Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 470: The Old Man from the Holy Mountain

Princess Ruth was startled, she closed the book in a panic with a "snap", and looked at the air in front of her seriously, extremely serious. It seems that there is a big diamond weighing one catty hidden in the air, which will fall out at any time.

"Da da da……"

Li Cha approached, and soon walked away. It turned out that Li Cha just didn't know what he remembered, and suddenly walked to a nearby wooden shelf, took a book and read it for a while, and then walked back.

Princess Ruth squinted her eyes, glanced, glanced twice, and glanced three times to make sure that Li Cha had really gone far away and didn't notice her at all. She took a deep breath and opened the book again.

"I didn't read it, I didn't read it, I didn't read it." Princess Ruth muttered in a low voice, covered her face with her hands, and then perfectly exposed her eyes through the gaps between her fingers, browsing the contents of the book.

The content of a large space, which repeats a single syllable, and the content of a large blank, which gives people infinite reverie, constantly enter the eyes of Princess Ruth.

Princess Ruth's body tensed uncontrollably, her legs were closed and clamped, her whole body twisted unnaturally, and the temperature on her cheeks kept rising.

One page, two pages, three pages...

Princess Ruth felt that her whole face was going to burn, the inside of her mouth was so dry, and the breath she exhaled was scalding hot. But like eating forbidden fruit, I couldn't stop at all, reached out to turn the page, and then turned the page...

That night, she was so intoxicated that she couldn't extricate herself.

Until the end, Princess Ruth didn't know how many pages she had read, but felt that the words kept shaking in front of her eyes, and Princess Ruth and her many lovers were about to come out of the book. Leaning limply against the bookshelf, her upper and lower eyelids closed together, her head resting on the bookshelf, she fell into a drowsy sleep and fell asleep—a dreamland full of charming and colorful dreams.


On the other side, Li Cha didn't know or care about what Princess Ruth was doing, and was constantly browsing one book after another in the library.

Calculating the time in my heart, the browsing speed continued to increase, almost turning pages at a glance. Once you realize that the content of the book has nothing to do with the information you want, you can throw it away unceremoniously and replace it with another one.

In this way, Li Cha browsed through one bookshelf and another.

During this process, he did learn some information about the former Black Spirit Empire, but it was too little and too little for him to be of much use. And the contents of the book do not mention any secrets of the Black Spirit King.

He still needs to keep browsing and searching until he finds what he wants.

Finally, Li Cha walked to a bookshelf near the edge wall.

With a quick glance, Li Cha saw that the books on this bookshelf were a bit simple and heavy, and the covers had a metallic texture.

Pulling out a book from the bookshelf, Li Cha found that the book was heavy, knocked on the cover, and saw that the whole book was vibrating slightly - the book turned out to be a metal shell, which seemed to have been treated with special anti-corrosion treatment, and there was nothing on it. Rust marks.

"This should not be an ordinary book."

With this thought in mind, Li Cha slowly turned to the first page. As soon as my eyes fell on it, I couldn't help squinting, because I saw a pattern in the middle of the first page - a familiar pattern!

Black triangles, inscribed circles, vertical lines bisecting triangles and circles.

The symbol of the Dark Empire!

Li Cha's eyes became serious, he took a deep breath, and prepared to scroll down.

Just then, a cough sounded from behind.


After hearing the voice, Li Cha's eyes shrank suddenly, his muscles contracted, and he became highly vigilant and entered a fighting stance.

The reason for this was that he could hear the hoarse and old cough, and it definitely didn't come from Princess Ruth who was staying in the library with him.

So who would it be?

Li Cha suddenly turned his head to look behind him, and saw an old man in yellow clothes who appeared at some unknown time.

The other party's face was wrinkled, his beard and hair were white, and he looked more than seventy or eighty years old. His hands were hanging on his chest with some weakness, and the back of his hands was covered with brown age spots.

"How are you, boy?" the old man in yellow greeted blankly, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

Li Cha didn't relax his vigilance at all, and asked aloud, "Who... are you?"

"Me?" The old man answered, "I come from the Holy Mountain."

"Holy mountain? What holy mountain?"

"Oh, what holy mountain?" The old man seemed to have heard the most incredible thing, "What kind of holy mountain do you think it should be? There is only one holy mountain on the entire east coast, and even in the whole world. I come from the only, ancient, eternal The sacred and inviolable holy mountain!"

Li Cha's eyes were narrowed, he didn't want to have too much discussion with the old man about a secret place name, and said: "Well, you are from the Holy Mountain, I know. Then what do you want to do here?"

The old man smiled slightly: "The purpose of my coming here is actually very simple, that is to stop your stupid behavior."

"Stop me from being stupid?"

"Yes, stop your stupid behavior." The old man nodded, "I am from the Holy Mountain, but I am also the caretaker of this library, you can be called... the administrator. The existence of this library is more important than you think, Even the current King of the Black Sacred Mountain Kingdom cannot fully understand the truth.

There are many things hidden here, many secrets hidden. Some of them can be known by others, but some of them can never be known by others and can only be sealed here.

What you are preparing now are such secrets that cannot be known by others. So, you have to stop and go. understand? "

Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

The old man continued to speak, looking quite serious: "I know, you are a very powerful kid, you are smarter and better than many people. I believe you, the future must be limitless, and the entire east coast may not be bound you.

But the smarter you are, the more you should know how to be humble, and the smarter you are, the more you should know when to pretend to be confused. Now is the time to be humble and pretend to be confused. Because, there are some things that you are destined not to touch, once you try to touch, then the price is simply unbearable! "

"Then what if I have to touch and bear these things?" Richard asked, holding the book and asked, "For example, I have to turn to the next page to see what's on it?"

The old man's expression became icy: "I said, you shouldn't do this. If you have to force it, then you will end up with something you don't even want."

"Really? But I think that retreating in front of the things I am most curious about is the end I don't want the most." Li Cha looked directly at the old man and said, without much hesitation in the next moment, he opened the book in his hand The pages, the body slightly curved, ready for battle.

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