The sleeping castle of little demon king Melvis is in the heart of this country.

In modern Japanese terms, the capital.

It's the most developed town in this country.

"Come on, it's a knob to go straight home like this."

Anyway, we can take it slow for a while.

In this case, a number of national policies were decided.

First, the troops of the Demon King Tralzard, who will come in thirty days.

Use this as a trump card to the Little Demon King Leninos Battle.

I don't want to allow Leninos or Farrah to rise. They're coming with Melarda's intentions, so they don't seem to be on the same level as those soldiers there.

You'll see the troops coming before you judge, but you'll probably invade for the best time Leninos and Farrah are fighting.

"The invading army... it's General Daedalus's turn"

Now that General Gologodarn has fallen, the new General Tourat must train the restructured army.

It seems too early to recover from the pain ahead.

The troops of General Farnese, to whom I belong, will probably be the guardian of the King's capital.

The fact that it has been a series of wars before and the fact that the last time a few but still headed to defeat Leninos or attract the Farrah army (though this is my job), I did a variety of activities.

Even from the rotation, there is no turn for General Farnese this time.

"If it's about protecting the castle, can I join you?"

It was the same with me that went on in the streak, and now I want to get some rest.

Still, there is tourism and I think it would be nice to pack it in a castle.

Whatever it is, expect from General Daedalus and the robust troops coming from neighbouring countries.

"Whoa, that looks like sweet fruit"

That's why I'm shopping in town right now.

Thanks to the fact that he has become a direct subordinate of the General from the Force Leader, he also receives quite a bit of salary.

I don't use it here, where do I grab it?

"Brother, this was purchased from the town of General Daedalus. It's something you can barely even talk about around here!

He looks like a grassy haired boy, but he's still a fine adult.

When it comes to the Glassrunner tribe, a race that is not suited to the battle that lives in the meadows.

"That's the first fruit I'll ever try. I've never seen it in my village."

"Right! This is so sweet. It's a fruit tree that only grows in the middle of a cliff, so only winged clans can collect it."

There are several kinds of sweetness in this world, but fruit sweetness is common.

It looks like a pineapple, but when I hold it and smell it, it gives off a sweet aroma.

"Shall I have one?"

"Yes, Maido ~"

The first fruit I've ever seen.

Normally I'd be worried about how to eat it, but the Auga people are different.

I opened my mouth wide and shattered half of it.

"...... hmm. I see. The pulp is sweet. The center is slightly stiff because it makes seeds?

The fruit was very bright and delicious.

I chewed the other half with another bite and put my face closer to the Glassrunner tribe watching with a flashing face.

"How many more of these do you have?

"Uh... maybe five in a hemp bag"

"All right, let's get it all. Give me every bag."

"... Yes!

Is it about the size of a pineapple?

Looks like the Glassrunners brought it on their backs, but it's only about as much a burden on me as a bag of convenience stores.

"I got a good souvenir"

Let's feed Saifa and Becca too. I'm sure you'll be happy.

"... Speaking of which, I need to buy something for the rig too"

I always take care of my deputy's rig.

You think it's part of your job over there, but you've got quite a bit of care around you.

At a time like this, it would be nice to return the favor you received.

"I don't like this."

I was selling a beautiful box. Similar to a parquet.

It would have been made around the Leprechaun tribe with clever hands.

I hear you're good at woodworking and craftsmanship.

It was a little pricey, but there is also the aspect of forward investment.

If this makes you happy, it's cheap.

"Don't forget, Painy too"

Now it's not nice to have no souvenirs but Painy the Reaper.

I wouldn't say anything with my mouth, but that's what I'm going to worry about instead.

"Well, you're Painy. What would you like..."

I seriously look around the open air, but there's nothing like this.

I guess I'm not in the habit of buying souvenirs for residents of the demonic world in the first place.

There are no stores like souvenir shops.

And there is no habit of "dressing" the inhabitants of the demonic world.

No, I do, but it doesn't feel like modern Japan.

At best, it's like wearing something to distinguish you from the others.

"... this is good"

What caught my eye was an umbrella.

Even in this world, if it rains, I give you an umbrella.

Sometimes rainfalls like (minced), and some species don't care if they get wet.

But many species rain on something similar to umbrellas.

And what I found was a light, bright-colored umbrella. It's close to an umbrella.

"Now you can buy souvenirs for everyone."

That's all those people I've been gathering at my house for a long time.

Their delightful faces come to their attention. I rushed to the village with a hockey face.

"We're home!

With a bag of souvenirs in my hand, I opened my own door.

"Welcome back, Master Goran"

"Ooh, Rig. Have you ever changed?"

This is the usual interaction.

"Golan, welcome home"

"You're finally home."

"Welcome home"

There are also Saifa and Becca's wasting brothers and sisters, Rig and Painy.

"It was just fine. Souvenirs for everyone..."

"Dear Golan. Speaking of unusual things, we had General Farnese's men earlier, and we wanted to leave the troops to Lord Goran to go to the Demon King's realm, so we need to form a unit as soon as possible to get to the General's town."


"I ask Master Goran to exchange the troops..."

"No, I hear you"


You want me to trade the troops for Meralda? No way......

Why me?

From his weak arm, the souvenir made a noise and fell to the floor.

I gave a sweet voice to the rolling fruit, Becca or "Fine Oui".

"... are you serious?"

I looked up to heaven.

Dirty ceilings were there.

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