At night, a man came to me from the chief of the Dyle army.

If you think of anything, the Legion Leader wrote to me.

When I received the letter, the messenger left intact.

I had no choice, so I read the letter as I fell asleep on the sleeping table.

I'm not in the habit of writing time greetings to the demonic world, and military men don't make extra embellishments in the literature in the first place.

I will briefly tell you only what to do.

"I thought..."

It would be a long time if the letter did.

He praised me very much for my achievements today, as well as my daily training participation.

The creepier the better the praise.

Naturally, I took the view that there was a back to this letter and decided to call the rig and decipher it with me.

"There's nothing strange about it."

"You can't be. There's got to be some kind of trick."

"Even if they say so..."

A rig that shows a troubled face, but I can't give in here.

I tried to remember my previous training.

The training prepared by the Commander of the Legion was all I could say was "ill-intentioned", no matter how impressive it was.

Then there must be a trick in this letter as well.

That's what I thought...

"I really don't think there's anything. What can I do for you... tomorrow's training is off. No, the training starts with a pre-transmission, so it says rest until then, and I was wondering if that's okay."

"That can't be right! He said there must be a back. Hey, Rig, think of a way to get behind them with this letter. That's the answer."

That's the answer.

I desperately solicit, but Rig left, "I still have training tomorrow, so excuse me for this," he said.

"You're crazy. If we don't get together early in the morning to make it think we're off, or if we take a break, we withdraw before the date changes... No, wait, training was off for a while after tomorrow, but maybe we have special training. Well, they won't fool you!

So it wasn't just training that was imposed on us?

Tomorrow, then, it will also show to my eyes.

And the next morning.

I waited to see if I was there yet, but the Dyle Corps Commander really took the day off and went away.

No matter how long I waited, I didn't get any special training news, so when I went to hear it from this side, I wondered if it was a rebellion, and the Legion Commander's headquarters became a temporary commotion.

You may be somewhat surprised because I showed up with my sword and gold bars in full gear, but I didn't expect you to overreact that far.

"Unexpectedly, I've knocked off the Vice Legion Leader."

A unit directly under the Legion Leader came running with a spear, so he took the Deputy Legion Leader, who was nearby, hostage and removed the enclosure.

At that time, the Deputy Legion Leader made so much noise that if I kept beating him with gold bars, I would have stayed put so I could escape in charge, but he would soon be caught guilty of innocence.

"Speaking of which, what happened to the Deputy Legion Leader?"

I got in the way and threw it out, but is it safe?

Apparently, the Commander of the Dyle Corps was at the headquarters where General Melada was located last night, and when he returned, he was in the midst of forming an army for the retrieval of the Deputy Commander of the Corps.

Because it must be a misunderstanding, I forgive the troops that started preparing for battle, and they wanted to talk to me in Sashi.

Behind the Legion Commander, however, the Auga people, who felt disturbed by the air, launched a pre-emptive attack, because it was the one where the immediate troops were standing with their weapons on their hands.

Of course, the immediate unit, which had assumed an ambush, had dealt calmly with such a Miemier raid without being upset.

The direct unit is equipped with a real sword, and that's bad for the guys.

Cyfa and Becca broke in there, and I was happy to join the war when I thought I was going to stop them.

It was the only way I could finally make it quiet after I joined.

When I finally thought I could talk to Dyle, I said, "Why did you start a revolt? Is this General Farnese's offer?," he said.

So I realized it was a misunderstanding.

That I'm stepping on a direct unit that's rolling under my feet.

Well, when I spoke in good faith, you understood.

I pulled out my weapon about twice on the way.

I think it started with a misconception over there, but he's completely armed, and he sees me jumping in with a change of blood as to where Dyle is, and he wants to say that the guys at HQ can't help but think he's coming to punch me in.

I replied that I was prepared because I might have special training in unplugging.

"I heard Goran ran in with his bloody eyes."

"I was thinking about what kind of special training it was, and I didn't get enough sleep."


By the way, the deputy commander who was thrown out could be recovered.

I was put up with the fact that it was a valuable sacrifice.

"Why was it a letter in the first place?

I've been stunned ever since I got the letter last night that I might have something behind me.

"We decided to go ask the main unit for the next training. I used the time I was letting my men prepare to go out and write letters. You could have gone to see him in person, but if we leave here in the middle of the night, we'll be at the main station tomorrow morning."

Nothing if you ask me.

Looks like we just didn't have time.

"Well, I understand the matter, but I'm off until I'm ready..."

"Rest when you can. And you have to learn that in the military."

"That's true, though."

My people are in the most haphazard condition right now, so when I give them a break at a time like this, I'm worried they'll burst out.

"In fact, the training of other races hasn't gone that far. If you can, I want to align my footprints."

"Is that what you mean? Speaking of which, I was wondering one thing."


"Right now, we're training by race, aren't we going to do joint training?

The strange thing is that the training content falls apart for each race.

"It's basic training that I'm getting right now. Basic training is based on race by race. One of the goals of this training in the first place is to enable the species to move together."

"If you can't communicate even within the same race, can you do more with other races?"

"Exactly. And the training that brings together multiple races also belongs to the confidentiality of our army. After this basic training, I can't teach it."

From there, the movement of the military will be predicted, so it is said to be any secret.

"Okay. I think that's the best reason. So when are we going to be able to start training again?"

"We're getting the people who deserve it now. I think we'll be there in a couple of days. I'll let you know when I get here. And then the training starts again."

Copy that, sir.

"And don't wander around too fully armed. Exactly. My men are scared."

"Nothing. I'm not gonna bite you in all directions."

"My men know that, too. But of the eight directions, the presence that we know to bite in about four directions is still something that we want to be alert to. Okay, I'll excuse myself for this."

"I'm tired."


After Dyle left, I thought about it.

"... are you biting in all directions?

This is very reputational damage.

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