He came to me and told me he was on vacation for a while.

That seems to be the end of the Orga training, and they'll be incorporated into the unit next to learn how to do scouts and security on the ground.

That's done on a troop-by-unit basis, so you can't start unless you've finished training other races?

"It's after the battle, so he said think of it as a rest combined with therapy."

I take into account the words of the messenger.

Yesterday's mass battle, it was practically half a day in motion.

It wasn't even a lot of exercise.

Even when they say you can rest because you'll be tired, they say, "Are you tired?" The feeling precedes me.

"Please tell me you understand."

Except I'm an air readable man. I don't pinch the extra mouth.

"Already the Legion Leader has left the formation for reporting. I think I'll be back in a day or two. I'll tell them when they get back."

Apparently he's not here.


Those who stand above people are in trouble. We have to go all over the place.

And he said, "Please weigh yourself down."


I guess there's no point in answering "I always weigh myself down" here.

I laughed vaguely.

"... hippo"

I feel like I've been whining like this more often lately.

They told me to take a break and it's only the second day.

The Commander of the Dyle Corps is not back.

I don't care if you think it's a job, but we just finished training, and we haven't been assigned.

So I have nowhere else to be, so I'm just spending some time in a daze around the tent.

Even during the war, "waiting" involves "patience". And it's one of the important strategies.

Cut the numbness and go in, you lose a lot.

Wait till the time is ripe and move when you should.

If I can't do that, I'll just die prematurely. So I...

"Come on, come on!

I rubbed my men and had to drain their gas.

That afternoon, I realized.

"Where's the rig?

I haven't seen it in the last few days.

It usually comes to my tent at night, but I don't remember seeing it recently, even in retrospect.

"Nothing to report, so you didn't come or something?

No, the rig is not of that character.

"Why don't you go ask him?"

When there is no chief of the Dyle army, the Harm of the Jinglong tribe is our point of contact.

Harm also seems to have a disciplined personality, and when I go, he generally opens his body.

"... so you haven't seen any other species lately,"

In retrospect, I didn't see any non-Auga species, including the rigs as well as the Painees.

"We should be going to survival training right now."

"Survival? We're not training."

"The Auga people are like survivors on a daily basis, so that means they won't have to"

"Awesome reputation damage."

"In fact, Survival works well for the townspeople, but it doesn't really work for the species that usually live like half wild."

"I can't say back when they say that."

In the case of the Auga, I've had quite a few lives wondering if I'd like to do the same.

It's strange around being largely self-sufficient, but it feels like "I just need to make it without it" or "I'll give up if I don't," so I said, "Have a comfortable environment at all! I don't have a desire like that."

"I would walk from here and do it a few days away, so I don't think I'll be back for the time being"

"That's a long way off"

"If you survive in the near field, there will be people running back."


Is the city boy weak?

Put yourself in an environment where you can't escape and let them participate even if they don't.

"If that's the case, I understand."

I can't seem to get home unless I get passed, so I guess it's pretty tough around the vampires. Those guys, they're basically sweet.

Will it succeed the other way around and come back? That would be a delightful miscalculation.

I sat down to quit Harm's place.

"Report! Pile of Sacred Qi (blame) has been discovered!

Someone suddenly jumped in. Looks like a messenger, but what's a pile of holy chi?

Harm doesn't scold it either, he says, "Report back in detail!," he said immediately.

"We were on perimeter alert. Troops found us in the woods about an hour's walk west of here. We're currently searching for other piles."

"The state of the pile!

"I am still relieved of holiness, unable to touch it"

"You haven't fallen in a while. Alert each unit. What about the deputy chief?"

"Seems to be in the process of gathering and discussing the troop leaders."

"Then it might be too late. Send a messenger to the main unit... no, the troops of the previous battle."

"Yes, I will."

The messenger left in a hurry.

"... uh, what is it? Pile of Sacred Qi?

"There may be an invasion from heaven"


"Piles of holy chi can be punched in without drilling holes in the realm. And through Holy Qi, we can also explore how things are going here."


"We're talking about the corrupt, so I think you're right. So we decide whether the pile is hit by sea or land, or sand or meadow if it's land, or the whole town."

"Earlier, you said you were looking for other piles."

"More accurate information is available when multiple piles are punched in. However, use a large amount of holy chi. Holy Qi is the most important thing for the inhabitants of heaven. Different from our magic powers, so much so that it can be called the root of more life."

Excellence is determined by how much sanctity the inhabitants of heaven enclose in their bodies, as we judge strength by the sheer power of our magic.

However, holy temper does not increase easily. And when I lose my sanctity, my body transforms.

The inhabitants of heaven believe that diminishing holy temper slows the thought and makes the figure ugly......

"From what I can tell, the faces of the inhabitants of the heavens are one-of-a-kind, faceless, and it just seems like a face, but they like it."

"What if it changes?"

"Oh. You don't want to live in heaven by mistake in a place like that."

It seems normal to think that it might be a downward look at the invasion because you use such a precious sacrament to find out how this one is doing.

"Speaking of which, you were asking about the state of the pile earlier, weren't you? What was that?"

"The holy temper that touches the magic vegetable degenerates and eventually becomes a pillar of salt. But the pile in the report was still holy. I can see you're still sending information to heaven."

If you're serious about invading me, you said you'd come before you turned into a pillar of salt.

If this was just for investigative purposes, there would be only one pile and no invasion.

But judging so and not preparing for anything is foolish.

So while looking for other piles, he seems to have taken an alert stance.

An invasion of the heavens. That's a little scary.

Looks like I'd better get back to equipping my weapons, too.

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