Magic Punk

Chapter 940 The original wish

I want to go to the new world.

Xuan Yi has said this to many people.

He said it to the emperor, to Lin Wei, to Xiying, to Ye Ya, and even to the Star Lord.

But for others, this sentence is really just a message.

But to my sister, this sentence is a question.

If his sister didn't let him go, Xuanyi wouldn't go.

Although the boy's power continues to improve and grow, he can go to more and more places in the world.

But even Ye Xuan was trapped in a powerless place, and Xuan Yi was not confident that he could escape unscathed after he went there.

Xing Lihua just looked at Xuanyi quietly. Her long silver-white hair looked just like ordinary people, but when you reach out and touch it, you will feel that those slender silver-white hairs have no warmth.

You might say that hair itself has no temperature, but Xing Lihua's long hair is even colder at this time, and her body is the coldest.

This is a person who was originally dead, but has re-extended his life in a strange way. At this time, Xing Lihua looked at her brother with a smile on his lips: You can do everything you want to do. .”

You are the only person in this world who can stop me from doing those things. Xuan Yi looked up at Xing Lihua's face and said softly.

The two of them were talking about what happened after Xuanyi left the ice lake - of course talking is not accurate, to be precise, it is telling and listening.

Among them, Xing Lihua basically did not express his views. Only when he heard about the weird and terrifying resurrection ceremony, he said: I don't want to be resurrected in this way.

Otherwise, Xinglihua just listened.

And now at the end of the conversation, when Xuan Yi told Xing Lihua that he wanted to go to the new world, that was the time to really ask for her sister's opinion.

But Xing Lihua's attitude was completely unobjectionable.

Do you still remember my wish for you when you left last time? Xing Lihua said.

You want me to become a good person, a good person who can bring happiness to this world. Xuanyi said.

If it weren't for Xing Lihua's wish, Xuan Yi probably wouldn't have walked all the way like this.

Whether it was practicing medicine to make a living, or obeying Jiao Yue's words to become the shadow prince of the Os Empire, or finally agreeing to go to the Broken World in the Guardian City, all of these are because Xuanyi has never forgotten her sister at that time. Entrustments and wishes.

The boy is willing to carry out his sister's will because he believes that he is living in this world in her sister's stead to a large extent.

And being able to let her sister's soul exist in such a posture is Xuan Yi's greatest happiness.

Yes, you are now a good person, a good person who will not harm others at will because of your own interests. Xing Lihua said, So I am already very happy.

Xuanyi bit her lip: I hope one day I can see my sister leave here.

I can leave now. Xing Lihua said, But after I leave, where will I go?

The girl's question almost touched her soul.

Xuanyi looked at Xing Lihua: How is Qing'an City?

Now that the Aussie Empire is Xuanyi's home turf, if Xing Lihua goes to Qing'an, Xuanyi can let her sister truly enjoy the treatment like a princess.

If I get to Qing'an, what can I do? Xing Lihua continued to ask: You should know, Xuan'er.

I am actually. Xing Lihua looked at Xuanyi: I know nothing but killing.

When Xing Lihua said this, he was very calm.

I can still help you kill people when I go out now, but if I do, there should be people in this world who are better at it than me.

Xuanyi sighed, he was speechless for a moment.

My sister can go out. Although the ice lake is still nourishing her soul and body, with Xuanyi's abilities and resources, there is no problem for her to maintain her body and survive outside the ice lake. But the problem is ——After going out, what can my sister do?

In the past years, my sister and I basically had a mutually supportive relationship. In the end, the fundamental reason why my sister let go was that my sister discovered that Xuan Yi could even live better without her.

It's the same now. In the past three years, Xuanyi has lived a good life in this world, just like every parent who has high hopes for their children. When the children's wings are strong and they can spread their wings and fly, then Children should be allowed to fly freely in this world.

Ice Lake is already the safest and quietest place in the world. My sister is the kind of person who can tolerate loneliness and doesn't like the hustle and bustle. It would be great if one day I could put everything aside and live in seclusion here with my sister.

But if you can't do that, why take your sister out to endure the wind, frost, rain and snow outside.

Can I make a promise with my sister? Xuan Yi said suddenly.

Xing Lihua was a little surprised, not expecting Xuan Yi's answer.

But Xing Lihua's response was faster than Xuan Yi imagined.


Xing Lihua said.

My sister didn't even ask Xuanyi what promise she wanted to make with her.

Xuanyi smiled, this style is really worthy of her sister.

My promise to my sister is that if one day, I no longer care about the world, I hope to live with my sister. Xuan Yi said.

As long as I can see my sister every day, I will be really happy.

It is such a simple idea. Xuan Yi could actually have made such a wish three years ago, because at that time the young man did not have much entanglement with the world. He could just put everything down and live here with Xing Lihua. Previous life.

But at that time, Xuanyi finally chose to leave. There were many reasons. The most important reason was that he still wanted to see the world. This boy was still young and had too many things to see.

As for now, although it has only been three years, Xuanyi has seen too many things, and has too many causes and effects.

At this time, the boy wanted to stop, but there was no doubt that he couldn't stop.

He must move forward. There are too many people waiting for him to move forward. He even has an empire waiting for him to inherit. How can he live alone with his sister on the bank of this icy lake?

When you can do something easily, you won't make it your lifelong pursuit.

But when it gets really tough, then it becomes a lifelong desire.

That's why Xuanyi came over to ask her sister this question.

If her sister wanted him to be by her side, then Xuan Yi would be willing to give up the world.

I live on the bank of this glacial lake with my sister.

But—Xuan Yi knew her sister’s answer.

Do you still remember my original wishes and expectations for you? Xing Lihua asked.

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