There are three ghost generals. Is it something that can be attacked and defeated by the total force over here?

If you can't get away with it, you have to.

I set up a deep sea dragon's machete to see a central ghost general.

The intimidation is awesome, but I don't know how different it is from me because I can't accurately measure the amount of magic vegetables.

"Well, come on."

Step in and slash off the enemy's arms.

In addition to the moves I've worked out over the years, I have previous life knowledge.

My movements, adjusted to the body of the Auga tribe, become smooth as if they were first-rate swordsmen.

And this deep-sea dragon's machete that General Farnese had in his possession uses bones of existence that come and go between the deep sea and the sea.

If this machete would have been built by a leading craftsman, it would be a ghost general, but what is it, let him slash it down.

"... it's supposed to be, why are your arms stuck?

I must have slashed him. I also felt it. But how about reality?

My arm is back on track.

"I knew you did it, Goran. He slashed my wrist off, so I thought I'd do it again. But General Ghost's armor is an exorcism. So now Goran just slashed the magic vegetables. I don't have a scratch on my body."

Nehyol puts in a disgusting commentary.

But it's not like he slashed it, that's why he slashed it.

"Then I'll kill you as many times as I can."

"... and I thought Goran would say, this isn't a ghost knight, it's a ghost general. Goran slaughtered thousands of times, and he won't run out of magic."

Then no matter how much I wave the Deep Sea Dragon's machete, I won't be able to defeat the enemy in front of me.

If the armor is made of magic vegetables, I also know that it can be replenished as much as possible.

I can't imitate cutting everything off, including just that.

Nehyol is right, it doesn't seem to make sense to just slash him like this.

If I'm so struggling, what about the rest of them?

I looked left and right.

Dyle was scratching with his nails and bit him in the neck muscle.

A dyle that often uses swords and spears, but is attacking not with a weapon, but with its own flesh with a magic vegetable on it.

"Attack has arrived properly"

Looks like we're fighting each other.

And the Scifers.

"I'm coming!"


Becca's taking a joint, Cyfa's hitting him with a gold bar, but it doesn't work.

If that's the case, I don't have my standing.

If you two think what you're doing to someone whose physical attack isn't working, it wasn't.

It had a good purpose.

"Pawnee, do it!

"It's Painy. Remember your name"

The Reapers come near straw to the ghost general who is grabbing both arms.

"Is that..."

When you come to Tralzard territory, the Reapers are the most common. There are fifty.

Besides, it only collects elites.

That's all the Reapers flock to the Ghost General one after the other, typing in "One Strike Death".

The special skill of the Reapers, who once even killed the Demon King and were feared by the surrounding countries.

Having it but feared for it and chased the dwelling, now it seems to have blown off completely.

I am also accustomed to collective behavior by training, and the amount of magic vegetables is rising.

I don't know how much cool-time there is for "Shot to Death," but if you keep hitting it around that much, one of them will work.

"Well, let's have my fight."

The sword came to snap my neck.

How much swordsmanship do you think you've done, including in your previous life? There's no way to hit it.

"... hey!

I should have avoided it, but it was blown away by wind pressure.

"Oh no, I don't seem to have time to care about others"

The difference in strength is obvious. I can't be alarmed at all.

I just rubbed it and it's going to hurt me badly.

"Even now, I'm pretty strong."

So there's a top up there.

Nehyol's men... and against many others, I'm desperate.

That would be hilarious for Nehyol.

But Nehyol said he would never win. Let me cover that up.

Ghost generals often shoot out a sword of restraint when I'm out in time.

They do it in the aftermath when they think they don't need to avoid it, and even if they sneak into it, it's still out of time. It gets dealt with easily.

"I dare you to pretend to ride here"

As I jerked off my first machete, the second came sooner than I had arrived.

Exactly. The upper race has excellent physical abilities.

I've been at a height from the beginning where lower races like me can't reach no matter how much they train.

"That's why demon dwellers don't enhance their skills through training."

Where strength has been slightly increased by training, it is known.

A lot of people do nothing from the start because they figure that out.

"Well, even if a three-year-old uses karate, he's no match for an adult who doesn't do any workouts. In this world of desperate race differences, it may be a wasted effort... but how about this?"

- Binary penetration.

A technique developed by our dojo owner in half funny.

Quickly poke twice at the same place with different dimensions.

I did go through the armor, but that was it.

"No... then, how about a stroke?

Use the root to tip of the machete and try to scratch it by pulling it off quickly.

The black scar rose slightly from the cut of armor, and the wound I put on disappeared beautifully.

"Is it true that it's made of magic... maybe I'm the weakest?

If you slash it a thousand times, it could be just as damaging, but that's physically impossible. That doesn't mean we can take them down either.

"... Something's really starting to make me feel like I can take you down"

Whether the armor hardened with magic vegetables is heavy or because the main body is manipulating from the inside, I can handle General Ghost's movements.

Like when I fought Nehyol, I'm not moving like an electroluminescent fire.

"But it's still awkward."

There is no steep spot for enemies who have hardened their entire bodies with magic vegetation.

Even if it seems certain, it is also a magic vegetable there. So what do I do?

There was a sneaking shadow from behind me thinking about it.

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