I take the weapon I received from the rig.

Peeling it with a cloth, the deep sea dragon's machete appeared.

The other is my partner, who's familiar with his hands. This is also my important weapon.

Gold bars look good on ghosts. That's what I think.

But this time, it's better this way than my partner.

Hold the Deep Sea Dragon's machete in your right hand and keep the golden bars stabbed on the nearby ground.

If it's what you expected, you shouldn't be using this.

This is the first time I have used a deep sea dragon's machete in action.

However, in practice, that's what I waved so much that I could get a mame in my hand.

Therefore, the deep-sea dragon's machete is well familiar with his hands.

Instead of straw, this guy slashes me spitty if it's as far as the whole thing goes.

Sharpness and sturdiness are the strongest weapons I've ever had.

Balthasar stood up when I set up my weapon with both hands.

I guess I was wary.

"Golan, what are you not going to do?

General Melarda looks rugged. You may be surprised that I did this right after the earlier battle.

"He provoked me. And we fought and lost. Hey, that's good."

Turn to Balthasar and say firmly away.

You look like you want to say something back, but you can't override the fact that you've been hit unilaterally.

Anyway, the same Legion Chiefs were defeated as they watched, and General Meralda stopped them.

"What's wrong with that?

General Melarda answers instead.

"I thought that was settled. He says," You can't lose next. "

"Mm-hmm. You just said that."

The other Legion leaders seem to have heard the phrase "next time you can't lose" and are nodding.

I heard that, so I pulled the tent.

"Well, let's do 'next'. He said: He challenged me. I'll take it!

This is what Balthasar wanted to say. "You can't lose if you're going to fight next time," he said.

That would be so. There's no point in me winning because the local power is different.

Except if 'now' is the next time.

I've been doing calculations so I can win all the time.

"Whoa! Goran, do it!

"Knock it down!

"Oh, knock it off. Look in your hand."

"Slash it!"

My insiders make a scene for convenience. Now it's hard for him to say no.

"Do you have a weapon? If that's all right with you, let's go."

I have plenty of room to say.

By the time I got into the tent here, the Grangachi gear had been burning firmly in my eyes.

They use shortspears and shields.

Everyone was equipped with iron spears to an extent slightly longer than their back length.

In the demonic world, long spears must be hard to use. That works because we line up and use it at the same time.

If you fight with your own skill, long spears should only involve your allies.

Balthasar wouldn't leak into the example either, he would be a user of short spears and shields.

Because I understood that, with the first combiner, I'm breaking the finger of my opponent.

I broke my thumb and pinky finger.

I can tell when I grip the spear, but if I can't use those two fingers, the grip gets really sweet.

And the same Grangachi people as the Orga people can't use the magic of self-healing.

With strong resilience, fractures stick in a few days.

But "I can't do this alone right now".

A distracted compatriot comes to hand Balthasar's spear and shield.

Balthasar is bewildered. A broken finger is classified as a minor injury.

But what about fighting?

In the case of single-handed spears, the inability to use two fingers would put them at a considerable disadvantage.

Balthasar feels it.

I wouldn't have done any workouts other than my dominant hand.

Can you hold an iron spear with three fingers and fight properly?

I've been thinking about it since I first fought.

It's all on my hands.

And some trump card swords.

I don't know how deep the deep sea in the demonic world is.

But how mighty are the deep sea dragons that can travel between the sea and the deep sea?

It is certain that it has such a strong skeleton that it cannot be reproduced by Japanese technology.

This is the machined knife. I'll make sure of it.

Balthasar refuses, holds the spear. I narrowed my eyes.

As soon as he holds his shield, I'm gonna run out. So I decide all at once.

I toured the magic vegetables all over my body, and when my brain was pampered with adrenaline, his gaze came off of me only for a moment.

- Now!

The moment I tried to step in, Balthasar's appearance blew up.


By the time I realized it, Balthasar was buried in the midst of the audience.

Faster than understanding what happened, I pulled the machete in front of my chest and took a defensive stance...

My head twitches. Turns out he was beaten, but his sight is turning.

No, I can't stay conscious... this, the one that will end if I pass out?

Consciousness... with a few more seconds.

"Me" leaves it to "me"... no way... let...

○ General Meralda

I understood everything when Goran sat on his back with a white machete.

At the same time I remembered the feeling of being stuck with a chunk of ice in my back.

Why did Goran drive the tent? I finally know what that means.

I stubbornly targeted Balthasar's fingers, not because that's where he was weak.

It was just fabric stone that broke my finger.

To carry things in your favor when your destiny takes you to a battle with weapons. It had already been calculated and exhausted from the beginning.

When he stopped our fight, Goran looked "extra".

I thought it was simply because I let you lose your chance to chase, but Kiva, which Goran held in his hand, belonged to Balthasar.

I've been aiming for my right eye since the beginning. To that end, I broke Kiva first.

How far in the hell was Golan reading ahead? I feel horrible.

After stopping our fight, Goran continued to stir up, even though he had won.

I thought that was because the excitement of battle didn't cool down, but even that was part of the operation.

I didn't realize it and asked.

The same goes for Balthasar, who said, "Next we win".

Goran just said he was waiting, took the tent away, but if you think about it, the battle was settled earlier. It was Golan's win.

The rest is whether Balthasar will rematch, but from that character, I'll definitely do it.

That's why Goran fomented him to rematch in his favor.

"Next we win," he accepted as a challenge, and Goran agreed.

Once you undo what you have challenged, prestige falls to the ground.

Because they think I got scared. Balthasar fell into distress.

In a mass environment, Balthasar was forced into a situation where he could not pull off.

If Goran told me to bring a machete and a gold bar, I stopped for a reason.

I didn't run my men.

I failed there, too. It was when I realized I had a white machete.

And Balthasar hasn't noticed.

From the moment he receives the spear and the shield, Goran will attack once and for all.

That's why I've been dining.

There must be a chance.

If Golan has reached the level I think he is, he will fly around Balthasar's fingers and wrists.

On the contrary, it could poke one heart.

Goran is after it.

I intend to inflict more than a fatal injury, except for my hindsight's worries.

I used the special abilities "Absence."

This can be done away with if you decide to act beforehand.

The Vampires also have a 'transient shift', but that's a move to fly between them and travel at high speeds.

Mine is only the first and last. Not between.

For that matter, the freedom of movement is low, but the determined motion can be carried out by moving in an instant to a place away.

Beating down Balthasar with a single blow, 'Absence' was also waved by Goran.

Exactly the same power.

Honestly, I was just a little worried that Goran's upper body would blow up.

Even if you don't, you may never be able to move your body again.

Then I'll give you a replacement warrior, and Golan will take care of it here.

"Absence" is a move that cannot be changed or added or subtracted by force along the way.

When I thought, I got a weird feel for my fist.

Looks like he took it all by himself. But how?

"Discrete" has no preliminary motion.

After you decide how strong to hit him, it's up to you automatically.

If I could have defended myself, it would have ended my defense before I could have moved.

Before moving, Goran had a machete and had not taken a defensive stance.

Shortly after he finished beating my Balthasar, he'd already been playing defense in anticipation of my attack.

What a combat instinct. What interpersonal sharpness.

I was surprised.

Even the other Little Demon King opponents have never been prevented from 'disenchanting'.

Still, it was powerful enough to blow up the upper body of the Auga tribe.

Even if you take it with a machete, you won't wake up on the 10th or there. I might end up asleep for a few months.

Let's apologize honestly for that.

It is also true that I wanted to grow Balthasar this time and was a little impotent.

I'm sorry that the mess has gone to Golan.

If that's what you think, Goran got up.


I couldn't get my open mouth blocked. You're gonna stand eating that one?

Golan, who beat him with the same intensity, even Balthasar still doesn't even pass out.

Besides, the Golan that stood up is somewhere different.

That's... what? What the fuck?

"Isn't over-protection too much?

Goran's, it had a low voice.

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