tyman. You know that."

When I threatened, it got quiet around me. Dobroy is pounding his mouth.

I can't wait if they get into arbitration here.

I've made a good forward gesture, so my word seems to have worked.

Sometimes we don't forget nail pricks.

Then I hit him even more.

An hour after that? Two hours?

The magic vegetables absorbed from Dobroy were in considerable quantities.

That's the Sucker Iron. Sometimes you just absorb the magic attacks of the Demon King.

The amount of magic you absorbed this time is unusual. Half-heavy for that matter.

The weight has increased and it's getting harder to hold with both hands, but there's guts to work with.

The sound of beating Dobroy also turned into Gosgoth, Gas Gas at first, Gosha, Gusha and creepy sounds from a while back.

- Gopu

"Oh, you've changed the sound of the blow."

Good change. As a soloist golan, I don't want to bore the audience.

- Guchu.

I see. I understand.

Blood began to stick to the noise.

"Copo...... Gpaa"

I said something, and Dobroy bled.

But Dobroy is sturdy. He's still alive even though it's like he's hitting a big truck with a pointed drill stuck to it.

"Whoa... oh, you... guys..."

Dobroy called for something.

"This Tyman battle is useless. Don't crush the boss's face."

Seriously, can you absorb any more? The shield of sucker iron, which sucked up so many magic vegetables that it seemed, is getting so heavy that I don't even like lifting it.

Dobroy, on the other hand, has too much magic to shadow when he first sees it.

He was sucked on a large amount of magic vegetables, a lot of blood was shed, and most of his eyes, the symbol of the multi-eyed (Tatsuku) tribe, were crushed.

On the contrary, it's still done to that extent, even though we're attacking this unilaterally.

Great endurance.

"Wow, okay...... stop it"

Finally Dobroy seems tired of enduring it.

The cry began.

"You want me to stop?

"That's right. Or stop me."

"Okay. Breaking your heart is what happens when they make a sound."


I'm with you on the hard side.

Somehow, the shield is getting so heavy. How much magic did Dobroy have at all?

"That's why I'm gonna hit you"

Hit me with a shield. Hit me. Hit me. Break. Beat. Beat. Beat. Break.

I pinch a break on the mame, so I can't help but be inefficient.

Hit him, hit him, hit him. Break. Beat. Beat. Beat. Break.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Stop it already."

"I don't understand."


It's a fantasy that I get it. So hit him, hit him. Break. Beat. Beat. Beat. Break. Beat. Beat. Beat. Break.

Uh, seriously, it's tough.

Hit him. Hit him. Break. Hit him. Hit him. Break. Hit him. Hit him. Break.

This is hard on me, too. Understand.

Hit him. Hit him. Break. Hit him. Hit him. Break. Hit him. Hit him. Break.

Uh, it's hard. This spiciness, will you understand?

"It was my fault. Apologize. So stop, really."


"Wow, you get it?

"When I break my heart, I cry and ask for it, finally the fifth. You're at a stage where you shouldn't be distracted."


If I didn't think there'd been any counterattacks lately, Dobroy's arms would have snapped and bent.

I guess I guarded my face with my hand and it was crushed as it was. I didn't know because I hadn't seen it.

"This shield is heavy. I need to get in the mood."

If I don't work hard, it's gonna break my heart.

We must not frustrate ourselves here.

I exhorted myself and kept beating him.

How much time would have passed since then?

I stopped hitting him because Dobroy's reaction downstairs was gone.

"... are you serious? My arm's pampered."

Evolving into the species of origin (origins), the body became large and robust, and the magic vegetables increased rapidly.

I was so illusioned that I got the inexhaustible power, but I just let the shield move up and down, I didn't know my arm would stop going up... Seriously, I'm weak.

Exhausted, my vision shakes.

It's been a long time since I've been so tired.

"... ugh"

Dobroy groaned. Have you fainted before?

If so, he would have been hitting me during a stun. I wasted it.

"Okay, you got it?

I stirred up my tired body and pretended to be calm.

"Okay. Ok. Understood..."

I repeat like an idiot in polite words.

"All right, then go on"

I can't move my body. I don't want to, but I can't help it.

This is what I need to break my heart.

"I'm sorry. Now, will you forgive me now!

Dobroy's men came together and rubbed their foreheads against the floor.

He said he felt fresh wondering if there was such a thing in the demonic world.

"If we lose Master Dobroy now, there will be chaos around here"

"Only Master Dobroy can keep the dragon species around him!

My men say it orally.

I came to this country and found out that dragon breeds fight fast.

I'm a warm breed. I don't want to be near you.


"… so, then"

"That's it. This is this."

"I don't get it!?

"You're not leaving the guy I miss the weak bully. I'm also learning how to feel on the side of being hit."

"Also, I've had enough. I think I get it."

"I will never let the Jewel Pigeons get their hands on me again. I'll send word to the town, I'll make sure, I'll make sure to protect it."

"But I haven't broken Dobroy's heart yet."

"It's broken. That's already vacillating. So forgive me any more!!

My men were crying.

"Dear Goran... I think I'm already dreaming"

Stomel has also insisted modestly.

"Well... in that case, it's halfway there, but once it's over"

"" "Oh, thank you" "

My men cried.

"... so you can finally set these guys up"

Somehow, he got in the way while he was sinking into the lake.


Dobroy's men and Stomel looked at each other. Are we close?

"The Dobroy guy just had to break his heart, but we have to let these guys put on the drop of what they did. Because this guy stopped it, it made the conversation easier... just fine, use this shield? I'd like to see how much you can absorb if you're a magical specialty."

As I headed with my shield, they turned away for some reason and passed out.

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