Magic Punk

Chapter 967 The Burning Sky

Chapter 23 The Burning Sky

At this time the battlefield is burning.

Looking from the sky, those black shadows were rushing towards the precarious positions around Goshawk Castle from all directions. Dozens of dark green acid shells streaked through the air like meteors, and then splashed heavily on the ground, being hit. The warrior's whole body melted like a candle in an instant, and he didn't even let out a roar.

Goshawk Castle is not enough to station all the troops of the Austro Empire. According to the original plan, Goshawk Castle will only station an elite mobile force of about 3,000 people, and the rest of the troops will be stationed scattered around Goshawk Castle. Maintain order and maintain existence within the area of ​​interest so that the will of the Os Empire can smoothly reach this world.

But when the abyss appeared, everything changed. Vicious dogs swarmed into the entire world like a tide, devouring all creatures indiscriminately. Even if they were not powerful individually, together they were an extremely efficient killing machine.

Therefore, the Os Empire could only be forced to shrink its defenses, and its living space was being squeezed bit by bit by these vicious dogs.

However—originally, these vicious dogs were not in a hurry to truly break through and destroy Goshawk Castle. Although there were large-scale attacks from time to time to test the remaining strength of Goshawk Castle, a desperate and violent attack like this one was Something that has never happened before.

Aos Jiaoyue thought like this in the air, her black skirt fluttering in the wind.

No one warned her of the crisis now, because Jiaoyue had clearly seen that Goshawk Castle was now facing attacks from all directions.

This was simply a brutal encirclement and annihilation battle, but Osijiaoyue originally thought that the opponent would wait for him to run out of food and weaken, wait for his army to lose morale, and then try to bite off this hard bone bit by bit.

Their patience was originally very good, but Ao Jiaoyue didn't know what had worn away their patience.

But - it's better to die on the battlefield than to die from starvation and killing each other.

Jiaoyue sighed softly, and then disappeared on the spot.

In the next moment, she appeared in front of an acid bomb that was shooting in the air. Then, without Jiao Yue making any move, the one-meter-square acid bomb disappeared out of thin air, as if it was thrown into a gap in the universe. and among the cracks.

However, this was just the beginning. Jiaoyue only had a little observation and knew that the soldiers simply dealt with these vicious dogs, even if they were intensive tide attacks, they were not really afraid of anything.

But for this acid bomb that comes from the air and can only be beaten passively, but it is extremely powerful and vicious, then you really can only use the courage you have the mace and I have the Tianling Gai.

So the first thing Jiaoyue has to do at this time is to help his side intercept all the acid shells.

This is actually not too difficult for Jiaoyue.

She just flashed in the air skillfully. For Osjiao Yue, who has perfected all three realms of observing things and knowing the dharma, and only advanced to the heaven realm at the peak of Dongxuan realm, she really may be the one who knows the most about space in this world. People—except of course the sleeping His Highness.

Therefore, Jiaoyue devoured all the acid bombs in the air by flashing and opening space cracks in just an instant. In one or two seconds, all the acid bombs in the air were eliminated. When the soldiers saw such a spectacular and magical scene in the sky, their morale was high. Zhen, while shouting the name of Aos Jiaoyue, launched ferocious shots at the vicious dogs charging towards the position. All kinds of magical energy with different attributes were seen flying across the entire position, intertwining with death in front of the battlefield. The snare, quietly waiting for the vicious dog to rush up and die on its own.

After all, although the vicious dog is efficient and powerful, it is really just a very low-level life form. It can rely on quantity and speed to achieve the effect of killing an elephant with too many ants.

For example, for those who are strong in the heaven realm, the number of these vicious dogs will be meaningless, because once the realm is opened, these vicious dogs that come one after another are simply moths fighting the fire, or fools fighting the fire with a salary.

But - the abyss is watching.

No existence in the heavenly realm dares to show its power unscrupulously.

After Jiaoyue finished disposing of all the acid bombs, she gasped and thought in the air.

She didn't know why the vicious dog suddenly launched a ferocious attack without any warning.

But Aos Jiaoyue believes that all results have their inevitable reasons, but he just doesn't know them for the time being.

Jiao Yue just hoped that the reason for this result would not make her feel more uncomfortable.

After a brief moment of breathing and thinking, Jiao Yue cast her sights to the distance of the battlefield.

Goshawk Castle is located in the northeast of Hyrule Continent. According to the previous agreement, the Os Empire enjoys jurisdiction over all kingdoms and residents in the northeast of Hyrule Continent. In fact, the Os Empire does the same.

However, with the emergence of the abyss, the relationship between the Os Empire and the local indigenous people began to deteriorate. They began to believe that the appearance of these outsiders had offended the gods, and the gods would punish them with such terrible punishment.

So the only way to please the gods now is to expel and kill these outsiders, and then the gods will forgive and forgive them.

Faced with this situation, the Ost Empire Legion did not show any politeness to them and left the camp cleanly. If there were indigenous residents who dared to follow and attack, the Empire Legion itself would not mind fighting.

But this was already a few months ago. As the garrison troops from all parties withdrew and finally concentrated around Goshawk Castle, most of the scattered villages and towns also suffered the disaster, even if a small number of residents took refuge. After entering their big city, they tried to use the fort for defense, but in the end they would be defeated because they ran out of food, and all the residents in the city would become food for vicious dogs.

Because in the final analysis, the number of vicious dogs is far higher than the number of humans.

Moreover, they seem to be continuously emerging from the abyss, and then flooding into the entire continent.

Then, go devour the entire continent.

However, what Jiaoyue is currently thinking about is just how to protect his subordinates in this battle and win this battle.

So without any thought, Jiao Yue understood that he should first deal with the unknown enemies who could launch heavy acid shells outside the battlefield.

And the next moment Jiaoyue had just made up her mind, rumbling thunder suddenly sounded in the distance.

Dozens of heavy and huge dark green acid bombs rose into the sky amidst thunder and continued to be thrown towards distant positions.

These acid bombs are real heavy artillery and divine punishment. If left alone, the entire Ost Empire army will be completely destroyed in this attack.

After all, enemies in the sky are the most dangerous at any time.

And Aos Jiaoyue once again divided his body into tens of millions.

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