Magica Technica Chapter 323

Kudou Jintsuu-style The battle ritual, the last technique is Fubayashi Volcano.

As the name implies, it is a technology that integrates all four battle rituals.

In the first place, the battle ritual method is a systematization of the physical control technique handled by the founder of Kudou Jintsuu-style, and the origin of it is Fubayashi Volcano. Hit.

After all, the four battle rituals are subdivisions and specializations of Furin Volcano.

In terms of the strength of each one, the four battle rituals are stronger, but Furin Volcano is very well-balanced and has the disadvantages of each technique. do not do.

This is one of the goals for Kudou Jintsuu-style, which is lined up in the back story.



Attacked for interception Move forward while slashing all the devils that have come.

The movements of the devils in my view are reflected in slower motion than usual.

If you put the blade on the trajectory, it is possible to easily cut off the demon level.

If you have the attack power that you have continued to increase and the body that has improved athletic performance, it will not take long to kill the soldiers.

"" Sword of Life "-[Glittering Flash]!"

Sew the gaps between the devils and get into the center of the flock.

At the same time, if you squeeze it with a blade so that it swirls around, the blade of the deployed life force slashes the surrounding demons together.

The movements of the non-superior demons are simple, and it's really easy to read their breath.

Since some unreasonableness can be mitigated by parrying the impact, the degree of freedom in how to fight is even higher than usual.

"Uhaha! Great, Oy!"

"Masters and predecessors continue to fight like this. That means ... "

I hear the voices of the war blade and Iwao, but I keep shaking the blade regardless of that.

I pry a wind hole in the enemy's camp, and the following students push the hole open.

Other players may need to be a little careful, but they don't need it.

You can slash and kill freely. I'm setting it up for that.

"《Death Sword》-[Burning Curse]"

A black wind is emitted from the blade that was swung down to the surroundings. Absorb all the HP of the devil that was there.

The amount of absorption depends on the amount of damage, that is, my attack power, so it is an effective recovery method for me now that I have raised the basic attack power to the limit.

On the other hand, the devils whose HP was greatly scraped became the prey of Lumina and his students in a blink of an eye.

While maintaining the speed to move forward in a hurry, just keep slashing the devil.

The target is Dean Clad, not for other soldiers.

Slashing method-Rigid type, piercing.

Penetrate the devil in front with a blade and pay it as it is to tear the torso.

The fallen corpse was kicked straight to the front and dazzled, while I sneaked into the side and slashed the devil's arm behind.

It's not much different from a standing straw, such as a devil just swarming.

I jumped on the opponent's knees as a foothold, jumped high while swaying my neck, and jumped into one of the devils in the flock.

Slashing method-soft type, attacking fangs.

Penetrate the viscera through the gap in the clavicle and kill it with a single blow.

Pull out the blade from the body, shake off the blood, wipe it with the sleeve and go forward-to avoid the blow attacking from behind in half.


While feeling a sense of incongruity, the momentum of the movement is used to swivel the blade and squeeze it away. However, what the Hunger Maru slashed was not a devil, but something that he saw for the first time.

A mannequin-like humanoid made of wood-like material. It's flat and doesn't have a creature-like texture in its movement.

The discomfort I felt earlier was because I couldn't feel the breathing sound or the human-like tempo.

(Is this the count-class devil doll?)

The movement is elaborate, but it feels human. No.

The doll's means of attack, which gives an impression of something inorganic, would be tearing by a hand with the entire finger as a blade.

The doll that was cut off from the torso-but it attacks us with only the upper body floating.


Slashing method--Tsuyoshi's pattern, bonfire.

While scratching his arm, he shook his blade and cut off his left arm, but the doll continued to attack us with only his remaining right arm while still moving.

I see, that is--

"Is this it?"

The movement itself is monotonous. Therefore, it is not difficult to avoid it.

Avoiding the doll's attack, I ran the blade and slashed its neck.

As the head falls, the doll floating in the air falls to the ground and stops as if the previous movement was a lie.

After all, you can't move without your head.

"Hmm ... count-class devil doll! Crush your head!"

"Nu, this!"

Apparently he was also at Iwao, and the moment he smashed his head with his fist, the doll was silent.

I heard that he is a type who manipulates dolls and attacks by number, but so far I have not confirmed so much.

Probably, the number will increase in the future. It's nice that the weaknesses are easy to understand, but on the contrary, it is troublesome to keep moving forever unless the weaknesses are destroyed.

There is no choice but to crush your head with priority.

(... Isn't there an HP in this guy?)

I attacked, but my HP did not recover.

After all, HP does not exist in this doll, and even if you attack other than the weak points, you can not defeat it by HP scraping.

For me, who uses HP absorption as a recovery method, it is a troublesome thing.

You have to destroy it accurately without attacking it roughly.

"-Well, there is no big difference"

Even if many dolls were the opponents, Fubayashi Volcano Now that I'm using it, I don't have to insert the blade accurately.

It's just a story that you just have to cut your neck away from your torso.

Walking method-Kagero.

While hesitating from attacks flying from all directions, he accurately cuts off the opponent's neck.

Whether it's a devil or a doll, if you drop your head, you'll be silent.

In that sense, it's easy because you don't have to think deeply.

"Sweet and sweet"

While distorting the mouth and whispering, slash the approaching enemy's neck.

Avoid the blow that the demon has swung down, and move forward while slashing the bent neck.

Irregularly moving dolls can counterattack at the moment when they approach the attack, and can be dealt with by surely slashing their heads.

Overcoming the rolling devils and dolls and reaching a wide street--


"Oh, it's a very enthusiastic welcome!"

I found a group of dolls lined up there. did.

Behind it is a nervous man in a courtesy dress-apparently, it's a count-class devil.

"--Stop, you can't go any further"

"I don't know, you have no use." Push through quickly. "

It seems that I'm waiting for you, but I'm not going to deal with it.

As originally planned, we will let you go through as it is.

Of course, the dolls lined up are equipped with arrows, as they seem to have no intention of letting them pass through.

It seems that both the devils are going to stop and shoot here unilaterally.

However, there is no obligation to deal with it obediently.


"Queeeeeeee!" Put on a storm.

It's a storm armor that doesn't work with half-baked arrows.

Accompanied by Ceylan, the storm unfolds like a wall and goes straight forward.

I think my movement was unexpected, the devil manipulates the doll and shoots arrows at once, but they are all deflected by the storm and the direction of the day after tomorrow I flew to.

As long as it is an arrow, it takes time to shoot it again once it is released.

In that gap, I slashed into a flock of dolls.

"《Sword of Life》”

Slashing method: Tsuyoshi's pattern, Ogi Wataru.

The dolls in the avant-garde are slashed together and their heads are blown off.

The bodies of the collapsing dolls moved forward in the shadow, jumped while grasping the opponent's head, twisted while turning upside down, and broke his neck.

And throw the twisted neck at the count-class devil to dazzle and jump into the center of the doll-

"" Sword of Life "-[Glittering Flash]"

With the blade of life force, the whole thing is wiped off.

With so many numbers, it was difficult to aim at all the necks, but even the torso and arms can restrict movement.

"Oh, that's it!"

"Oops, I won't let you get in the way"

" Teacher, I'll blow you off the front! "

A doll with special equipment for proximity approaches, but water lotus and scarlet swords hinder their movement.

Furthermore, Hishin blows a flame to the front and blows up, disturbing the formation of dolls-the one who rushed there was Lamitties who rushed from behind with a gryphon. Met.

With the help of Storm Griffon, she wears a storm and jumps straight into a flock of dolls with her sideways.

Its power was enough to kick off light dolls and make holes in the formation.


"Yes, I'm going!"

Lamitties We run into the open wind hole at once.

The count-class devil moves the doll to block this movement, but the movement is blocked by arrows and magic flying from behind.

Go through the gaps between the dolls trying to narrow and jump into the street leading to the royal castle ahead--

"That degree So, will it reach Dean Clad? -The remaining you, the 15th place in the count class, will get rid of it! "

――The voice that reached your ears Finally, we shook off the devils on the street.

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