Magica Technica Chapter 113

"The skill level of" MP auto recovery "has increased"

"" The skill level of "Sword of Life" has increased. "

" The skill level of "Sword of Life" has increased. "

" The skill level of "life force operation" has increased. "

" The skill level of "magical power operation" has increased. "

On the way to the barrier in the mountains, clean up the gathered monkeys and take a breather.

I'm not tired, but now the monkeys here are just annoying.

This is much stronger than before, so I feel that it is not enough to deal with it.

(Isn't it possible to get used to the shoulders at this level? No, I'm getting used to it with Philimuel)

Recalling the battle at the fort, exhale lightly.

Fortunately, after the recapture of the fort, the armor could be easily repaired.

I thought it was definitely a hole, but when I checked it, it didn't seem to be damaged.

No, to be precise, there was a hole, but once it was stored in the inventory, it was gone.

Apparently, you can fix the appearance as long as the durability doesn't decrease.

However, it is true that the durability of both kimono and haori was considerably reduced in one battle.

Still, I was fortunate that I was able to repair it without any major effort.

If this is the case, you will be able to fight the next target.

"... Teacher, are you really okay? Just after fighting that much, suddenly the boss"

"In this country, Isn't there anything else to do? Where are the other clans out of the holy fire tower? "

The holy fire tower in Alphacia is almost Everything is in a released state.

The only remaining tower is to the south of Fauskatze, but it is said that a large clan is also attacking it.

I have no reason to capture two towers, and I have no intention of doing anything.

Then you should aim for a neighboring country that is stronger and more devilish.

"That barrier is already open. Is there any reason not to go?"

"Well. That's right, but ... it seems that some people have reached that point. "

Hishin, who is operating the window, is impressed and amazed. Answer so with a mixed tone.

Apparently, I got information from the bulletin board.

Well, I don't know if it was open right after the defense, but it's no wonder we're not the first in terms of timing.

But-Hishin's reaction is awkward.

"What happened?"

"As is often the case with first-time bosses ... It looks like you've done it. It's as if you couldn't fight and it was wiped out. "

" Can't fight? ...... Is it a devil again? "

What comes to mind is the devil Geryon who was blocking the way to the royal capital.

He restricted his movements with a special gimmick, but was he imitated in the same way?

However, Hishin shook his head and answered the question.

"No, I just lost. This time the boss is not a devil, but a normal monster."

" Then why wasn't it toothy? "

" Simply because the boss and his entourage were flying in the sky. "

Hishin's answer to Lumina's question made me suddenly bounce.

Flying monsters have fought several times before, but they are generally troublesome opponents.

Well, the reason is that I have almost no means of long-range attack.

If there is no means to hit in the distance, it is difficult to be the opponent of the flying enemy.

And if it's a boss, it's going to be a pretty annoying opponent.

"What kind of guy is it?"

"Griffon. It's a horse-sized monster with an upper body and a lower body of a lion. And five mountain eagle are around. "

" Hmm ... such a giant flies in the sky. Are you there? "

It must have a certain speed to fly.

It's scary that such a huge body is speeding up.

Regarding the surrounding birds ... This is also troublesome. Large birds of prey are good hunters, though not as much as griffons.

If you're not careful, it will be cut easily.

"After all, it seems that it doesn't come down very much. It's like turning in the sky and seeing a gap and making a dive attack."


"... It's better just to come to attack directly, but it's a troublesome opponent"

"Shall I fight in the sky?"

"I don't mind flying ... You've used up today's stamp, so don't go crazy"

"> Certainly, it would be useful for Lumina to fight in the sky.

However, it is difficult for us on the ground to support us, and it will be an isolated and unsupported battle.

If there is a stamp, it may be possible to exhaust the mountain eagle, but as long as it is not there, there is no point in worrying about it.

"If anything, it would be better if you could lure the enemy closer to the ground. Then it would be easier to get your hands on it."

"I see ... I see, dad. I'll act as a decoy!"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it."


Well, in any case, we must somehow be able to attack the enemies in the sky.

Even if you invite them, they will not come down to the ground as they are.

If possible, somehow injure the wings and drop them on the ground.

If it's a battle on the ground, it's this one-although if you say it's a lion's body, you can't be alert.

"Lumina, you lure the enemy. Hishin aims at the enemy's wings. If I can drop it on the ground, I'll do something about it."

">" I understand. Well, I have more hands and I'll do something about it. "

I look up at the barrier where I can see.

There is a medium distance to get to this place. To be honest, I don't want to go back and forth many times.

It may be better to take measures, but it is troublesome to go back now.

In order to make sure that you can get rid of it with the hand you can use now-

"Hmm ... OK, do you want to go?"



"OK, teacher"

With the two nodding, To the checkpoint.

The building I had seen before, but unlike before, had its huge door open.

And at the same time, an abnormality has occurred in the surrounding area. The stone pillars were lined up, which wasn't there before.

That shows the battle area of the boss that I have seen elsewhere. There are no other players at the moment, but I'm sure they will fight the boss over there.

We look at each other, confirm that we are ready, and step inside the stone pillar.

Moment-a strong wind was rolling up dust and passing through us.

"Keeeeeeee ――――――!

"... Is that Gryphon?"

A threatening and powerful voice.

I was pulling out a small white steel katana while feeling the hostility that was blowing with the wind.


Type: Demon

Level: 38

Status: Active

attribute: Wind

Combat Position: ???

Mountain Eagle

Type: Demon

Level: 35

Status: Active

attribute: Wind

Combat position: In the air

, On the roof of the barrier.

Gryphon, who was lying down there, was glaring at us and raising a threatening voice.

Mountain Eagles are located around it. Seeing us, they try to take off all at once-that moment.

"《Spell Charge》, [Flame Burst]!”

"Light, Explode!"

――As a first strike, the two range magics I had prepared were exploding.

The light and flames are raging, and a strong flash of light overruns the upper part of the barrier.

However, six shadows were flying out of the brilliance, albeit with a slight disturbance.

After all, it seems that he was not the only person who could manage.

"Lumina, go!"


Wings of light Flapping wings, Lumina takes off from the ground.

Here, while preparing for magic, observe the transition of the situation.

The Griffon, which should have been hit directly, hasn't suffered much damage, but the Mountain Eagles seem to have reduced their HP moderately.

In that case, if there was a stamp, it might have been possible to exhaust the net, but ... well, there is no help for it.

The Griffons immediately reacted to Lumina, who started the flight.

Do you mean that you are aiming for Lumina who can fly rather than here on the ground?

Well, that's easy to understand. If you can't be targeted, I'll let you attack one-sidedly.

"Lumina, concentrate on avoidance! Scarlet, aim for you!"

"Okay, dad!"

"OK, I'll shoot carefully."

Nodding, but I think I already knew what to do. ..

Hishin was shooting the accumulated magic into the sky.

[Fireball] rushed straight into the sky, but sewn between the mountain eagle and passed through.

It was avoided rather than removed. Although he is chasing Lumina, he seems to be able to afford to take evasive action.

"Muu ... this is a little difficult"

"Range magic ... can involve Lumina?"


"For now, let's go with rapid fire magic- [Fire Arrow]!"

The next thing that was released from Scarlet's hand was a flame in the shape of a thin arrow.

It flew at a speed unmatched by Fireball-it pierced the wings of the Mountain Eagle.

The attacked Mountain Eagle loses its position significantly, but does not crash and prepares itself on the spot.

And the mountain eagle immediately recognized Scarlet as an enemy and started a dive.

"Well ... do it, Scarlet"

"I don't have time to load it ..."


It seems that you cannot prepare magic for melee attacks because you are casting magic for air attacks.

In the case of Scarlet, the attacks with high attack power are limited.

In this case, it is natural for this guy to use-

"-[Flame Shozane]"

The scarlet sword wears a flame and makes a flash while jumping up.

As usual, it's a leap that humans can't do, but the timing is Don Pisha.

The swung up flash surely intercepts the mountain eagle and slashes its wings.

The mountain eagle, whose one wing was completely torn apart, crashed to the ground while spinning.

And Magical Maneuver ( Magica Technica )

After finishing rp> , Hishin regains his posture in the air and pursues the crashed mountain eagle.

"Say!" Will stick in.

Inevitably, Hishin crushed the mountain eagle with his foot and stabbed the tip into the neck of the mountain eagle.

Magical Maneuver ( Magica Technica ) > 's damage, crash damage, and damage to key points completely eliminated the HP of Mountain Eagle.

"Hmm ... it feels good. I have nothing to do."

"Lumina-chan came to the ground. What? "

" No, I'm always running around now, so I'm doing my best. I'll reduce it a little more ... So I'll continue. It's better to do two more. Probably "

" That's right ... well, I understand. Do you do it messed up? "

Originally, everyone If I had been fighting on the ground, I would have had a harder time ...

However, it will be Lumina's flight training and will not be wasted.

And it won't be that easy with Griffon.

How to drop that Life Source-I was observing Lumina's movements while rethinking the strategy in my mind.

Avatar name: Kuon

Gender: Male


Race: Human ( Human ) ruby>

Level: 32

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR : 26

VIT: 20

INT: 26

MND: 20


AGI: 15

DEX: 15


Weapon Skill: <>

Magic Skill: <>

Set Skill : <>





《Sword of the Sword: Lv.14》

《Tame: Lv.17》

《HP Automatic Recovery: Lv.17》

《life force operation: Lv.15》

《Magic operation: Lv.7》


Subskill: <>

Title Skill: 《Sword Demon Rasetsu》

Current SP: 31

Avatar Name: Scarlet

Gender: Female

Race: Humans ( Human )

Level: 31

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 28

VIT: 19

INT: 23

MND: 18

AGI: 16

DEX: 16


Weapon Skill: 《Swordsmanship: Lv.2》

Magic skill: <>

Set skill: <>









《Skill loading: Lv.8》

《MP automatic recovery: Lv.4》

Subskill: <>


Title Skill: <

Currently SP: 31

Monster Name: Lumina

Gender: Female

Race: Valkyrie

Level: 5

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 26

VIT: 20

INT: 33

MND: 20

AGI: 22

DEX: 19


Weapon Skills: 《Sword》

Magic Skill: "Light Magic"

Skill: "Light Attribute Enhancement"

"Light Wings"

《Magic Resistance: Large》

《Physical Resistance: Medium》

《MP Automatic Great Recovery》

《Wind Magic》

《Magic Team》

《Boost 》

Title Skill: 《Genus of the Spirit King》

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