Shall we start with friends?

“What is this craft to do? Then why did you call me here?”

“Olivia doesn’t want me, it’s my conditions. You only need Leon Farostel, a dragon, a saint, and the head of the Philo Kingdom, but didn’t you apply for an engagement with a character named Leon? I don’t have the confidence to spend the rest of my life with someone like that.”

“You’re a kid too. Do you think that marriage can only be established with love? Those conditions come together one by one to make you yourself, so it may be that you want to be with you more desperately than being swayed by vague emotions.”

Leon shrugged.

It was definitely what he said.

However, Leon only used ‘feelings’ as an excuse to refuse the engagement.

“But I don’t think your condition is so desperate.”

“I am the princess of the Millennium Empire. You mean that power is not coveted?”

It will not.

Leon grew his influence by attaching himself to Princess Ailee at the age of only 13, and was even able to solidify his position as a saint of the Holy Empire.

No matter how talented you are, it is an achievement that cannot be achieved without the ambition for power.

“If you become a member of the imperial family of the Millennium Empire, you will be able to wield the greatest power in the world. But that’s not something I desperately want to have even at the cost of my life.”

At Leon’s answer, Olivia fell into deep thought.

Leon had already clearly expressed his refusal to do so, but from Olivia’s point of view, it was not possible to say, ‘Oh, that’s right.’

And Olivia acted abruptly.

He lifted the shoulder straps of the dress and began to seduce Leon.

The guards turned their heads without showing any sign of embarrassment, and expressed the signal that they did not see anything with their whole body.

“How is it? Isn’t my body beautiful? To marry me means that you can take this body as yours. A lot of the guys I’ve met so far can’t come to their senses just looking at this chest. It is a body that everyone wants, but no one has until now. That means you can do whatever you want with this body.”

But Leon only smiled bitterly.

“You can’t fall for such lust in the yard where even the power of the imperial family is kicked. Well, she certainly has a beautiful body.”

Olivia’s face frowned.

She seemed to have a lot of confidence in her body.

“Then what the hell are you going to do? If you were going to reject the engagement so resolutely, why did you ask me to meet you?”

“Shall we start with friends first?”


“I don’t know who Olivia is. If you start with friends and get to know each other, you might start thinking that you want to develop a deeper relationship.”


Are you saying that we should go on a normal date like the common people or have a relationship by building a relationship?

Olivia snorted.

As a princess of the Millennium Empire, ordinary dating is nothing more than a childhood play.

What is the meaning of such an action?

“Well, if you don’t like it, quit.”

However, it was Leon who was holding the hilt in this place.

From Olivia’s point of view, Leon cannot be hostile.

Olivia and the imperial family of the Millennium Empire will have no choice but to support Leon if they show that they want to be close to Olivia without having to be engaged.

“…Now that I see it, it’s not a kid, it’s a squirrel playing a kid.”

“If you’ve researched my background, you already know that, otherwise I wouldn’t have survived.”

“Of course, I have read your material. But wasn’t it all your own fault? If he had that kind of ability, he would have been able to occupy a significant place just by adapting to the family system. But you have chosen a path that is at odds with your family.”

“I had a good reason for that.”

“Is it because I was locked up in an attic just because I was the bastard? It’s because you didn’t know the blood of the Yongin people flowing through your body and didn’t treat you properly?”

“That’s one of the reasons, but would you believe me if you could see the future?”

Olivia looked into Leon’s eyes for a moment.

Unlike Olivia’s pupils, which resemble dragons, they are ordinary human eyes.


“If you have Yongin blood, there is a lot of possibility. Longan has that much power.”

“I saw it. A future in which my mother will die if I do not act myself, a future in which my mother will die secretly after being abandoned by the family and fighting a devastating battle on the battlefield. I just didn’t want to be like that.”

Olivia showed a surprising reaction.

“you? Dying secretly on the battlefield?”

According to the information Olivia read about Leon, Leon’s magic was truly amazing.

Is it possible or not that such a Leon could die secretly on the battlefield?

“Can you keep the secrets of what I said here?”

“…you already know, but I need you. You must never do anything that leaks information you want to keep secret and turns it into an enemy.”

Leon shook his head contentedly and continued.

“To tell the truth, I am neither Yongin nor anything.”

At Leon’s words, Olivia struggled to understand Leon’s true meaning.

But Leon reflected in her eyes was only smiling with an unknown meaning.

“In the future I saw, I was an ordinary boy. A boy who barely maintains two circles due to the lack of talent and teaching. My family regarded me as trash, and I was literally thrown away like trash and died. So I desperately honed my magic to get to where I am today.”

Olivia gave her a confused look.

Olivia analyzed that Leon was able to see one of the possibilities of the future because he obtained Longan on condition that he was a dragon.

However, Leon says that he is not a dragon.

How is that possible?

“Are you also a fake Yongin?”


you say too?

It was as if Olivia was saying that she was also a fake dragon.

“Can you tell the story from here too?”

“That’s because I also don’t want to turn the imperial family into an enemy.”

In response, Olivia shook her head and raised her hand to bite the guardsmen.

It means that the contents that will come out of Olivia’s mouth from now on are a secret even to the guards.

“How much do you know about my information?”

“If only you were a fake princess adopted to restore the power of the imperial family.”

“Didn’t you think something was strange when you heard the story?”


After Leon thought for a moment, Olivia gave the answer with her own mouth.

“When the imperial court needed the young dragons to regain power, I appeared as if prepared for them.”

It was a little strange to hear that.

The Yongin people are a very rare race.

When such an existence of the Yongin tribe was needed, it suddenly appeared due to coincidence?

“I am the Yongin people who were created in the Millennium Empire.”

“You mean the created Yongin people?”

No such thing is possible.

If that was possible, the Millennium Empire could have created a large number of dragons and put an end to the war against the demon realm.

“Of course, it is not easy to make. Arming the army at the cost of creating a single Yongin will be able to achieve greater efficiency. However, the imperial family of the Millennium Empire experimented with many children to use the symbols of the Yongin people politically, and this is how I was born.”

According to Olivia, it seems that ‘fitness’ is necessary to create the Yongin people.

However, it can only be discovered through experimentation, and unsuitable subjects pay the price of death.

The royal family of the Millennium Empire brought in orphans from all over the world to be used as test subjects, cut their flesh, extracted bones, muscles, skin, horns, blood, and heart, and transplanted them into artifacts made from dragon by-products. It is said that the Yongin tribe called Olivia was able to establish on top of the lives of tens of thousands of people.

“I am fake. A living artifact.”

A fake princess and a fake Yongin tribe.

Her life consisted of fakes made by the imperial family.

“How is it? If we have this much in common, don’t you think we’ll have a deeper relationship than friends?”

Olivia seemed to think that Leon had also become a fake dragon in a similar way.

The reason Olivia revealed this secret to Leon must have been for the purpose of inducing a sense of unity.

No, maybe Olivia just needed someone to share the secret with.

Of course, Leon wasn’t the Yongin people who were created like that, but Olivia’s goal of evoking a sense of unity was established in a strange way.

“Aren’t you resentful of the imperial family?”

A life swept away by the environment around you, not your own choices.

“Anything? The experiment was painful enough to make me want to cut my heart out, but thanks to that, I can be so sympathetic as a handsome princess. Well, it can only continue if I bring you to my side and become a magician.”

The artifacts that make up her body are very powerful.

What would happen if Olivia couldn’t overcome her disdain as a fake princess and lost her political value as a Yongin tribe?

“Maybe it will be recycled?”

He kills Olivia, extracts artifacts from her body, and creates a new dragon race.

Leon raised both hands and feet.

“You have succeeded in eliciting my compassion. congratulations. I also want to help Olivia. But I will decline the engagement. I don’t like a life where freedom is suppressed by being tied down. But as a friend and as a comrade, I think I can support Olivia-san.”

“You support me as a comrade?”

“Didn’t there be a big incident in Ibrium, the Millennium Empire recently?”

The arrival of the immortal demon, Nebulus.

A real immortal power different from the lower demons and Morg Lizardmen we met in the past direct dungeons arose in the land of the Millennium Empire.

The immortal power dealt with by the High Priest Morg Lizardman was simply to manipulate the corpse by creating an artificial intelligence similar to the soul by magic on the corpse.

But the real immortality is not like that.

The human soul is made up of ryelon, the soul substance that occurs in the brain and the nervous system of the whole body.

When the material body that makes up the soul material dies, no more soul matter can be generated, and the soul scatters and disappears.

But what if that soul could be recreated in its perfect form?

What if a corpse that has already become a skeleton can be strengthened with magic?

It will be possible to achieve a state of surpassing all limitations as an organic organism while maintaining the experience of life as it is.

The undead corps attacking the Millennium Empire Ibrium was such an existence.

“I will help subdue that undead army.”

And it will be of great help to Leon to understand the shape of the soul.

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