I'm not talking about the pile of holy chi, now it's an invasion from heaven.

Besides, the other party seems to be a research facility that should have been destroyed before, called the "Eira Institute".

Perhaps the strongest Jinglong tribe harm within this junction is suddenly self-defeated.

How shocking it must have been. I want him back soon.

After the bonds were stretched, the heavens tore apart again. Now it's big.

Drilling a hole in the world sounds so deafening that I wonder how hard it is.

Heaven, which should have torn, gradually began to push back to repair it.

Beyond the hole, on the other side of the sky, the stirrups of power began in an attempt to forcefully drill it.

I want to escape now, but thanks to the spear that just came down, the junction is stretched.

Within the contiguity, there is no escape anywhere.

But here we are. There's not much information in heaven that I've been collecting.

Because I didn't think it was necessary.

I've collected everything about the inhabitants of the demonic world, even if I found it futile, but I didn't think I'd come here and need information about the heavenly world.

"Chi, if this is the case, I'm serious about gathering information!

How to attack the inhabitants of heaven? How do we measure strength? Weaknesses?

How do we die in the first place? Should I slash my neck or poke my heart? I don't know anything.

"No way, if I slashed my arm off, it wouldn't grow"

"It's gonna grow. consume holy chi, but some are modifying their bodies that way"

To my light-hearted mouth, the harm had been resurrected for some time.

Body modification? When we say remodeling, science and technology will not be making progress.

Demon Stone - it would have been born in the study of the orb of domination where we call it, and other specialties.

But does their interest extend to their own bodies?

"Looks like the junction's been stretched, but can't you destroy it?

"If you destroy eight Heavenly Spears, you can, but you think the enemy is incompetent?

"No, at least you'll be better than us."

"Then you'll see."

"Are you sure you want to protect me... it's time for something to come out of the sky"

It seems that the temples of power had a share in the inhabitants of heaven.

Heaven tore wide as it sounded the scratching of thousands of pieces of glass simultaneously.

From behind the rift, the running of light pours down.

"Here we are. I'm an Eira Laboratory member. Authentic......"

The guys who came out had wings even though they were wrapped in white.

Wings? Wings? It's like an angel holding it.

Didn't the inhabitants of heaven come down to Earth more than two thousand years ago?

And I thought you gave Yob and the others a test.

While I was thinking about it, the enemy pointed flat at me.

Shortly after, the arrow of light jumped in all directions.


That's what I thought.

That is definitely not an arrow. One, one exploded like a rocket bomb.

Tons of soil rise with the crushing noise, and pieces of flesh splash.

"How much did they do now!?

It won't work in ten or twenty.

Maybe dozens of units of soldiers turned to wood dust.

I can instinctively tell that was bad.

It's not the speed you can avoid, nor is it the explosion you can withstand. It would be an instant death blow if they were targeted.

Being on top of another attack, for some reason, the next one didn't come.

In the scene and quieting back down, the enemy's eyes identified us.

Find this place even though it's so far away.

I guess Harm recognized it as the biggest obstacle.

That's not wrong. I had to be close, I was on the run.

But if you move now, you can do it.

If it was solidified like a frog stared at by a snake, three enemies came this way.

They said Harm was a real lab worker.

"Looks like you made it."

"Warmel? What about your men?"

"I left it. Tell me this fight turns into dust just because you're in it."

"I see, indeed it is"

"Three to three, just the right number."

"Is Dyle back?

"Are you unhappy with me?

"... no"

It's Warmel, the lieutenant of Legion Leader Dyle.

It's this giant, I've only seen it once in the line.

Warmel seems to be a Grendel tribe of the giant species.

It is a giant body nearly five metres long and stands out from afar.

You're gonna be the little demon king now, aren't you? It's as intimidating as I think it is, but even the strongest of such a Glendell tribe, he can be the lieutenant commander of the Legion in this country.

Not at all, how thick the layer is.

We were about three hundred meters away, but the enemy was already in front of us.

Both Harm and Warmel are willing. It's making me angry.

Three enemies, same here... What?

Wait a minute!

Let's calm down and count the number of enemies.

One, two, three... Yes, three bodies.

On the other hand, Harm... Warmel... and... me!?

No, no, no... he said it couldn't be!

Not what Warmel said earlier, but in an instant it becomes dust.

There's only one place for this, the young ones... though I'm seventeen.

Shit, it really sucks.

Because of that, I decided to put out the "greatest secret" here.

"I didn't want to use this much."

"Whoa, you're motivated."

Warmel slapped me in the head with a pomp.

I'm still an Auga. I'm slightly over two meters tall, but treat me like a child.

No, I don't care about that. We don't have time for this.

I hold both hands. But just stretch your index finger.

Make sure your left hand is down and your right hand grips the extended index finger of your left hand.

It would be easy to understand when it comes to how ninjas put their hands together when they chant ninjas.

Now we're ready.

- Awkward, let me dron at this... Huh!?

I couldn't tell you until the end.

My ultimate exit move failed.

Because I've never claimed myself before, because 'I' said, "Get it out! Let it out!" he began to ramble from inside me.

(What the fuck!? What the hell!?

With that in mind, I couldn't resist the power of trying to get out of the inside, and I was dragged inside.

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