I still had something to say to Gooden, but time is limited, and more importantly, he says he can't remember everything in person.

If it's enough to talk halfway, you should let them follow you from the Kobolds later.

In fact, Gouden has always been the Force Leader.

Trust me, except for tactics. You'll be fine. Yes, except for tactics.

"Well, I'll go back, but if you feel more rats, get rid of them without touching them."

"Ha-ha, okay. Leave it to me."

Now we're done where we should go all the way around.

"I really wanted to go to the Hill of Views, too."

The scenic hills are a little far from here.

Walking takes a few days.

The town should be rebuilt and the Tree Fairy Clan should be back.

I wanted to ask you about your grandfather from the Cherry Ent tribe, but you can't stop by for my personal motives this time.

"If I had known sooner, I would have stopped by first."

Grandfathers don't wake up until the year breaks.

By then I was going to visit once, but apparently that's not going to happen either.

Breaking up with Gooden, I hurried to the village where the red rat came out.

On the road to the village, I thought about why rats with germs came out.

At first I wondered if the Lamia had brought it or not, but there's no way they'd bring a rat with germs alive.

If we get sick, we're in danger. Moreover, it had been quite a few days since the Lamian tribe had arrived that the rats had occurred.

"There's no reason to do that near where we live in the first place."

If the cause is the Lamian tribe, you can't even tell me the existence of a red rat.

So did you come from where the Lamia were by chance, or were you near here from the beginning?

"When it comes to things different than before..."

This country has not experienced war for a long time.

Lately, for the first time, he was attacked by another country.

Two offensive battles were fought on a scenic hill a few days walk from here.

Numerous Auga tribes also participated from villages around here.

"Sometimes it's the war."

For example, there were rats in the mountains that originally had germs.

But it was deep in the mountains, and never came out into the village.

The presence of an unknown, developing and dying red rat was never known.

But the war brought changes to the environment surrounding rats.

Suppose an animal that was around Viewing Hill escaped.

Wild dogs, foxes, wild rabbits, etc. are also in the demonic world.

It's possible they didn't like the war and fled across the mountains.

Then we will have to look for prey before we escape, but will the massive number of rats there just enjoy being bait?

There is no reason for that. I would still run away.

The only way to escape a fiercer and bigger enemy of your body than yourself is down the mountain.

That's how there were more rats in the village, but some of them had germs.

Isn't that what it looks like for a reason?

"You're at war in the demon world right now."

As here, there may be examples of ecosystem changes that have led to the spread of unknown infectious diseases.

"Is this also one of the sacrifices of war?

Directly and indirectly, war deprives people of their lives.

Maybe that's the same in the demonic world.

"I'm back now. What happened to the rats?

I got to the village where the red rats came out, so I asked the young people around.

"We got a lot of rats."

"Well, how long have you been able to get rid of it?

"You don't count, but you have quite a few."

I hadn't even kept it in mind before, but when I tried to capture it, they said there were quite a few.

When I looked for it, it still caught my eye.

More than I thought, so I don't know if I can get rid of all the rats.

"Well... I wonder if there were any other good traps"

Looks like I used all the buckets to put water in.

They say they have installed more than sixty just traps.

And as I can tell, he never touches a rat, and keeps putting every bucket of water in the hole.

Seems like a lot of them, so I want to increase the trap, but not enough buckets.

"You can't use water like it leaks."

If the rat doesn't die on me before I fall, they'll get me out.

Then the rats learn, and they won't catch on next.

At first glance, there were piles of things that I had collected in an empty space to use for traps, but could not be used.

There are many cages (baskets). It's knitted, but there's no gap for a rat to escape.

"Wouldn't this work?"

I can't strain the water. Even if I drop it in an empty cage, they run away with my legs.

I was thinking about even liding it in a cage, and I came up with one.

"Classic, but this could be handsome"

Flip the cage over and stick it. Tie a thin string to the stick and hold the end by hand.

"If you put bait in the cage and wait in hiding for the rats to come eat..."

If the rat gets inside, just pull the string.

I tried it and the cage dropped.

"Okay, let's try this way"

Rats hiding somewhere during the day should also come out at night looking for food.

The Auga don't have to sleep a little bit. Let's take turns and let them hide and pull strings.

Suddenly, he decided to install a string pull trap. Fifty cages were collected, large and small.

Set it up in a place where the rats are likely to come out, and the string pullers get it hidden.

I tried this overnight and found that the string pulling trap took seven rats and it worked.

"Let's go on with this too"

That's what I thought, arrow tip, the news came in that someone was out sick.

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