○ Wild Hunt Nehyol

Nehyol is now in a small country bordered by the territory of Tralzard and Janius.

The name of the small country is Wolwer.

It is a country small enough to contend for one or two of the demons, ruled by Wolwer the Little Demon King.

If you put it in terms of area, it's not so different from the kingdom of little demon king Melvis.

Why is there a nehyol in a country where there is no such weird philosophy......

"Dear Nehyol, the investigation of the pillars of salt has been completed"

"Yes. How'd it go?

"I don't know how it works, but I still have holy chi (because of it)"

"Yeah, I wonder why. If you leave me alone, I'll stay holy forever. That's hundreds, thousands of years later."

"The investigation was delayed because of it, but I couldn't find anything like what Nehyol said was used to communicate with the heavens."

"Um, well. Then I wonder if there is any way for the inhabitants of heaven to know inside the demonic realm"

The pillar of salt, or the six salt pillars of the demon kingdom, is the place where the inhabitants of the heavens were based more than four thousand years ago.

From now on, an unimaginable scale of holiness was used and six holes were drilled in the demonic realm.

The inhabitants of the heavenly realm who had invaded from it plotted to create a base in the land and a junction that would fill the demonic realm with holy spirit.

The prospect is inhibited by the young king Yamato.

The strongholds created by the inhabitants of the heavens still remain as pillars of salt, where they continue to retain their holy temper.

"I guess the reason I'm still holy is because the pillar of salt itself is holy. Materialization of the Sacred Qi, I'm sure."

"Is it in the spirit of the demonic world, and does it not disperse?"

"Isn't that a nucleus or a junction in itself? Besides, when you touch a pillar of salt, your hands suck (just). They don't like it and they don't touch it, so nobody gets close."

And also in the kingdom of Nehyol are pillars of salt.

I was curious and looked into it once, but it didn't yield any results.

As for the pillars of salt, I had forgotten that, but there was an invasion from the heavenly realm the other day.

It was then that Nehyol decided to investigate again, realizing that the reaction of the Holy Spirit felt was very similar to the pillar of salt he had once examined.

And as my conversation with my men suggests, my country, which I leave to Reglas, also has a pillar of salt.

But it takes days to get that far.

And the pillars of salt went to the nearest kingdom of Wolwer, so that they surrounded the demonic kingdom, and were almost even.

"The birth of the Demon King is behind us. You're not wrong to look into heaven first."

"Yes. Dear Nehyol-sama's magic vegetables are currently being used to repair the body. This is going to be going on for a while, so I don't think it's wrong to prioritize research."

"But no results and... if I knew what it would take to become an Elder species was a lifestone, I'd have done a good job of researching it when I had time"

Why should we infiltrate another country and investigate with Kosovo when we have a pillar of salt in our own country?

Nehyol felt terrible.

"My subordinates are back to report on their plans to make Little Demon King Yunus the Demon King. They say the nations are safe and have completed their retreats. No Tralzard army pursuits. After this, nothing seems to calm down."

"Yes. Keep working very hard. I told you to fight each country. Don't let them fight. The crime scene is a mess."

"Seems to have seen some upset, but it seems to have moved as a result of daily training or finding something to do soon"

Western moves that Melarda was suspicious of.

This was instructed by Nehyol, whose plan had gone mad by the injury, to pull the army.

Originally, Yunus the Little Demon King was forced to kill other Little Demon Kings and Generals, aiming to demonize them.

Nehyol was also ready to kill Yunus as soon as he became king of demons.

But Goran's deep-sea dragon's machete made him into two pieces, and he was to take less time to repair that injury.

If it is not a good time to fight now, Nehyol is moving forward with another operation.

"But when you do, you won't have too many soldiers. I wonder if I'll collect it."

"Dear Nehyol, I need to talk to you about it"

"Hmm? What's going on?

"Apparently, Janius the Demon King has begun to antagonize our legions."

"Is that it? Did you find out I hit Tralzard?

"They don't seem to have found out directly, but they seem to have predicted it from the movement around them"

"Well - that can't be helped, can it?... Then that's it. Troops that were stranded in the kingdom of Yunus should go straight to Gidman the Demon."

"Is it Gidman?

"Janius and Gidman are still at war. It's a relationship with constant skirmishes, and now let's have Gidman dance. I guess the Janius Army should run rumors that the general is dead and weakened."

"But if you fail, Gidman will make you hostile."

"All you have to do is raise this one time, do it"

"I'm in awe"

The ruling area of Nehyol lies to the southeast of the demonic world.

It doesn't hurt or itch where I was hostile to Gidman in the northwest.

If you want to come, you are in the mood to come through the realm of the Demon King Tralzard, the realm of the Demon King Bibasini, and the rearguard of the Demon King.

"So long as Janius grows up. If you can't, let's change places. I can do demonization anywhere."

"Was there such a convenient place?"

"There is. The land that Barodoto, the old demon king, ruled."

Now he has become the eight great demon kings, but until then, there were nine demon kingdoms in the demon kingdom.

One day a heavenly hole opened and the inhabitants of the heavenly realm invaded.

In that battle Barodoto the Demon King died and the territory was divided into eight little demonic kingdoms.

The land, still in search of hegemony, is shredded by many little demon kings.

"My purpose right now is to find the demon-king inhabitants of heaven."

You get as much as you want if you evolve, like territory or territory.

Thus Nehyol seeks what is necessary for evolution - demon stones of the Demon King class and life stones of the same degree.

"Dear Nehyol, what will you do in the future?

"I want information about the inhabitants of heaven. The only clue is the guys who came to Tralzard territory, right? I wonder what that thing is looking for... or maybe it feels like watching it to see who it came for."

"I see, I understand. Few survived in contact with the inhabitants of heaven. I'll stick my hands out."

"Yeah, please"

Come on, Nehyol says we're going to be busy, and the deputy didn't have an island to mount, "First, please heal the wound".

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