The Manticore were like intelligent beasts.

I think about it, and I can talk about it. Still, he said, the beast's instincts can't be held back.

"That was more of a hunt than a fight."

I know because I went back from "me" to "me".

The way I fought then was the hunt itself.

Go to prey, push it, trap it.

I didn't know I had that kind of wisdom... and I thought it was rude.

"Not at all... it's what I grew up with"

Every day, you see what I do, you're sensed or something?

I couldn't overwhelm myself with the amount of magic, and pushing him in with a streak didn't stop him from stabbing him.

If I had gone on more than that, I would have gotten in the way or got away with it.

So I deliberately make a gap and allow it to strike back.

Run away where the Manticore tribe on track tried to strike a chase.

That was good.

In the instinct of the beast, those who flee follow.

Flipped and struck where the Manticore clan advanced without thinking.

The counter came in nicely.

I never loosened my hand on the attack until I stabbed the stop as it was.

It should be noted that even if victory or defeat never occurs, the threat of power does not know where to stay.

The Auga tribe watching around also produced more and more grossing footage of the pull.

"A lot of places didn't retain the prototype... ugh"

I just remembered.

Next time, I want you to kill me softly.

The enemy boss-like guy knocked him down, but what happened to the others...

Golan, it's over.

Becca is waving.

"Don't lay around. Shake it with your own hands!

Don't wave the arms you picked up there.

"I got hit by a couple of them. Some of them can't move. What are we gonna do now?

"Take the dotted call, Cyfa. I carry what I can't move. From the battlefield, there won't be another wave. See how it goes here."

Both armies have already moved into total force battles.

Apparently, the Farah army was on alert when the Leninos army showed up near the border first.

I don't know anything there. He said we showed up. That's the way it is.

I had no idea what was going on in Leninos territory because it was what had passed through the kingdom of Janius the Demon King.

I acted only thinking about not being able to find it, but it was a blind spot that I had already moved the army.

"Even the Farrah army, if they raid where they're on guard, they'll send out the army."

That's probably why the Farrah army that was rallying in town showed up so early.

It seems that we have unintentionally guided the two countries to war.

Looks like Luguo Bridge? Isn't it a little different?

Either way, I didn't expect Leninos and Farrah's thoughts to bump into each other so quickly.

Is this a good thing, or what?

If this battle is settled and one country or another is to be defeated, all the surrounding little demon kingdoms will flow to the victor.

When that happens, the flow of the birth of the Demon King cannot be stopped.

We will have created a mighty enemy with our own hands. Okay, well, what happens?

The battlefield entered its final total force battle.

Neither army can afford a soldier this way. Or maybe it was the troop leader I knocked down earlier.

It was that intimidating. Am I glad I defeated you? Wouldn't the trend be inclined?

"How long are we going to see how it goes?

"You can keep running, but the soldiers are scattered all over the place because they're fighting on the flat. Just give me a few more minutes."

About two kilometers from here to the main unit where Totoile is located?

It's flat ground, so there's nothing in between.

What would you do if I had enough power?

Assault the main unit where Totoile is? I can't do that. Die.

Golan, it looks like something's moving.

Totoile's main unit moved. Even so, half of them.

I don't know if it's a sub-race or a giant race, but I left the main unit. That's about as warm as it was, pretty strong guys.

As we watched, we rushed to where we were most confused.

"Don't get kicked around there"

A new hand was put in where both armies were exhausted. It is not acceptable.

Lead your own army in your favor there based or as a stepping stone to the enemy formation?

Totoile went on a serious offensive. I can't afford to look this way anymore.

"All right, I'm pulling."

I want to go back to my country through Leninos territory like this, but then I feel like Totoile is going to chase me.

Leaving the country in the right place, even if it's big enough, let's find a safe route and go home.

I'm also concerned about General Farnese, and I'd like to return it as soon as possible.

"Step back slowly in the same position so as not to draw attention. Never run out."

I brought in the elite, but there was a lot of damage. About half of them were minor injuries?

"Well, we're retreating, but our mission... from the results, is it a great battle result"

Now the border zone between Farah and Leninos becomes a state of tension.

We should always have to put up a single army because there is no peace to be made.

I did a good job.

After a few hundred meters of retreat as it were, we turned our heels back and left the battlefield.

I looked back a few times, but no one came after me.

It was seen from both Farah and Leninos' armies, so we gave up returning directly to the country.

The journey proceeded near the border between Leninos and Janius, so he decided to return on the other side of it, through the kingdom of Darm the Great Demon.

"Will you finally see the other little demon kingdoms?"

Through the kingdom of Darm, he passed through the kingdom of the Little Demon King Krull and the Little Demon King Lowes.

Ultimately, it took plenty of fifteen days to return to the country.

Then something unexpected was waiting for us.

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