Magica Technica Chapter 434

Most of the flying monsters are monsters that I have never seen, but the result of using "Insight" is always It is "Slave Beast".

Apparently, all the demon-dominated demons are unified under this name.

The only way to know what kind of monster it really is is to find an uncontrolled individual when heading north in the future.

I'm a little worried, but it's not something I'm particular about right now. The only thing to worry about is how to get rid of the monsters that are coming towards us.

"Ceylan, you can ignore those who aren't aiming at us. Stop those who are coming over here."


Nodding to my voice, Ceylan screams magical power.

At the same time, it was a black fog with a strong wind-no, a cloud.

Like the Wild Hunt who fought the other day, Ceylan also manipulated the weather and began to create storm clouds around him.

Of course, the scale is much smaller than the Wild Hunt that fought earlier, and I realize that there is still a difference in power compared to that individual.

However, this choice is not bad at all. By deploying the storm like a smoke curtain, you can avoid attacks from extra monsters.

"Don't push it, interfere with it"


And then It is the skill "Ghost Summon" that Wild Hunt has to activate.

A gray pun that oozes out of an empty space. With pale flames in their eye sockets, they head toward the demons as if they were swimming in a dim storm.

The ghosts deprive their opponents of their physical strength just by touching them, and they cannot make physical attacks.

It's really annoying, but if you can operate it here, it's a different story. Let's handle it conveniently.

The demons, wrapped in a storm and attacked by ghosts, have all stopped moving on the spot.

A giant eagle trying to shake off the ghosts that cling to it-looking at it, I signaled Ceylan.


With a dashing roar, Ceylan accelerates sharply.

While clenching my teeth and enduring the G, I pulled out the wild katana from my back.

The field katana, which was created by forging the scales of Sirius, shines as sharply as he does in silver.

There is a jet-black and golden 2nd layer spiral.

"[Mithril Edge], [Mithril Skin], [Armed Spirit Summon]," Sword Convergence "-" Storm ""

Ceylan, who wears a storm and flies at a tremendous speed, is already a weapon in its own body.

Therefore, there is no need to force the blade to swing. If you fix the blade and slide it while making sure it doesn't fall off-you can easily cut off the neck of an unprotected opponent.

Well, the effect of reducing the defensive power by [Summoning the Armor Spirit] is also on board, and I didn't cut everything with my own power.

"Next is that guy-" Breaking the life ""

However, I can't help but be impressed by the sharpness of the wild katana. ..

Rather than that, we now have to reduce the monsters around us sooner.

The next target is a monster that seems to be a black scaled dragon. It is more accurate to say that it is a snake with wings rather than a dragon, but its head is like a dragon, and if the drinking dragon was classified as a dragon, this would also be a dragon.

In any case, the body of Aryu wrapped in scales is sturdy. With the current attack power, it will be torn apart enough, but here I will use 《Break of Mind》 with care.

Although it has the effect of lowering the defensive power, it is a delicate point whether or not the attack can be passed in its original state. You don't have to worry about defensive power.


Zoburi, and-as if you put a blade in tofu, wild katana The blade cuts off Aryu's neck.

To be honest, it feels unpleasant. Even though the blade is supposed to pass through a hard object, it can be easily cut.

While changing my consciousness so as not to get used to this feeling, I will run in the sky in search of the next target.

The magic from Ceylan flies to the monsters that are a little far away, and the monsters that are overrun by thunder and wind crash to the ground.

If you crash from this height, you will not be saved, and it is a further merit to involve monsters walking on the ground.

Then, let's slash other monsters from the wings first.


The monsters in the distance are the magic of Ceylan, and the monsters nearby are my blades. Then, each of them is knocked down to the ground.

The crashed monster's body has crushed a good number of monsters and demons, but the creepy thing is that the monsters on the ground aren't obsessed with it at all.

Whether they were bombed or magical from the air, or crushed by monsters falling overhead, they continued their march without any notice. -ing

If it's just a demon, you can be convinced that it's the result of domination, but that army also includes the appearance of a demon.

I don't think they are under mental control, but what are they thinking?

"... I can't hear it directly, and I should understand it"

I don't understand the principle, but the sheep are floating for the time being. While slashing the monster's neck, he sighs lightly.

If you're in a group all the time, it looks good as a material for armor, but I'm afraid I can't recover the material this time.

Even if you drop it on the ground, it seems to be less powerful than others, but as long as it is attacking, you can not ignore it.

"Well ... are you still coming?" The number of is not decreasing.

It's good that you don't get bored, but I'd like you to forgive me that there are too many.

I still can't keep fighting inexhaustibly.

When I was wondering what was wrong, the eagle that was in a distant place suddenly shook my body and fell to the ground as it was.

It was only glimpsed at the edge of the eye, but apparently it was caused by an arrow sticking.

"Alice? Well, I guess I'm free."

If you glance backwards, it's hard to see because of the storm. Alice was waving her hand.

Apparently, I chose this support over the attack on the ground.

Certainly, Alice's attack power is not effective for attacking the ground, and it would be better to deal with monsters in the air.

You can't use the usual tactics in the air, but she has the option of using poison.

The paralytic poison that seems to have been used this time will surely be very effective against monsters running in the air.

"But it's something that's often hit in this storm." Naturally, a strong wind is blowing, and the arrows are inevitably affected.

It can be said that it is a considerable skill to hit the target with an arrow in the wind.

Well, I don't think there was such a technology in the stone, so there may be some mechanism.

It's convenient and you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, the priority is to reduce the number of enemies.

I would like to return Hishin and Lumina if I can't get around, but their long-range attack firepower is excellent.

If possible, I would like to concentrate on ground attacks--

"Everyone, I've finished throwing the bomb"


"Oh ... it ended earlier than I expected"

"I still have it, so I want to go back to the base"

"Okay. Well, I'm worried about the battle situation on the ground, and will I return after observing?"

Since the battle started, it's still there It hasn't been long before, but the demons on the ground are ignoring all the attacks from the air and heading for the fortress.

As long as you haven't been stranded, you will soon reach the fortress.

Even if it is said that it has been reduced to some extent, it is burnt stone and water from the whole. There will definitely be a fierce battle waiting for you at the fortress--

"... Are you ready to do that?"

Take out the map Eleanor gave you and smile while checking its position.

That Eleanor said with confidence that she was ready.

Let's take a look from the special seats to see how terrible the preparations are.

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