Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 335: Earworm and Dragon Maiden's First Working Experience

In August, yellow leaves are everywhere, and there is a golden moon.

It has been many days since the last time I fought with Suomen and Mu Keni, two members of the mysterious organization. During this period of time, Li Cha has been repairing the internal injuries of his body, recuperating his physical condition, researching various contents in the main laboratory, and at the same time suffering unprecedented "disturbances".

The disturbance is not from Pandora out of sleep, but from...

Main laboratory, laboratory.

In the afternoon, the soft autumn sun shines in, making it bright.

Li Cha sat at the experimental table and looked at the contents on the papyrus scroll, while thinking, subconsciously tapped on the table.

"Crack, blah blah, blah, blah blah..."

The sound of Li Cha's tapping is a melody that has been echoing in his mind for many days, commonly known as earworms.

Earworms are hardly a strange thing. According to modern research on Earth, almost everyone has the experience that a certain fragment of a song or other musical composition repeatedly echoes in the ear involuntarily.

From a scientific point of view, "ear worms" do not actually appear in the ears, but in the brain, which is a purely neural activity of the brain. When the "earworm" phenomenon occurs, the auditory cortex in the brain, which is responsible for auditory information processing, will become active, showing the same state as hearing music, so that people feel as if there is really music ringing in the ear.

There are many mechanisms for this to happen. One theory is related to "the brain codes music in so many ways", another theory is related to "involuntary memory retrieval", and another theory is related to "information in the According to information correlation storage in the brain, there are many.

In fact, if a person is under great pressure or in a certain special mental state, the probability of "ear worms" will increase.

And if you want to explore the root cause of Li Cha's "ear worm", it is a bit worth pondering, because the reason why Li Cha has "ear worm" is precisely because of the text deciphered from the book of the Black Spirit Empire—Kegoriling Ancient, Dulier Mengwu.

Ke Guoli Linggu, Dulier Mengwu.

It seems that this is just an ordinary sentence, but many days ago, when Richard completely deciphered this sentence from the book of the Black Spirit Empire, an indescribable "cognitive itching" and a strange melody appeared in his brain , and eventually developed into "ear worms".

While "earworms" don't do much harm,

But after being entangled for so many days, Li Cha is still a little miserable. Li Cha also knows that for things like "ear worms", the best solution is to let them go, otherwise, the more you resist, the harder it will be to get rid of them.

Li Cha withdrew his gaze from the papyrus scroll, stopped tapping his fingers on the table, let out a breath, and couldn't help thinking: I don't know how long the "ear worm" will last, and I don't know how long the "ear worm" in the books of the Black Spirit Empire will last. Ke Guoli Linggu, Dulier Mengwu" What exactly does this sentence mean.

Thinking of this, Li Cha felt a gaze cast over him, and subconsciously turned his head to look, only to see Pandora sitting on the bed secretly looking up. Seeing him turn his head, Pandora looked away in a panic, lowered her head and played with her fingers seriously.

Li Cha turned his head, and immediately Pandora looked up again.

Li Cha turned his head, and Pandora lowered his head again.

Li Cha turned his head again, and Pandora looked up for the third time.

Feeling being watched, Li Cha breathed out again, knowing that Pandora is purely boring, this is also the disadvantage of Pandora after getting rid of the deep sleep: before sleeping, naturally there is no need to do anything, if you don’t sleep now, you have nothing to do every day, just stay After a long time, it will naturally be boring.

Li Cha was thinking, and turned to look at Pandora. Pandora quickly lowered her head. After waiting for a long time, she couldn't help but raised her head, just in time to meet Li Cha's unmoving eyes.

Pandora's eyes blinked and widened, as if she was a little annoyed. She was dissatisfied with Li Cha's breaking the rules of the game "whoever's eyes are seen first will be the puppy". But after a while, Pandora said: "Li Cha, I... want to learn something from you."


"I don't want to sit on the bed and play by myself all the time. I help you and do something for you." Pandora said with a serious face, as if she had thought it through.

After listening to Pandora's words, Li Cha's eyebrows moved, but he didn't refuse, and said: "Okay."


Pandora immediately jumped out of bed when she heard this, ran up to Li Cha quickly with bare feet, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Well... let's start with the simplest." Li Cha said, "For example... brushing the test tube."

"Brush the test tube?"

"Well, brush the test tube, can you brush it?"

"I...don't know." Pandora shook her head, "But I can try."

"Okay, come with me." Li Cha said, leading Pandora to the side, walked to the corner of the main laboratory, and stopped in front of a pot of used test tubes.

Bringing the clean water bucket, waste liquid bucket, test tube rack and brush, Li Cha showed Pandora the process of brushing the test tube.

"The first step is to pour out the waste liquid in the test tube, then pour half of the test tube with water, shake it, pour out the water, pour in water again, shake it and then pour it out, and wash it three times in a row."

"If there is still dirt in the test tube after three washes, use a test tube brush to remove it. When brushing, turn it up and down, left and right like this, but don't use too much force, or it will damage the test tube."

"After brushing with a test tube, shake and wash with water three times, and finally remove the water. The standard is that the water attached to the inner wall neither gathers into water droplets nor flows down in streams."

"When everything is finished, you can put the test tubes on this test tube rack, understand?"

Li Cha washed a test tube, put it on the test tube rack on the table, looked at Pandora and asked.

Pandora's eyes were wide open, and her lips parted and closed: "Eh... Ming... I understand..."

"Just understand, you have a try." Richard said, stuffing a test tube and a test tube brush into Pandora's hand.

Pandora looked at the test tube first, then at the test tube brush, tilted her head and seriously recalled what Li Cha had done just now, and started to move.

First pour out the residual liquid in the test tube, and then pour in clean water and shake.

As a result, Pandora had just poured half of the test tube into it, and imitating Li Cha's example, she shook it vigorously, and with a "click", the slender, poor test tube shattered in her hand.

Pandora was stunned, and looked up at Li Cha, full of innocence: "This... this... I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay." Li Cha was very "compassionate", and said, "The test tube is broken, it's normal, as long as you don't hurt yourself, let's continue."

After speaking, Li Cha helped Pandora collect the glass shards of the test tube and throw it away, and put a new test tube into Pandora's hands.

Pandora results test tube, repeat the operation: pour off the liquid, add water, shake...


The second test tube shattered again.

Pandora stared again with big innocent eyes: "This... this... I really didn't do it on purpose..."

"I know." Li Cha said calmly, and put the third test tube into Pandora's hand, "I know you didn't do it on purpose, just pay attention this time, and make sure you don't shake it too hard..."

Before Li Cha finished speaking, there was a "crash", and the familiar voice sounded from Pandora's hand again - this has not yet begun to wash away!

Pandora muttered in a low voice: "I... I'm too nervous..."

"Phew, it's okay..." Li Cha had no expression on his face, and picked up the fourth test tube, "There are still many test tubes, and we still have many opportunities."

Pandora nodded vigorously: "Yes."





The fifth root, the sixth root, the seventh root...


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