Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 619 Earth's Fart: The Lake Flips

Natural disasters, also known as natural disasters, natural disasters, famines, etc., refer to abnormal phenomena that occur in nature, which will cause serious disasters to surrounding creatures and human society.

This is the human definition of natural disasters.

Putting aside the literary explanations, in fact, since the beginning of human beings, they have been fighting against various natural disasters and paid enough prices.

In winter, snow disasters will kill people.

In summer, drought will kill people.

Plateaus, avalanches, and death.

Coastal, tsunami, people will die.

In normal times, typhoons, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and meteorite impacts still kill people.

Natural disasters often erupt suddenly and are unpredictable, resulting in heavy losses. Of course, in the long years, human beings have also summed up a lot of experience, learned to detect natural disasters, and used various methods to prevent them.

For example, on snowy mountains, absolutely do not make loud noises and strong vibrations to prevent avalanches. On big rivers, build numerous dams and reservoirs to regulate the flow of river water and prevent floods. In addition, artificial rainfall is used to alleviate droughts, weather satellites are used to warn and evacuate people to reduce losses caused by typhoons, and so on.

However, under the terrifying power of nature, the power of human beings is too small. It can only prevent, avoid, and reduce losses. It is really too difficult to resist.

Take typhoon as an example.

Typhoons are the most common natural disasters. They occur frequently, are powerful, affect a wide range, and cause serious losses.

Some people asked whether it is possible to eliminate typhoons with the level of technology on the modern earth. For example, detonate a large-yield nuclear bomb in the center of the typhoon, destroy the typhoon, and finally calm the typhoon.

Actually, no.

The heat released by an ordinary mature typhoon is basically equivalent to detonating a 10 million equivalent nuclear bomb every 20 minutes, and the heat released every hour is equivalent to several thousand times that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. If it is just a few ordinary nuclear bombs, detonated in the center of the typhoon, it will not have much effect at all.

In a word: Nature is the master of the planet, and human beings are just parasites on the surface of the earth.

Sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid with a diameter of about 11 kilometers hit the Gulf of Mexico, causing the Cretaceous mass extinction. About 75% of the world's creatures including dinosaurs were extinct, and the earth had no impact.

The earth has existed for nearly 4.6 billion years, and no accident, it will continue to exist for billions of years.

Human beings with only a few thousand years of civilization and a few million years of biological evolution history, at least for now, are really not worth mentioning to the earth.

Human beings can only try to avoid and prevent natural disasters on the earth, but cannot resist them.

And a headache is that some common natural disasters can be detected in advance because of the obvious signs, and there is sufficient time for prevention.

As for other uncommon natural disasters, no abnormal state can be found before they occur. Once they occur, they will quickly take away a large number of lives. This type of natural disaster, a very famous one, is called... Lake flipping.

There are very few recorded cases of natural disasters involving lake overturning, and there are only two so far, but each of them has caused considerable casualties.

The first case, Lake Monaun.

Lake Monoun, located in Cameroon, a country in central and western Africa, suffered a natural disaster on August 15, 1984.

When a natural disaster occurs, there is no warning, and it happens extremely quickly, like a god of death wielding a scythe, precisely taking away lives one by one, and then hiding in the darkness.

People affected by natural disasters have no ability to resist at all, let alone send messages to the outside world for help, and all die within a very short period of time.

In the case of natural disasters, it was not until unrelated people, because of accidental circumstances, entered the scene after the natural disaster broke out that something was wrong.

The first person who discovered it was called Ahaji Abdul. While he was on his way, he saw corpses all over the road, and the car crashed out of the road. No one survived.

According to statistics afterwards, a total of 37 people died in this natural disaster.

This number is nothing, the most important thing is that the dead did not show any signs of struggle, as if they died suddenly of some acute infectious disease, which once caused a huge panic, and it took a long time to investigate clearly.

The second case, Lake Nyos.

Lake Nyos, also located in Cameroon, a country in central and western Africa, suffered a natural disaster in the early morning of August 21, 1986—two years after the first case.

When the natural disaster happened, it was in the middle of the night and it was still located in a densely populated area, so a large number of people who were asleep were killed collectively before they could react.

Witnesses who entered the area afterwards described: no one was in sight, or they were all dead.

Because it is located on the outskirts of the area, the witness who was extremely lucky to save a life from the disaster described: I was standing alone in the pile of dead people, the house was full of dead people, the cattle, sheep, and dogs were all dead, and the family of 56 , of which 53 were not breathing.

According to posthumous statistics, more than 1,700 people died in this natural disaster, and countless livestock died!

This obviously caused a huge panic, especially after just two years of the first case.

To this end, scientists from all sides came to conduct rigorous investigation and research, and concluded that the events of Lake Nyos and Lake Monaun were caused by the overturning of the lakes.

What is a lake flip?

It turns out that Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are not ordinary lakes, and there is a magma belt under the bottom of the lake. The existence of this magma zone will allow carbon dioxide to continuously leak into the water and accumulate at the bottom of the slow-moving, extremely high-pressure lake.

When the carbon dioxide accumulates to the limit, it will erupt. At that time, hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide will rush out of the lake and spread around.

Because the density of carbon dioxide is 1.5 times that of air, a large amount of carbon dioxide is like a thick carpet on the earth. Wherever it goes, almost all the air is driven away, first creating a high-concentration carbon dioxide area, and then Create a pure carbon dioxide area, which will dissipate after a long time.

The gas carbon dioxide, as part of the air, is not harmful at a low concentration, such as 0.04%.

But when the concentration rises to 1%, it will make people feel stuffy, dizzy, and palpitations.

When it reaches 5%, people will feel shortness of breath, headache and dizziness.

When it reaches 10%, the function of the human body will be seriously confused, causing people to lose consciousness, lose consciousness, stop breathing and die.

As for higher concentrations, reaching the level of pure carbon dioxide, not to mention humans, as long as plants, animals, and microorganisms that rely on oxygen for aerobic respiration cannot survive.

That's Lake Flip!

Someone vividly named this kind of natural disaster, it's called... the fart of the earth.

Well, fart of the earth.

The earth farted and took hundreds of lives.

And this is the power of natural disasters.


Taklimakan Lake is a lake that periodically undergoes "lake inversion", which is certain.

However, Richard didn't know this when he was interested in Taklamakan Lake at the beginning. The reason why I am interested in Taklamakan Lake is entirely because of the name.

After all, not every desert is called Taklamakan. The name of the desert on the earth is actually pressed on a lake in the current world, which made Li Cha curious.

Afterwards, he heard the legend about the God of Death in Taklamakan Lake from the wizard Teddy, and Richard wanted to explore the secrets of the lake very much.

At that time, there were many speculations, and later in the process of exploring the small village of Artis, more discoveries were made. After entering the lake to check it out, it was finally confirmed that Taklamakan Lake is a lake where the natural disaster of "lake overturning" will occur.

Then everything can be explained.

In the legend of Taklamakan Lake, the so-called god of death is nothing but hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide gas accumulated at the bottom of the lake. And every few hundred years, the god of death will wake up from his deep sleep and take away all the lives he sees, because it takes a long time to re-accumulate carbon dioxide every time it is erupted to the outside world. Hundreds of years is an accumulation cycle.

After understanding this, Li Cha raised his vigilance towards Taklimakan Lake, and warned Nancy and Gero that it is best to stay away from the lake.

Although he can see that the amount of carbon dioxide accumulated at the bottom of the lake is not far below the limit and will not be erupted to the outside world within a few decades, many things are not absolute.

A small earthquake, or even a boulder falling into the water, can be enough to upset the delicate balance between carbon dioxide on the bottom of the lake and the water, allowing the carbon dioxide to be released prematurely. At that time, the killing effect and the killing range may be somewhat reduced, but the people in the core area, without sufficient defense, will undoubtedly die.

After figuring this out, the matter is considered to have come to an end. With the convening of the exchange meeting, Richard threw Taklamakan Lake aside. After all, his main purpose is the treasure of the Black Spirit King, the ultimate secret of the Black Spirit Empire, not the great geographical exploration.

He only wanted to wait until after the exchange meeting, and find a way to stay and continue digging and searching for the small village of Artis. He would not invest too much energy in a lake, even if this lake is very rare, and three of them have been discovered in the entire earth so far.

But who knew, the development of the matter was unexpected, the exchange meeting turned out to be a huge trap, and Deep Blue Fort even colluded with a mysterious organization, planning to kill all the wizards attending the meeting.

For such traps, conspiracies, etc., Li Cha was not too cold, and he was not prepared to participate in it at all. After helping Gero, Nancy and others to break through, he was ready to leave.

I was thinking more about one thing in my mind: after the disturbance in Deep Blue Fort, the entire east coast was in chaos, and the surrounding area of ​​Deep Blue Fort became extremely dangerous. If I want to continue digging and find the small village of Artis, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, and I need to find another way.

Just like when thinking about a solution, a new problem came. The black-robed wizard of the mysterious organization, for some reason, regarded him as a sure-fire target and mobilized a large amount of power to surround and kill him, making it impossible for him to escape even if he wanted to.

In a crisis, he remembered the dangerous existence of Taklamakan Lake. He simply fled to Lake Taklama, and when the enemy didn't notice anything wrong, he released a large amount of carbon dioxide at the bottom of the lake in advance to solve all troubles.

For this behavior of taking advantage of the situation, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong, nor did he feel that the victory was invincible.

In any case, with this method, he didn't need to spend any more effort to kill people, or continue to escape, and now he only needed to receive the spoils from the many corpses.

Well, receive the loot.


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