Magica Technica Chapter 401

"First of all, the purpose here is to use your blood to heal the wounds of King Ginryu."

"Maybe. There is no other way to heal that wound than a concubine. He still needs his power, and I have no objection to it."


In response to the first request cut out, King Kinryu shook his head easily.

Well, it's a matter of course. The Silver Dragon King is one of the Dragon Kings, and its power will be comparable to that of the higher demons.

There can be no reason to leave that force behind you meaninglessly.

You should heal the wound as soon as possible and have him return to the front line.

"So, is that all your request?"

"No, there is another one. Now, nearly half of the Dragon Kings King Seiryu insisted that the remaining forces should be mobilized because of the situation that had been defeated. I agree with this. "

No matter how powerful the power Even though it is a true dragon with, it does not completely surpass the devil.

As a result, many Dragon Kings have been killed.

If you keep your hands on it, you may end up with the same ending as the remaining Dragon Kings.

In response to the request with such concerns, King Kinryu showed a reluctant look.

She shouldn't be unaware of the situation, but ... is there any reason?

"Um ... the words of the Lord and the King of the Blue Dragon are plausible. ">" ... But it's not very responsive? "

" It's a hassle, but there are various obstacles to achieving it. "

Saying that, King Kinryu sighs.

Shinryu, who has the power to be isolated from humans, seems to have a lot of shackles.

Kinryuou, who does not hide his annoying expression, raises his voice while wearing a cheek stick.

"The concubines have some restrictions on their actions. As I said earlier, if they move poorly, they may increase the strength of the demons."

"Does such a natural action make a judgment that they can do whatever they want?"

"I don't know. However, the fact that we, the Dragon King, move means that they can move the Grand Duke. We can't do bad things. "

Certainly, in the current situation. If the Grand Duke is moved freely, this may also be clogged.

I don't know if there are any specific criteria, but it's best to avoid the risk anyway.

However, it is necessary to avoid the situation where each dragon king is defeated by sitting down as it is.

Is there any way to break through the status quo? The moment I meditated and began to worry about my head, King Kinryu screamed with a small smile.

"In conclusion, the concubine cannot take the lead in uniting the true dragon, but if the Gentiles did that, the story is different."

"We ... bundle the true dragons?"

Aside from the silver dragon king and the blue dragon king who are familiar to some extent, what about the red dragon king and the black dragon king who hear that they have a rough temper?

I can't judge because I haven't met, but at least I don't think he will follow "Yes, I am."

When asked what he was going to do with his eyes, King Kinryu continued with a proud smile.

"Of course, they wouldn't listen to anything other than the concubine's instructions. Basically, they're concubines, but they need a cause to be added to the battle line. That's why the concubine tells them, "Are you enough to fight together, try the Gentiles?"

"Well ... in other words, a quest?"

"The period is until the devil's barrier is broken. In the meantime, convince the Red Dragon King and the Black Dragon King. To discourage the devil's eyes." The Blue Dragon King will also participate, but he will cut corners appropriately. The Silver Dragon King ... has cooperated with humans from the beginning, so there is no problem. "

Yes. When I tell him, King Kinryu snaps his finger.

At that moment, one of the management AIs that was waiting beside her suddenly started to move and disappeared.

When AI in the shape of an angel is staring at the disappeared space, King Kinryu screams to supplement.

"It's a world quest as the Lords say. That gardener ( gardener rt> ) will exchange information with Goddess and tailor the body of the event. "

" World Quest, It was made like that. "

It's a behind-the-scenes situation that you can't usually see.

Well, the Aigasaki Group would normally plan and make various things, but it may occur in the game like this.

Maybe the management side is having a lot of trouble.

Anyway, I understand the policy. In other words, it seems that there is no problem in cooperating as a result of the efforts of the Gentiles.

It's annoying, but it's also convenient. Large-scale events will help us that much.

"The specific content will be known in the future. Feel free to participate. I have seen enough of the battle between the Lords ... , It's going to be a spectacular battle too. "

" It's easy ... I wonder if I'm going to leave the trial to the Dragon Kings? I don't know what will happen. "

"If the difficulty level is too high to capture, it's possible to say something from the concubine. But conversely, it's not easy. Don't forget. "

That's the word that seems to be the King of Kinryu that I heard in the story.

However, this is also the place I want. As long as it is an issue that Shinryu and his colleagues impose, making it easy is a lack of rhythm.

For the well-known Seiryuou, even if it is relatively easy, it will never be an easy task to clear.

For the time being, the cooperation of the Dragon Kings seems to be clear, and I feel relieved.

But I can't rest assured yet. After all-Kinryuou has not promised the first condition.

From the story of King Seiryu and King Ginryu, I don't think she will provide blood easily.

Even here, we have purposely strengthened our weapons to the limit. If it ends easily, it will be out of tune.

"This is fine for other dragon kings. Is there anything else you would like to ask?"

"No, this is I was concerned about those two things. Well, if I force you to say ... I wonder if your cooperation does not have to be a problem. "

" You know, hero. "

The mouth of King Kinryu draws an arc.

Apparently, it seems that the development from here onward will be as expected.

"I was worried. The only world that succeeded in dismissing MALICE, the two heroes who became the driving force. I wonder-the 妾 has been watching since the time when the Lord stepped into this world. "

" ... That's pretty quick again. "

"But it wasn't a mistake. The Lord has finally killed the Duke-class devil. Its power is undeniably real."

I have no choice but to sigh at King Kinryu with a big smile.

Always keep an eye on me and Jijii and don't look at the other guys.

"It's true that I'm the driving force behind MALICE, but I wasn't the only one who fought. However, many players fought together here. I can't accept the imitation that evaluates me alone. "

" Of course, those who lined up with the Lord also admit. They are also great warriors, but-isn't it an undeniable fact that your record is outstanding? "

Well, it's true that I and Jijii were the top performers in the old squad, and I'm the top performer in this in-game event.

But I'd like you to forgive me for decorating with words like heroes-the opponent is a dragon, I don't care what I say.

"And ... I know that I'm being seen by my concubine, but I can't help but show such a passionate battle. I've been observing humans for many years, but I've never seen a turn like you. "

" Hey ...!?

"You used the stage of the concubine conveniently, isn't it a natural right to observe in the special seat?"

"I can't deny that either ... Please stop using raw words."

It seems that our relationship has been read accurately from the remarks made by.

Looking at this expression, I think I had the same impression as my students.

I'm not dissatisfied with the result of that battle, and as long as I was allowed to use "Dragon Garden", I can't complain about peeping.

"I definitely want to see the power of the Lords and the concubines. Therefore--"

Seta, from the body of King Kinryu The golden magic power rises.

And the next moment, our bodies were wrapped in the golden light and slowly emerged in the air.

"Hmm ...!?"

"Hey, suddenly !?"

Apparently, this effect extends to all of us.

We, who were wrapped in golden light, and the King of Gold, who made it, are both wrapped in light and blown far above.

And the moment we reached a height where we could see this floating island, a golden magic circle spread at our feet and landed there.

"That ... this is"

"It's as expected, but ... it's a very flashy stage."

In the center of the huge magic circle, everyone stands there and looks at the figure of King Kinryu facing in front.

Although it has the same human figure and no weapons or armor, it is overwhelming even with the magical power that can be felt.

There is no hostility or harm to this, but in terms of power alone, even Dean Clad is surpassed.

"--I'll take this opportunity to entertain you. Get the blood of the concubine in your hands. And it's enough to line up with people. Show me its power! "

The head of the true dragons, King Kinryu.

One corner of the apex of the world releases its power.

In the enormous wave of magical power-we were prepared to pull out our weapons.

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