I'm done talking, so I thought I'd go back, but it seems Dalmia was different.

He approached without making a sound and began to smell me.

"Oh, hey...... Dalmia. What?"

"Smells like a red rat"

"Red rat......?

I don't know what you're talking about.

No, I just thought of something.

Before I came here, I stopped at an Auga village nearby.

At that time, I received a little welcome, but occasionally something crossed my horizon.

When I asked, he told me that there had been more rats lately. I haven't asked if it was red.

"Smells like a red rat...... do"

"If you stop by the village before you get here, you'll be held back. I heard more rats in that village, so weird. The smell must have shifted there. Does that bother you?

"Carrying red rats, plague (Ekibi)"

"The plague?

Dalmia nodded slowly.

"Red rat carcasses, manure (hmm) is a mass of plague. Whoever touches it carries the plague."

"Tell me a little more!

The Darmias. The place where the Lamias once lived was a clean and mysterious place, with flowing rivers and beautiful lakes.

They said it was a very beautiful place with beautiful waterfalls if you go a little.

"One day, one of my people, he died"

"With the plague?

She died when she said that her skin was rough, that she had black spots, and that it hurt to burn inside her body.

I asked myself a lot about what had happened, until the Lamian tribe died, to look for the cause.

The only clue I got there was, "I ate a red rat. It was awkward and not very edible" testimony.

I had no idea of a red rat. No one knew.

And when I mourned my buddy for a while, I had the same symptoms with a few other buddies.

It took a man close to the dead.

This is a nasty disease. That's what I thought, isolated them.

The aquatic species were not nearby, thus transferring the affected to another stream.

They made the remaining ones thorough, if the red rats came out, they would never come near, if they did not eat.

"Since then, no one has developed the disease"

Several say they dissected a dead red rat.

It was found that the gut was rotten and the rat had carried the pathogen.

"You looked it up there a lot."

I wouldn't even want to come near you.

"It was necessary for the race to survive"

The Lamia sometimes eat rats. I guess I had to.

The research suggests that red mice are the same as regular mice before carrying germs.

When affected, her whole body hair falls out and her skin swells bright red.

"Red skin is evidence of being rotten (just). It makes sense to be awkward to eat."

"Oh well."

They took quite a while to figure that out.

When the first victim came out, he explained the symptoms to the merchant who came and asked him if there were any medications that would go with it.

Apparently, the Lamia can build their outfits with stones on the bottom of the water.

He's surprisingly clever.

You can also make your own clothes like swimsuits, so I guess so.

And the day flows.

Until the Lamia identified the cause, the Lamia just never seemed suspicious that no other pedestrians would come.

While the cause can be identified and the frustration is still present.

"The town was in trouble"

When the Lamia were investigating the cause, he said, there were successive people in nearby towns who developed the same symptoms and died.

The Lamian tribe, which has no AC, of course does not know about it.

And to bad in between, the pedestrian knows the story of the first victim.

"Rumor has it that the Lamia brought the disease."

"Yes, I lived near the water."

The place where the Lamia lived was just off the town's water resources.

The Lamian tribe was first afflicted, and then the townsfolk were successively afflicted.

That's true, but otherwise, the Lamia didn't do anything to the town's inhabitants.

But with hundreds, thousands of dead, the inhabitants were losing their cool.

As a result, they were going to chase the residence.

By then, the whole town had contracted an infectious disease, which had spread to neighboring towns and the inhabitants of the town were inaccessible.

Still, there are those who survive.

From those people, the Ramia killer theory should spread.

The Lamia said they gave them a clan and abandoned their country and fled.

"... I see. But what about the smell of red rats?

"Even if it looks normal, it could be a rat that already has germs. So instead of looking at the rat color and discerning it, I remembered the smell"

Red rats have terminal symptoms.

You may have suffered even before then.

Or so, you can't live avoiding all the rats.

Therefore, he said, he learned the odor emitted by rats with germs.

"I think it's a good decision...... but then the rats who were in the village"

"Probably has"

Do you have it? Tell me what? Of course, it's germs.

What am I supposed to do? No, it's decided. We have to get rid of it.

Catch me...... no, that might put germs on my hands.

Capture it in a trap, collect it and burn it.

Maybe there's a sterilizer already.

"Sorry. That was very helpful. I'll be back in the village soon."

I can't stay like this. I ran towards the village.

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