Magica Technica Chapter 222

Book version Magica Technica Volume 1, released on 5/23!

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After daily training, log in as usual.

A little different from usual is that Alice and Arisa also participated in the training.

But what she was doing was not a full-fledged one, but something that remained in the category of self-defense.

She is able to move well and understands how to move herself.

That's why I didn't have to wear extra things, I just taught how to handle and walk.

Mainly, I do it while I am practicing the teachers, and then I teach the applicants a fool while I am practicing Asuka. I do.

Arisa's work is basically just this. Well, I was confused about getting a salary of nearly 500,000 by itself, but for me, if I could get more work, the game time would be reduced and I would be in trouble.

Let's be honest and enjoy yourself with a small amount of work.

"Well ... I'm in a hurry"

The city of Iram where I logged in is already crowded with many players.

Most of them are production workers who belong to "Eleanor Chamber of Commerce".

Although Iram was less destroyed by the devil, it is not completely free.

It takes some time to restore this. Recently, the number of carpenter players who were originally not so many is increasing.

It was said that they are people who like to build their own towns ... To be honest, I don't really understand the sensibilities of that area.

Anyway, Iram is still recovering rapidly.

(The problem is that few people use it)

Narrow your eyes and mutter in your chest.

Not all people were killed, but many of the locals were in the hands of the devil.

The number of people here has dropped sharply, and even if the city is reconstructed as it was, it will be halfway close to a ghost town.

As with the operation as a country, how do you really move it?

"Teacher? What is it suddenly?"

"No, it's a soliloquy. Well, talk to Altorius before departure. I'd like to do it ... "

I'll tell you where I'm going, and hopefully I'll get information.

Worst email is fine, but I'd like to talk face-to-face if possible.

Well, that's why it's said to be an analog person.

In order to contact Altorius, you must first contact them by e-mail, or search for a "Camelot" player and make a migration.

But this time it's neither. Although it was far away, I was able to discover what I knew.

"Oh, saint ... is it a preaching?"

"It's good that the saint is preaching." But ... what do the people around me mean? "

" Somehow, it's like an idol's live performance, that "

Iram's There is a church in the central square, and Saint Rosemia seems to be preaching in front of it.

However, behind the locals who are listening to it seriously, some players are cheering while swinging a stick like a psyllium for some reason.

No, I'm not making a noise because I'm not speaking out, but it's still a strange sight.

When I was half-eyed at the situation, Hishin, who had a bitter smile, said the commentary.

"The saint distributed the skill during this time. Even those who missed it seemed to get the skill if they did the quest, and it became very popular. "It's a mess, saint"

"So you treat me as an idol? They're cash guys"

"It looks cute That's right. It's very popular. "

Is it easy for men to understand at any time?

Anyway, it's easy to understand if Rosemia is there.

Now, "Camelot" is escorting the saint. That saint seemed to be obsessed with Altorius, and the probability of being nearby is high.

Thinking that way, I went around and found Altorius, who was waiting near the door of the church.

It seems that he noticed this over there as well, and he opened his eyes lightly and gave a nod. While raising his hand lightly and returning, he approached without disturbing the saint.

"Yeah, you're in a weird situation again"

"Haha ... well, the player will accept her." That's a good thing, but once it gets so popular, you have to be a little cautious. "

This guy, Rosemia is coming forward. As long as I decided, I would have intended to treat him as an idol to some extent.

But earlier than directing it, she gathered supporters on her own.

It may be the same as a result, but the lack of preparation period would be a pain for Altorius.

"I personally have a little headache ... but it's good that players are interested in her. If they're active, It will also appeal to the people of this country. "

" Are we fighting for the saint? "

"There are quite a few players like that. The more they are, the more appealing they will be."

Shows the next building.

I was able to find some silhouettes on the other side of the window.

Apparently, the aristocrats can't take their eyes off the movement of the saint.

"... What about their movement?"

"I'm not happy to interfere. It seems that there are some people, but it's not that the situation is unknown. It seems that we will not refuse our strength. "

" Hmm ... your feeling How about it? "

" There will be no problem for a while. They can't afford it, and they want to sneak into the straw. Even if they can afford it in the future, There is no problem if you fill the outer moat by then. "

In short," Camelot "is not going to get off the escort of the saint.

Well, that would be happier for Rosemia.

Altorius should be much more reassured in terms of both strength and shackles.

"For the time being, let's leave the saint's surroundings to that ... I'm heading to the next city, but what's the situation?"

" So far, both southwest and southeast have not been captured. Or rather, they are in a state of attacking. "

" Are you attacking? "

"In the southwest, the demons are purely strong. Apparently, they are led by powerful demons. And in the southeast, there are many strange demons. It seems. "

" What kind of devil is strange? "

" There are many odd-shaped demons. He seems to have many arms and tentacles. "

The words of Altorius squint his eyes.

The feature is that it was the devil that appeared when trying to escort the saint.

I think Altorius thinks so too, and continues while nodding lightly to me who changed his expression.

"I don't know what it is, but it's probably the devil in the city that aimed at Rosemia. However, it is reported that the city itself has become a labyrinth. It's also up ... "

" Hmm ... that seems to be a hassle. For now, let's go southwest. "

" I thought I would say that. I'll send you the material later by email, so please read it by the time you arrive. "

" Sorry, thank you.

Even though it is such an alliance, it is completely exhaustive.

Well, from Altorius's point of view, there seems to be a section where I'm hoping for a good result.

Well-in any case, the policy has been decided. The aim is a city in the southwest, where powerful demons gather.

"I thought that a teacher would choose that, but ... is it okay to suddenly find such a difficult place?"

"Isn't it worth the challenge? How strong is the devil ... I'm looking forward to it."

While suppressing the murderous intention, I cry.

If the enemy is strong, that's what you want. It also means that you can fight strong enemies, and at the same time you can destroy their great strength.

There will be at least a Viscount-class demon, or a count-class demon if you're not good at it, who is in charge of one of the cities.

You need to be careful, but the return when you defeat it is quite large.

I left the central square and headed to the north side of the city, calling Lumina and others from the Demon Crystal.

"I would like to get information from the players in the field if possible, but ... well, the details are about the field"

" If so, should I collect information while I'm on the move? Anyway, I'm free on Mr. Hishin's back. "

" Let's fight? But that's it. It certainly helps. I'll ask, Alice. "

" I'm just looking at the bulletin board anyway. Well, I'll do it properly. "

Where does Alice get free when traveling with a knight?

It's a good way to kill time in the meantime.

Well, I'm worried if the leading player isn't doing something wrong-that's not something I'm concerned about right now.

Now let's move to our destination.

"I wonder if it's okay to have such a hit-and-miss ..."

"Information will be sent from now on. Don't whine because it's not nothing. "

While staring at the sighing Scarlet with a half-eye, I ride on Ceylan.

It takes some time to move because I don't know the land.

By the time you arrive, you'll have enough information to make a decision. How you fight depends on the result.

Either way, it's a land dominated by the devil, and you shouldn't have much hope-that's why you can mercilessly beat the devil.

Let's look forward to what kind of devil is in control.

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