Chapter 182 【】All and One

Facing the endless tide of beasts, people suddenly discovered a group of seafood cursed beasts surging out of the sea. The magical girl Qing Ning, who had obtained the power of the Club K Siren, was commanding them to gather together and begin to eliminate the increasing number of abyss cursed beasts in the periphery. Together with the mechanical witch wearing the Demon Spirit System who arrived earlier, the two sides worked together. Although it was difficult to completely clear the abyss, they at least curbed the blind spread of the abyss, providing valuable time for the people of Red Sea City to evacuate safely.

The beast tide was suppressed.

The poisonous snake curse beast Stark that triggered the entire incident was eliminated, and the two abyss apostles were also temporarily sealed.

Overall, it was a victory and a morale-boosting battle.

The war has entered a short rest period, giving people time to breathe and rest, to prevent them from being completely overwhelmed by double physical and mental exhaustion under the high-intensity wheel battle.

At the same time, everyone can also gather together to exchange and organize information during this rare stage to prepare for the next action in advance.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

Hongfeng is responsible for taking the lead in contacting the magical girls who are scattered around and fighting alone.

But Mu Jiu was still fighting on the battlefield. In her opinion, the battle was far from over. She turned into a natural disaster and wiped out the abyss wherever she went.

From morning to night, as the night gets darker, the abyss surging in Red Sea City still cannot be completely eliminated, and has even begun to spread to surrounding cities, causing quite a commotion.

Mu Jiu judged that the first round of the abyss caused by the poisonous snake curse beast Stark had basically been eliminated. What is raging now is the sudden appearance of the apostles of the abyss, which caused some mutations to emerge from the outer space. In the abyss, the infectivity has been greatly enhanced, and the proliferation rate has exceeded the upper limit of treatment.

The abyss can never sleep, eroding everything in the world all the time, but Mu Jiu is different. After all, she is a living being. She will be thirsty, tired, hungry, injured, and bleed. Her magic power will be exhausted, and her physical strength will be exhausted. Mu Jiu was exhausted from the high-intensity and high-intensity battles that had been going on for a whole day, and he relied on his obsession to survive until now.

Mu Jiu, who had transformed into a human form, was squatting on the ground with her hands on her hips. She was breathing heavily. Next to her were the body fragments of some twisted cursed beasts, which were piled up like a mountain. They were constantly dissolving into a crimson viscous liquid, which was the original form of the abyss.

Afterwards, Mu Jiu watched helplessly as the abyss was immersed in the soil bit by bit and reorganized into a movable body. A new round of battle was about to begin, and Mu Jiu could only stand up accordingly and confront the abyss.

The abyss is never-ending, and it can kill many powerful people. Mu Jiu is powerful. She has grown to the point where she can kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of abyss cursed beasts. But if she faces tens of billions, gigabytes, or even What about the even more terrifying and nearly infinite number of abyss cursed beasts?

Mu Jiu knew in his heart that he couldn't do it.

"Hey, I'm here to change my shift. You go back and take a rest, and I'll leave this place to you."

Several bright light cannons flew from the sky and hit the newly condensed abyss monsters. Bright light burst out, and dozens of abyss monsters exploded into the most brilliant fireworks in the night sky.

Mu Jiu looked back and saw a familiar wave of magic power coming, and the magical girl holding a mechanical spear landed lightly next to her.

The six-tailed fire fox's Coulomb power familiar followed him.

With a smile on her face, Cang Yan patted Mu Jiu on the shoulder and said, "Don't be exhausted by then. You won't be able to fight anymore. It's not worth the loss. Don't worry, I'm here. You go and have a good sleep first."

"Senior Cang Yan..."

The arrival of Cang Yan made Mu Jiu feel particularly reassured. She had witnessed Cang Yan's strength with her own eyes. One person could easily deal with two EX-level apostles. These ordinary abyss were occupied in large numbers and were even stronger. A single combat power could not defeat Cang Yan at all. Flame poses a threat.

Mu Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief.

She suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, senior, don't you have a sister? The magical girl Ming Yue is also the magical girl Berserker. Why didn't she see her in this battle? Did Ming Yue have any accident... "

Mu Jiu remembered the days he spent with Berserker and Assassin.

She was a little curious.

Mu Jiu's words made Cang Yan a little silent. After a long time, Mu Jiu began to realize that he had said the wrong thing. He might have been dancing in the minefield. Cang Yan said, "People always have to make choices. Let's go." On the road of no return to protect the world, I will inevitably owe a lot to my loved ones. In all aspects, I don’t know how to face Ming Yue, nor how to rescue Ming Yue..."

Cang Yan raised his head and looked at the stars in the night, his eyes slightly sad.

She is an ideal person who would rather sacrifice herself to make more people happy, but this choice is tantamount to harming the people around her, even if this is not Cang Yan's original intention.

The strong are always alone and have nothing to worry about.

However, Cang Yan still lives in this world, and there are still people she loves and people who love her in this world.

People are destined to be entangled by fate.

Cang Yan didn't want to die, nor did he want his sister to die.

There should be a way to get the best of both worlds, and there shouldn't be anything in the world that requires the sacrifice of someone to achieve something.

Cang Yan thought so, but the reality was extremely cruel.

People always have to give up something in order to grow.


Senior Cang Yan's lonely look made Mu Jiu feel a little uncomfortable. Mu Jiu's eyes drooped slightly. A lot of things had happened to her these days, and she also thought about a lot of things. Although her identity had undergone earth-shaking changes, her thinking was still... Not much progress.

In Mu Jiu's view, he is just an ordinary person, without so many strong and persistent beliefs. Everything is just drifting and going with the flow.

Facing a disaster that could be called the end of the world, Mu Jiu was helpless. She wanted to do something, but she didn't know what to do.

It seems like the only thing she can do is...

Fight, fight, and kill as many abyss cursed beasts as possible.

However, after today's high-intensity battle, she clearly realized one thing. Her efforts were negligible, and if she only treated the symptoms but not the root cause, and did not solve the root causes of the abyss, then the whole world would fall...

Mu Jiu didn't want to see that scene.

She thought that she should do something...

Something that only you can do.

After previous exchanges, Mu Jiu knew one thing. The Competition of Desire was essentially an extension of the promotion game more than three thousand years ago. Fifty-two cards competed for a path to promotion, gathering the existence of all the cards, and Will become the new Star God.

Magical girl Cang Yan is a heart-based magical girl. She has collected cards from A to J, leaving only the Q and K of hearts that she has not obtained...

There is only one step away from promotion.

Now the Queen of Hearts Demon has become the source of power for the Black Apostle, and the Dragon of Hearts K...

It's yourself.

In the past, Mu Jiu was afraid of death. She didn't know what she would be if she lost the power of the King of Hearts, and whether she could still survive in the world.


Now, she felt it was time for her to make a decision.

The savior who can truly save all is right in front of you.

"That...Senior Cang Yan..."

Suddenly, Mu Jiu lowered her head again, and the scene of her parents looking forward to her return flashed before her eyes.

Mu Jiu also bears the expectations of others...

"What's wrong? Are you feeling a little unwell?"

Listening to Senior Cang Yan's caring words, Mu Jiu twitched her lips and said, "It's nothing, I'll go back and rest first."

The two people who changed shifts exchanged a few words and prepared to leave. After all, in the apocalypse, there is not so much leisure time.

"Then I'll go first and leave this place to senior."

Mu Jiu said goodbye and quickly flew into the sky. She was ready to find others. After a long battle, Mu Jiu really felt exhausted.

After watching everything, Coulomb Li touched his chin. As a genuine old fox, he had many calculations in his mind and glanced at Cang Yan.

"Do you really not want the King of Hearts card?"

On the other side, Mu Jiu quickly arrived at the edge of Red Sea City, where a brightly lit temporary base appeared. Various magic devices were arranged around the camp, and they were constantly emitting light curtains to build a translucent barrier to protect the camp from danger. Eroded by the abyss.

Some vehicles loaded with supplies were speeding on the road. When they arrived at the gate of the camp, several soldiers stepped forward and began to inspect the goods. They quickly scanned the vehicles with their instruments. They beeped twice. No trace of the abyss was detected. The military trucks were slow. Slowly drove into the camp to provide energy and ammunition for the magic armor.

Several magic colossi that were more than ten meters high also came forward to watch. They were talking in low voices. It seemed that human beings' combat capabilities had improved so much. It seemed that they should not be underestimated.

The world outside is raging in the abyss, but the camp is peaceful and peaceful, as if we are in the golden age of love.

"I didn't expect so many people gathered here."

Looking at the busy people, Mu Jiu felt a little emotional, and her figure flashed, and she appeared inside the camp. With the characteristics of Lancer's space magic, Mu Jiu could freely enter and exit various restricted areas, and her target was Caster who was training in the temporary base. and Archer.

Mu Jiu let go of his senses and flashed into a room. Just as he was about to speak, he saw not only a resting magical girl in the room, but also a man in a suit and glasses.

Seeing Mu Jiu's sudden visit, the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses quickly stood up, stretched out his hand to greet Mu Jiu, and expressed his gratitude for Mu Jiu's efforts today. It is precisely because there are people fighting on the front line that more people can make it happen. Opportunity for many people to evacuate.

The mysterious man only vaguely explained his origins. All his eyes stayed on Mu Jiu, looking up and down at every detail, as if he wanted to completely engrave Mu Jiu's figure in his memory.

Staff from the Countermeasures Bureau?

This Mandarin is really good, and it is something I can't handle.

Just when Mu Jiu was helpless, he never expected that the staff member suddenly spoke English.

"One for all, all for one."

"Huh? What does this mean?"

As a high school student, Mu Jiu naturally takes English as a compulsory course. The meaning of this sentence, if interpreted normally, should be everyone for one, and I for everyone. It is an ordinary sentence with positive energy, but in the current environment, It seems that there is an ulterior motive.

The man with glasses smiled mysteriously, pushed up the gold frame on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Of course this sentence has another meaning, it depends on whether you can understand it. Okay, I'm done."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses was about to open the door and leave, as if he really just wanted to convey these words to Mu Jiu.

"I'm leaving. Hey, everyone, sit down. You don't need to send me off. I won't trouble you all for a little guy like me."

Walking at the door, Tan Dou suddenly turned around and said something to Mu Jiu again.

He said: "Now it's time for us to sacrifice..."

Looking at the leaving figure of the thirty-year-old man, Mu Jiu was thoughtful, because she vaguely heard the mysterious man say an unclear name.


at the same time.

Spaces at different latitudes at the same time.

[Why is Nyarlathotep still doing such meaningless things? Destruction has long been doomed. The abyss of chaos is ready to attack. All races cannot resist it, but it still wants to try to stop the abyss. Is it true? Just because it finds humans interesting? ]

[Its symbol is disorder and chaos. Only chaos can be so out of touch with common sense. No one can guess its next actions. Chaos means fairness and justice, so it will treat anything and anyone. All races are treated equally, unlike us who are full of prejudice and unreasonable malice towards human beings. In our eyes, those races that are just sacrifices and food may actually be the leaders of the real world. 】

[It must indeed be admitted that the nameless fear we once brought to them is gradually becoming the food for their progress. ]

In the grotesque and strange dark space composed of wonderful consciousness, two monsters with indescribable bodies are squirming, talking with the supreme consciousness, and around them is the chaotic, dark and endless abyss.

The gods who played their sickeningly monotonous flutes offered eternal blessings to the shapeless psychedelic thing on the throne.

In the hopeless world that cannot be seen or should be seen, some abyss like viscous liquid are overflowing from the gaps. They seem to have their own life and consciousness, but it is definitely a crazy and terrifying consciousness.

All objects that have been in contact with them or were eroded by them seem to have suddenly gone crazy, turning from peaceful to self-destruction, trying every means to commit suicide, even those planets, stars, neutron stars, black holes, etc. Stars without self-awareness also began to deviate from their predetermined orbits.

Like a satellite three times larger than the moon, it suddenly started going crazy.

It broke away from the gravitational pull of the planet at an extremely high speed, ignored the star's magnetic field, and crashed straight into the star's interior.

The originally unstable core became even more fragmented, triggering a big explosion that spread far and wide. As the silent explosion sounded, the abyss began to spread along with the ash, and gradually began to spread to various adjacent galaxies. It is also heading towards destruction step by step.

In the deepest part of the original universe, and outside the eternal space-time continuum, the boundless invisible darkness floats or carries an unknown object composed of billions of radiant spheres.

It is a supreme being that is connected to thousands of times and spaces and is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

He is moving slowly at this time, as if he has extended his great consciousness through the long river of time to billions of years later.

"Yo, you're still the same."

A cheerful woman with dark skin stepped into this time and space.

She snapped her fingers casually.

The first light began to emerge from this, and with the light that tore through the chaos, people saw her appearance clearly—Nip.

"Why don't you want to meet me? You damn spoiler, I followed the network cable and came to kick your door in person. Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you willing to throw two kicks to blow you down? Want to have a good talk with me?"

A substantial sphere emitting light white light slowly fell from among the billions of light spheres. It made a slight breaking sound, and the faint light gradually took shape. What appeared in front of Nip was a pair of golden eyes, dressed like ten A thin man with the appearance of an eighth-century English gentleman.

"No, I was thinking about what posture I should use to meet you. Since you are now in human form, I will also use human form."

"Ah, Jus, you are always stubborn in such insignificant places."

Knapp was sarcastic, and it looked like she was really disgusted by Jus' sneaky little moves.

"If you are really all-knowing and all-powerful, you should be able to guess my purpose."

“There is no absolute omniscience and omnipotence in the world, only relative omniscience and relative omnipotence.”

Jus's voice sounded very old-fashioned and full of absolute rationality, with almost no emotional fluctuations. It did not admit that it was omniscient and omnipotent in an absolute sense, otherwise there would be an omnipotent refutation.

Jus could not create a stone that he could not lift.

If created it would mean it was deficient in power.

If it cannot create, it means that it is not omnipotent in creating things.

It is not even omniscient. Regarding the void, Jus still has many doubts.

However, Juss was of course fully aware of Nip's purpose. He pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses that slipped on the bridge of his nose and said coldly: "I don't think you need to know about this matter. As a Chaos , has already crossed the line, and I still want to ask you to accuse me. You are the original pillar god who makes up the universe. Don't be too emotionally invested in lower-level civilizations. Do you care too much about certain people?"

Knapp's face turned gloomy instantly. She didn't come here to listen to Jus' unilateral lectures.

She sneered twice.

"I think you, Jus, are the one who did something out of line. I have been investigating the whole incident for more than 10,000 years, just to find out why the interesting world I finally found was suddenly destroyed. You Don’t you think that I don’t know why Crystal was born, and what kind of existence currently occupies the personality of Mu Jiu? You actually merged part of your godhead and power with the human soul?! Jus, what on earth are you doing? What are you pursuing?!”

The more Nip spoke, the more angry she became. She forcibly used the power of her own body to cross the distance of tens of billions of light-years to reach Jus's hometown.

The outer god himself kicked down the door.

Jean Jus was extremely silent. He glanced at Knipp a few more times, knowing that he could not deal with the real Knipp, nor could he make his anger disappear.

"I'm currently pursuing..."

Jus took a long breath and said seriously: "All for one..."

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