Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 501: The Feather of Truth

In the following days, Richard settled down in the city of Florence.

The first thing to do after settling down is to try to find the location of the other party according to the clues left by the cat slave girl Heidi's letter.

But Florent has great advantages as well as great disadvantages. The disadvantage is that without specific information, it is too difficult to simply find someone. Rao even hired a large number of people, and let everyone brave the cold wind to search for people on the street, looking for things related to the mark, but they still couldn't find it.

After the initial period of efforts failed, he had to lower his expectations. While asking the employer to continue to work hard and tell him any news immediately, he started to get busy with other things, such as research projects, such as Black Spirit King's Secret.

After all, he came to the North, Moore, and Florent not only to meet the cat slave girl, but also for other purposes.

In this way, time passed day by day, and the whole cold winter slowly slipped away—it was already the end of the year when I came to Florence—the snow moon in December, the ice moon in January, and the two After the freezing month of January, it's March.

March, warm moon.

According to the East Coast tradition, March, April, and May are spring every year, and the rest of the seasons follow in sequence. March is considered the beginning of spring and the day when all things recover—also called recovery month.

This month, the beginning of the month.

Florent, corner.

A dilapidated-looking stone building stood tall, with cracks on the walls, and it looked like it would collapse at any moment, burying the people who lived inside and those who passed by. Pedestrians who pass by this stone building dare not stop at all, for fear of bad luck. Almost no one thought that there would be another scene under this stone building.

The basement of the stone building is a secret underground hall, about 300 square meters in size. A wooden platform occupies one-third of the hall, and about fifty chairs are scattered in the rest of the place. Almost half of the chairs were occupied by people.

Everyone sitting is wearing a cloak to cover their faces and prevent them from being recognized. Occasionally, he raised the wooden signs and announced the numbers one by one, but he also used a false voice and was extremely cautious.

And on the wooden platform, there was a thin man wearing a shiny dress covered with glass shards, talking loudly, introducing items one by one, trying to make people in the audience desire to buy.

Obviously this is an auction.

To be precise, this is a gray auction on the verge of breaking the law.

About half a month ago, Li Cha learned of the existence of this auction through contacts with some people, and after spending a lot of effort to get the invitation letter, he came here.

To be honest, he wouldn't have come if it wasn't for some missing materials. Because this place is really informal, the auctioneer will basically not guarantee any interests of the bidders except for collecting money to sell things, so the auctioneers will try their best to protect their identities.

Even so, there were still bidders in the previous auctions, and they were followed as soon as they went out, and then they were ambushed and attacked, and everything on them was robbed—not even their clothes were left behind.

Affected by this negative effect, those who dare to participate in the auction now are those who have confidence in their own strength. There are very few ordinary people, most of them are wizard apprentices, and there are also some wandering wizards.

Everyone's vigilance was extremely high, and they seemed to be sitting quietly in their seats, staring at the wooden platform. But in fact, only less than one-third of the attention is on the wooden platform, and the other seven-point attention is on the people sitting next to him. If you want to find out whether the person sitting next to you has any unruly thoughts about yourself, and whether you should act first after a while.

Li Cha sat in a corner of the auction house, feeling the tense atmosphere around him, and couldn't help shaking his head. He is not very nervous here. On the one hand, he is very assured of his own strength, and on the other hand, the white feather in his arms gave him a special reminder.

Yes, White Feather gave him a reminder.

After a winter, although he didn't fully figure out what the white feather was, he also figured out some functions - there are two main functions.

The first one is to break the illusion that has been seen before. According to the test, the white feather has a strong defensive effect against some aggressive and confusing spiritual spells. It can be said that as long as you wear a white feather, you will basically not suffer from mental spells.

The second one is related to spirit, or emotions. White Feather can feel some obvious malice and kindness emanating from it, resulting in some changes.

He had actually noticed this change on the sea ship back then, but it was impossible to draw conclusions because of too little data. Now after a winter, it is determined that if White Feather feels clear kindness, it will become hot, and if it feels clear malice, it will turn cold.

In a sense, the white feather is equivalent to an identification device, which can quickly determine whether a person is good or bad through heat and cold. Of course, if a villain hides his emotions and heart very well, it will be difficult for White Feather to detect it, but this kind of situation is rarely seen.

Breaking illusions and identifying good and evil are the two major functions of White Feather.

To sum it up, I can use two words to describe Bai Yu - pure, and one word - true.

The white feather has a certain meaning, as if it exists specially to distinguish between illusion and reality, camouflage and friendliness.

Li Cha is not sure about the mentality of the clown giving him this gift, nor is he sure whether the white feather has a more important role, but as far as he knows now, the white feather makes him easily think of an item in the legend of the earth— — The Feather of Truth.

Feather of truth!

The Feather of Truth comes from ancient Egyptian myths and legends.

Legend has it that after everyone died in ancient Egypt, they would enter the world of the dead, "Duet", where they met Anubis, the god of death with a jackal head.

Anubis had a scale of judgment, which he used to judge a person's good and evil. He put the heart of a dead person on one end of the scale of judgment, and put the feather of truth on the other end of the scale of judgment—from the truth It was taken from the goddess of order "Maat".

If a person is kind, his heart will be light, higher than the feather of truth, and he can get eternal life. If a person is evil and does all kinds of bad things, his heart will be heavy, he will be lower than the feather of truth, and he will be punished as he should.

In Li Cha's view, the white feather is now being used by him against other people, which is considered a weakened version of "judgment". There may be some loopholes, and it will not be deceived like the legendary Anubis, but it will not be too bad, and it will fully meet the daily needs.

Therefore, he decided to call the white feather the "Feather of Judgment". He would not rely entirely on this thing to judge whether a person is good or bad, but it could be used to determine the complexity of the surrounding environment to a large extent.

For example, now, through the occasional coolness on the surface of the "Feather of Judgment", he can confirm that there are at least three people nearby who are malicious to him. However, this malice is only at the lowest level, and it has not reached the level of killing and stealing goods. It seems that he is currently safe and can continue to stay at ease.

Thinking of this, he looked towards the wooden platform.

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