Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 185 Damn thief, you stole my baby

Okay, let's get to the point of thinking.

First of all, it is still not completely determined whether it is a real drift bottle. But just based on the material analysis of the bottle, its technical means have surpassed the level of the current Middle Ages. Therefore, this bottle was either made by a wizard, or it was made by a legendary or ancient wizarding civilization. So, in a sense, this can be seen as a drift bottle through time -- a time capsule.

In addition, the drift bottle is in the body of the giant squid, indicating that it is obviously artificial. After all, the squid should not have the habit of "inserting strange things into the body". This shows that someone wants to use this method to achieve a certain purpose. It's just that he failed, otherwise the drift bottle wouldn't get here.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of squid is not long, only a few years. For example, the largest squid on the modern earth, the giant Physalis squid, only has a life span of about 450 days. But considering the particularity of the current world, especially the size and strength of the giant squid, it is very likely that the other party's life span is not short. Not very realistic.

And if the lifespan of the giant squid is really long, it is very likely that the drift bottle has existed for many years. It is possible that the drift bottle has been in the body of the giant squid since it was relatively small, and now, about the "time capsule" "The idea is also established.

In reverse inference, perhaps the lifespan of giant squid is very short, and perhaps it is not very large. However, because the drift bottle exists in its body, it exerts a special effect, which stimulates the giant squid to change, which eventually leads to the giant squid's life being extended, its size becoming larger, and its strength becoming stronger. It is precisely because of this that after losing this drift bottle, the giant squid will be furious and will chase the giant ship.

After thinking for a long time, Li Cha said to himself: "Then the question is, this... what is in the drift bottle? It is actually put in the body of a giant squid to 'drift' in this way. How to look at it, it's a bit unbelievable."

As Li Cha was talking, his eyes fell on the cork of the drifting bottle, looking at the sealing wax, his eyes flashed.

It's useless to speculate and deduce. What is it, you still have to open it and see.

As he said he did, Richard brought the oil lamp close to him, put the mouth of the bottle close to him, and tried to melt the sealing wax.

The sealing wax began to soften under the burning temperature of the flame, and then dripped little by little, producing a faint smoke and a strange smell.

"Tick, tick..."

Suddenly, Li Cha was holding a drifting bottle, and his eyes were sharp, and he heard a faint whisper in his ear, as if someone was attached to his ear and said something. But after listening carefully, I found no.


Richard frowned, holding the drift bottle and continuing to bake the sealing wax.

"Tick, tick..."

The whisper came again, and it was a little clearer.

"Tick, tick..."

Whispers are clearly audible.

"Stealer, do you know what you are doing now? You are walking step by step towards the hell of flames, you are walking towards the endless abyss step by step, you will suffer six hundred and sixty-six kinds of torture, and your soul will cry six One hundred and sixty-six epochs..."

"Sinner, repent, and look at what you have done! Gluttony, lust, greed, rage, laziness, sadness, arrogance! You filthy soul, you will eventually burn up in flames..."

"Villain, are you still not stopping? The chains of judgment have been wrapped around your neck, and the cold blade has been clinging to your chest..."

"Come on, let me dig out your heart and see if it's red or black, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The whisper grew louder and louder, until it finally rang through the cabin.

The surrounding air twists.

When Li Cha turned around, he saw a rickety old man with a wrinkled face suddenly appeared in the corner of the cabin, looking at him with a kind of resentment.

If it was someone else, he would be startled, but what Li Cha did was... wink.

Close your eyes, open your eyes again.

The rickety old man had already withdrawn into the corner, but he did not give up the attack, but found a knife from nowhere, rubbed the blade with his hand, looked over and said, "You shameful thief, you stole me. My darling, my darling! I can't just teach you a lesson, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"Of course I can, I'm going to cut open your belly, I'm going to pull out your intestines, wrap it around your neck, and hang you from the mast!"


"What, in your opinion, this is just a little funny? Then I must torture you well. I will cut a thousand or ten thousand wounds on your body, and then smear honey on it, and kill you to death. Tie up, let all the ants in the world crawl on you, let them bite you, bite everything about you, and let them eat your body little by little!"

"It's getting more and more interesting, but unfortunately..."

"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, you are just an illusion, you are just an illusion of my brain."

"What, I'm an illusion? Joke, I'm real, I'm going to kill you!"

The crooked old man rushed over with a knife.

Li Cha ignored him and turned around.


The knife passed through the body, and Li Cha saw the tip of the knife coming through his chest, and blood was constantly gushing out of the wound.

With an expressionless face, Li Cha moved the drift bottle that was baking beeswax away from the oil lamp. Then, with a knife that penetrated his body, he walked to the door of the cabin, opened it, and quickly expelled the smoke from the room.

After a while, the smoke was almost exhausted, and Li Cha saw the wound on his chest and the knife all twisted away.

The ricketed old man in the corner of the cabin curled up into a ball, pulling his neck and screaming: "Damn thief, you can't do this, you will be tortured, you will be tortured endlessly!" During the scream, the ricketed old man also twisted. Disappeared.


Richard closed the cabin door again, then walked to the table and sat down, looking at the sealing wax that had recovered its hardness, his eyes flashed, and he said to himself, "It's really interesting."

Yes, it's really interesting.

With the existence of sealing wax, the idea of ​​normal people is naturally to bake. But who knows, this sealing wax actually contains some kind of special ingredient, which can induce hallucinations, but it is not ordinary hallucinations. It is to create an illusion that is combined with the environment in a normal environment, which is more realistic and more difficult to distinguish than ordinary illusions.

It's like the difference between AR and VR.

But to Li Cha, it was meaningless. When he smelled the strange smell of melting sealing wax and heard whispers, he almost guessed the possibility of hallucination. After that, I continued to bake the sealing wax, just to see what step the specific effect can achieve and how strong the hallucinogenic ability is.

Now it seems that the hallucinogenic ability in this sealing wax is very strong and of great value. It can be preserved and used on the enemy. If it is combined with the crystal skull and "One-eyed Berserk Potion", the effect may be more than three.

Well, is this a "dementia halo" made by yourself, with one more member?

But these are small things, and the most important thing is to figure out what is in the drift bottle.

Li Cha looked at the drift bottle.

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