Magica Technica Chapter 319

"Three, two, one, now!"

"" Fortress "!

The strategy that Altorius set up is extremely simple.

The content is to collect as many shield players as possible, divide them into several groups, and use "Fortress" in order.

This three-step shooting-like procedure is the way Parsifal and his defenses have been doing for some time, and it's a good way to solve the Fortress cooltime problem. It can be said to be a thing.

It seems that there are various difficult points such as the timing of change and hate adjustment between attacks, but it is unlikely that the professional Parsifal will make a mistake. There will be no.


"First, crush your legs! Reduce your mobility!"

" Be careful not to accumulate too much hate! "

It means that we can attack Zeon Galeos without hesitation.

Many players, including "Camelot", continue to attack Zeon Galeos, who is attacking Parsifal, from behind.

Of course, if you keep attacking, his attention will start to turn to you, but every time, "Provoc" will fly and nail Zeon Galeos.

One person would not have been able to make the incentive by "Provoc" in time, but "Fortress", which maintains a shield with multiple people, is a possible tactic.

(But ... not more than I expected)

Check the number of players gathered under Parsifal Meanwhile, I swing the blade to Zeon Galeos' left foot.

Both legs have been severely injured, and the movement is quite sluggish.

However, Zeon Galeos was in a situation where he repeatedly swung his fist down toward the tanks without letting go of the attack.

It seems that he feels pain properly, but he seems to have a higher fighting spirit than that. It's simple, but it's an idea to come this far.

And the trouble is that not many outside players have joined Parsifal's command.

Because the skill "Fortress" isn't very useful at regular parties.

There are few patterns where there are two or more tanks in one party, and there are not many players who usually use "Fortress".

But that doesn't mean there aren't any. This is especially true for large guilds that are premised on raids.

Well, it's a bit complicated for those who think "Camelot" is a lump above their eyes.


Zeon Galeos is poking his knees, and now he should aim at the back of his knees.

In addition to your ankles, if you destroy your knees, you won't be able to stand up.

However, since other players have already gathered around the area near the ground, I decided to aim for a different position.

Throw a grappling hook, hook it on Zeon Galeos' shoulder, jump, and climb on his back.

It's not difficult to get on your back because you're leaning forward. And this one, which is insensitive to tactile sensation, will not be noticed if it is just on the back.

"" Sword of Life "-[Glittering Flash]"

The back of Zeon Galeos is very balanced. It's difficult, but it's much more stable than it was when my legs were safe.

While controlling the center of gravity and absorbing the shaking of my back, I poured HP into the blade with all my strength.

The HP of Hungry Maru has already reached the upper limit. With all the magic in it, my attack power is at its maximum.

Slashing method-Rigid pattern, rotation.

A big fluttering flash slams into Zeongaleos's neck.

Perhaps because of the change in appearance, the effect of adding weaknesses by Alice's skill does not remain.

However, my attack power is increasing so much that I can make up for it.

The slamming flash pierced Zeon Galeos's neck-and slashed himself deeply.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ??

I wondered if this damage was endured by the stone, Zeon Galeos held down the wound, turned his body back and screamed.

However, just before that, I strongly kicked this guy's back and jumped overhead.

Riding on the momentum to turn your body back, you can adjust your posture by swinging your blade while twisting your body, and the adjusted position is just above Zeon Galeos.

In the sight of Zeon Galeos, who holds his wounds and leans back, he must have seen me dancing in the air.

But-it's too late to react anymore.

"" Sword of Life ", [Sword of Life]!"

And I swung the blade of the Hunger Maru down to the eyes of Zeon Galeos as I fell.

I closed my eyes all the time, but I couldn't prevent the hungry wolf circle with increased attack power with my eyelids.

The tip pierced a huge eye and pierced deep into the orbit.

"Go, Gaa ...! ??

"Yo, to"

Tilt your body as it is, and pull out the blade while scooping it in a posture that makes you roll down.

Of course, it would fall from Zeon Galeos's body, but I immediately stretched out the grappling hook and hooked it on the remaining streetlight to avoid a collision with the ground. ..

Zeon Galeos, with one eye crushed, holds his face down and moans in pain.

However, it was clear from the murder of the surroundings that the fighting spirit had not diminished.

This is the second HP of Zeon Galeos now. The HP is also exhausted by the current attack. It will be exhausted by the concentrated attacks of other players.

The flying magic and arrows are endless, and the concentrated attack on Zeon Galeos continues-at that moment, the giant demon wears flames on his arms and hands on the ground. I slammed it.


"Be careful of the ground!"

Moment, A red crack runs through the ground, and a red flame erupts from it.

Even though I've seen it once, this widespread attack is really difficult to avoid.

While striking my tongue, I retreated greatly, evacuated to the outside of the attack range, and I looked up at Zeon Galeos.

The giant demon-was just about to destroy the second HP with the one arrow that pierced it.

Zeon Galeos, who rebelled greatly, recedes while dragging his legs in the myriad pillars of flames.

He headed for a huge pillar of fire that kept standing up and pouring Fireball down.

That was the pillar of fire he was initially deploying. I've always been in the way of us, but what are we going to do?

In a situation where the erupting flames were in the way and could not be approached, Zeon Galeos reached the pillar of fire-without hesitation and jumped into it.

"... !?"


I jumped into the flames myself, but he wouldn't be hurt by it.

The voice I hear is not anguish, but a cry full of anger and fighting spirit.

With the screaming screaming skin, the huge pillar of fire gradually converges and narrows its width.

Eventually, it was the appearance of Zeon Galeos, who shook the mane that had turned into flames.

"Is that the back hand of Zeon Galeos?"

No matter which count-class demon, there was a state of the last back hand.

If this is Zeon Galeos's seriousness, this will be the final battle.

It looks awkward to look at, but there is no option to escape now.

You must definitely hold your breath here.

"What I do is the same-" Provoc "!"

And even after seeing such a figure, Parsifal is completely I focused my target on myself without fear.

The monster who burned up the hair of the whole body slowly approaches her, turning the one-eyed evil spirit toward her.

Probably, the attack power is even higher than before.

Even "Fortress" may suffer damage that cannot be prevented.

However, her pride as the commander of "Camelot" was not so weak that she was scared to that extent.

After confirming that, I walk forward with a small smile.

"Well ... Is it another step?"

In flames-an enemy wrapped in an overwhelming amount of heat.

It's certainly an extremely troublesome existence. Perhaps you will be damaged just by approaching it.

In such a state, it is difficult to defeat this guy with overwhelming toughness.

But such enemies have just fought the other day. Therefore, I raised my voice with a smile.

"--I'm going, scarlet"

"Yes, teacher!"

Slowly approaching Zeon Galeos, nodding to the dashingly responsive scarlet.

Now, let's say that the battle in this city is about to end.

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