Magic Punk

Chapter 963 Pursuit

If there are really four heavenly beings to escort him, the world is so big that he can still walk sideways.

The only question is, how to find these four heavenly realm experts?

After all, even for a top force like Star City, there are only two Heaven Realm powerhouses in Hyrule World. One of them slipped away early and left Hyrule World, while the other guarded the Star Fortress and was discovered and killed by Abyss.

Where can I find as many as four?

When Xuan Yi said that he would find four heavenly beings to escort him, everyone around him sneered, and someone asked: Does Your Excellency Xing Xing have a way to transform the three pure beings with Qi?

If Xuanyi really knew how to transform the three pure beings in one breath, then everyone would be happy if he sat cross-legged and meditated and transformed into four heavenly realms. But the problem is, everyone can see that Xuanyi is really powerful now, but Exactly how powerful it is is still unclear.

After all, Xuanyi has never demonstrated a realm, and a heavenly realm without a realm is not a heavenly realm at all.

Of course I can't transform three pure things into one thing. Xuan Yi didn't get angry. After all, most of the time, this young man had a surprisingly good temper.

But if you wait a little bit, it will happen.

Just wait a little bit.

In fact, Xuanyi only waited for half a day before Lin Wei came, then Ye Ya, and finally Xi Ying.

They returned to the agreed gathering place, but did not see Xuanyi, so they searched in the direction of Xuanyi. How could the Star Fortress not be discovered when it was so big?

Then Xuanyi got the four heavenly warriors he mentioned, and everything was so simple.

Although it is said that with the abyss watching the world, any attempt to expose one's existence will be very dangerous, but as long as the ninth princess Ye Ya stands here, it can give them great confidence.

With the endorsement of the four heaven-level experts, the next decision made by Star Fortress is very logical.

They unanimously decided to leave with Xuanyi, abandon the Star Fortress, march in this land and wilderness, deal with the vicious dog attacks that may come at any time, and then go find other forces, join them, and finally leave together.

Counting from the first day when Xuanyi appeared, to when Xuanyi dissected the body of the acid beast and agreed that if there were four powerful people in the heavenly realm, the Star Fortress would leave immediately, and finally to the time when he packed up his luggage and left the Star Fortress. A large amount of ammunition and food stored in it - although Xuanyi's Black Iron Ring is really good at holding it, it can't hold enough supplies for 10,000 troops to last for three months. Fortunately, Lin Wei has the prototype of the Kingdom of God in his body. , she had used this divine kingdom to imprison and kill Wuyougu, but this time, she also generously dedicated her divine kingdom, containing almost all the food and luggage.

Only then did Xuanyi realize what a right move it was to take Lin Wei with him.

Of course, Xuanyi also helped deal with the wounded and sick in the Star Fortress. Now there are about 700 soldiers in the Star Fortress, and there are more than 200 wounded. In terms of vehicles, some of the Star Fortress can be used in field battles. tracked armored vehicles, but due to the lack of crystals, there was no way to drive them all out.

So it took three days to prepare. Three days later, when leaving the Star Fortress, basically everyone was carrying a small package.

Most of them have lived in this fortress for several years. If it hadn't been for the change in the abyss and the appearance of vicious dogs, some of them might never have left here in their entire lives.

But all partings are for reunion.

All retreat is for attack.

When everyone came to the swamp that was originally used as a defense, no evil dogs dared to appear. Because they had nothing to do before, Ye Ya and Lin Wei went to this swamp specifically to sweep away the evil dogs. For these two plague gods, In other words, this planet may not be able to find an existence that can rival it for the time being.

But the swamp lies across here, which is a one-meter to two-meter silt flat, which is completely impassable. As for the other position to the east, it is because the mountain road there is more rugged and unsuitable for walking.

Sorry to trouble you. Xuanyi said.

Lin Wei smiled and nodded: It's not considered troublesome at all.

The white-haired girl left the team alone and came to the edge of the swamp. The girl's name was not yet known to the tribesmen in Star City, and they did not know that this very handsome and good-looking young lady was the culprit of Star City's crisis a few years ago.

But now, she stood in front of the almost muddy swamp, straightening her palms, placing her wrists against her chin, and pointing her four fingers forward at the same time.

Lin Wei opened her mouth and breathed out a breath of white mist.

She is a genuine ancient god, a human being born in the body of an ancient god.

When Lin Wei chose to exhale with her real breath.

That means the world will usher in a real winter.

In front of everyone, the swamp in front of them quickly froze up.

The white frost instantly dominated the world. The trees, fallen leaves, sky, water plants, and even the few remaining vicious dogs lurking in the swamps planning to attack were all frozen here in Lin Wei's breath.

The moment the girl turned around, everyone remembered her name.

Because we cannot forget a being who can freeze a large lake with just one breath.

Okay, it's easy.

Lin Wei said this, and at the same time she was the first to step onto the frozen swamp: Come with me.

So everyone really followed Lin Wei, crossed the originally insurmountable swamp, and returned to the outside world of Hyrule, which they had not set foot in for a long time. Although Xuanyi and the others were already roughly in the sky during their previous search. I have seen the tragic situation in Hyrule Continent at this time, but when I walk on the ground, what I see and hear is completely different from the feeling high in the sky.

To put it simply, the world of Hyrule, which may have been vibrant at the beginning, has now become a lifeless place under the influence of the abyss. It is even said that Xuanyi searched hundreds of miles nearby and found no trace of humans.

On the contrary, Star City from the outside world, with its powerful firepower and advanced technology, is able to occupy a place in this world and survive.

May I ask, Sir, where are we going now? Xing Jizhi asked Xuan Yi beside him while walking.

In fact, most people are walking, and only the wounded, women and children can ride in cars. In fact, because the soldiers sent to the world of Hyrule this time are all elites, and Star City still has the elite policy, so most people rely on their feet for a day. It can catch up with the speed of armored tracked vehicles.

Besides, there is actually no reason to repair it, so the armored tracked vehicle can't go anywhere fast.

Guess? Xuan Yi smiled, but did not give Xing Jizhi the correct answer.

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