○ Miaza, Commander of the Daldaros Army Corps

This is one of the streets leading to the King's Capital.

The Lowes army is now breaking up into several units and marching on.

Miazza, the commander of the Legion, who is attacking the Rush of the Lowes Army, finally took a breather when the enemy's attack came to a halt.

"Non-combatants repair the broken parts of the formation. Move the injured back! What happened to the spare unit?

Though the enemy has also pulled off, it is certain that it will come again with the system in place.

"Reserve units, we can confirm. They're coming soon."

"Right. Well, then this is a good place to be."

There were plans to abandon the formation and fall into the rear town, but there were many injuries.

Still, until yesterday, there were many who could move on their own.

In today's onslaught, the injured were mass-produced, and now half of the injured were asleep.

You can't leave them.

Miaza looked at his men healing the wound.

Three days after sending the rescue request to the castle, reinforcements arrived from the castle earlier.

Even so, only a few of them have arrived ahead of time, and the main unit will be a little behind.

But now I can rejuvenate a little.

Though I think so, other battlefields seem to be terrible in the story of those who have come forward.

"Ruiz's place is close to town, so I thought you'd be okay..."

Legion leader Ruiz also retains an enemy invasion on a different street than here.

Ruiz's place seems to have a lot of enemies, and I heard the castle sent reinforcements early.

However, Royal Castle soldiers are finite. I've never been gushing from nothing.

So what's the matter? We conscripted from multiple towns and villages.

This, on the other hand, made it easy for the military to get it, risked the army becoming just an amateur in battle.

Soldiers who don't understand orders don't work the way this one wants.

It gets in the way of the allies when, and avalanche all at once when it collapses.

In the case of heavy defeat, it is said that there should be no recruits.

But being a widow doesn't boost the morale of the entire soldier.

"But I was wondering if Louise would hold out."

In the end, the Ruiz army seemed to be water on the burning stone even as they increased their power, and now abandoned the fort and said they were in the middle of a retreat.

"... I expected Ruiz to fly in, but that's something that's not working"

Miaza leaks a dry laugh.

The lame (Hako) Tengu Miaza is not so good at flying in the sky, although she specializes in magic attacks.

Magic is often struck from the ground to avoid being sniped at.

Meanwhile, Ruiz of the Utengu (teasing) tribe only shows strength on the sky.

If Miazza and Ruiz combined, it was a very compatible combination of constant magic attacks from the ground and the sky.

"It's time to come. Prepare for interception!

The enemy has also finished resting and seems to have restructured their troops.

I saw movement in the enemy formation.

Some time later part of the formation opened and something huge came along.

"... ugh!? That's the Golem tribe. The enemy is serious."

The slow-footed Golem will be magically destroyed before they reach this formation. That's a disposable wall.

Still, some survive and reach formation.

Miaza is also well aware of the power of the Golem.

It may be easily destroyed, such as where the formation was repaired.

One Golem after another falls magically in front of you. Still, the Golem's legs don't stop.

Even in ten bodies. If you reach the line, you can win with it.

That's what the enemy thinks. Therefore Miaza flies.

"Destroy them with maximum fire!! If we make it, it's over!

Come here and let me out. No hassle.

I wonder if this is still the case. Launch the magic bullet at the Golem tribe.

The crushing noise sounds continuously and the earthen smoke rises high in the blast.

From the sight taken away and the sight of nothing gone, a species that I never thought would appear - the Armor King Turtle (Greetings) tribe.

"Prepare yourselves for impact!

Miaza's decision was quick.

Though the Armored King Turtles have slower legs than the Golems, their breakthroughs are out of the group.

Anyway, if you allow it to hit you, it will go straight through to the deepest point.

Shortly afterwards, the wood used for the formation began to fly around the body of the Armor King Turtle Clan, and Miazza's body danced through the universe.

○ Battle in the streets Farnese

Put the army together and rush with a decoy knife, and your allies will collapse. The ravages of the enemy were about to begin.

"All units, keep storming."

Farnese shouted that way. No, he took the lead himself and stormed the enemy army.

The enemy would have been surprised.

It is the enemy's army that emerged from the rear in the victory present.

We've been marching to dominate the streets, but we've been turned backwards.

We have to flip right over and fight our enemies...... seems to have thought so and some troops reacted to the Farnese assault. But......

"It's late!"

Farnese stormed not because he overconfident himself.

Because I have enough strength.

Kick the looming troops and push them in a straight line.

When I realized it, I went through the enemy lines and reached my own formation.

The same applies to my men.

The general lost and they all followed with desperate shapes.

"Back again?"

We fought outbound, so we could fight back.

With that in mind, Farnese turned the army back and leaped back into the enemy line.

I was lucky enough to jump out in front of the enemy Legion Leader when Farnese sent two enemy lines back and forth.

So Farnese is lowering the enemy general after a single strike.

It is a victory for the Farnese army.

"... What is this place?

When Miaza, the commander of the regiment under General Daldaros, woke up, the sky was stained with cedar.

It didn't mean it was wild, but something seemed to put him to sleep on the board.

Peel your torso and check your surroundings.

The battle was over, and the others, apart from their own armies, were handling the ex-post.

"Is that... General Farnese's army?

I found out what the Vampires looked like, and I understood that.

"Are you awake?"

It was Miaza's deputy who came.

"What's happened since then?

"General Farnese is here as reinforcement, and the war is this victory. We're doing some post-war work now."

"Holy shit!? General, did you come all the way here? I have to thank you for this. There's no general here?

"When I had an important business, I was back alone. In addition, General Farnese's troops are deployed on all the surrounding streets, so there is no doubt about our military's victory on any other side."

"Well... did you win? So the general went back..."

I found out the general pushed me in the busy and rushed me.

"Have you contacted General Daldaros?

"It's in there."

"Let's at least do our job"

We have to make sure the streets are safe. This is going to take all night.

Miaza stood up that it would still be better than fighting the enemy.

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