Magic Punk

Chapter 932 The Flower of Bones Blooming Outside the City

In the early morning of Lanyin City, when most people were still resting at home after last night's carnival and banquet, Ye Ya walked up to the city wall alone.

Xuanyi is there.

In fact, the boy drank a lot of wine last night, but in the end, he was not drunk at all.

After all, Chinese Valentine's Day is the most powerful poison in the world, and alcohol's paralysis is becoming increasingly difficult to use.

You want to send me off? Xuan Yi looked back at Ye Ya's long blue hair and eyes. The girl was wearing a snow-white dress with a quiet and sweet expression.

Therefore, many times it is not felt at all that the other party has truly become Her Royal Highness the Ninth Princess, and has become a being to whom most people in the world must bow their knees.

I don't want to send it away. Ye Ya shook her head and said, I just want to watch you leave.

Xuanyi nodded and spread his red wings.

Flame, burning wings.

Although the blood-burning technique has not significantly improved Xuanyi's combat effectiveness now, this technique can still give the young man the ability to fly.

I'm waiting for you in Qingye City. I need to deal with some things. Ye Ya said quietly: After all, the Lanye Empire now needs me here for a while.

But remember to call me when you are leaving. I believe in you, so please don't let me down. The girl said.

Although Xuanyi could indeed deceive her and leave her without saying goodbye.

But at this time, the young man with flaming hair and eyes continued to nod.


I'll let you know before I leave.

Ye Ya nodded, and then in front of her, the flames all over Xuanyi's body burned even hotter and dazzling, like a phoenix or the sun, and then the boy turned into a shooting star, streaking across the sky quickly.

Annihilation is silent.

Ye Ya stood at the top of the city and looked at the direction where the young man disappeared.

As she said, it was really just to watch Xuanyi leave.

In fact, until now, Ye Ya is still slightly confused about her relationship with this boy.

She likes him and he likes her, but he also likes another her.

These two kinds of likes are not the same, and Ye Ya will not dislike him just because he likes another her.

But at present - the two people may not be able to truly be together.

Although Ye Ya can now accept the fact that she may not be with Xuanyi.

So, I wish you all the best. After all, no one in this world can live without another person.

It's like I thought I couldn't live without my aunt.

It's like you think you can't live without your sister.

Ye Ya said as she looked at the trajectory of Xuanyi's disappearance in the sky.

From today, she is an adult.

An adult in every sense of the word.

What about the world of adults?

The girl raised her lips and smiled silently.

Xuanyi flew in the sky, the wings of flames spread out, cutting through the flowing clouds.

The sound of wind blew past my ears, and everything under my feet was stacked like building blocks.

There are mountains, rivers and forest towns.

He is flying in the clouds.

The speed exceeds the sound, so it leaves a trail of snow-white turbulence behind.

As straight as drawn with a ruler.

When Xuanyi was a boy, he actually liked and longed for flying, because flying symbolizes freedom and power.

But he has never been able to fly, and can only live like a mouse in those steel and concrete forests.

Xuanyi never thought about being able to fly out of Star City. He thought he would be trapped in this city for the rest of his life, spending his life as someone else's killer and tool.

if only.

As long as I can be with my sister.

But when he realized that his only luxury, Star City, would be taken away, the young man could only choose to resist fate.

He resisted fate with a narrow escape and finally reached the point where he is now.

At this moment, Xuan Yi suddenly saw a huge shadow in the sky, as if someone had dumped a large black bowl upside down on the distant horizon.

This big bowl is so dark that the sunlight behind it will be annihilated and silent when it shines on it.

Xuanyi knew that this was the Forest of Death.

The Forest of Death does not mean that it exists in another dimension.

It really exists in this world, but it is completely separated by this incredibly huge barrier.

Perhaps the creator of this barrier is the most powerful creature that has appeared on this planet and the world. However, its creator has long since left, but his relics can still survive in this world for millions of years.

And now Xuanyi is finally able to enter the Forest of Death and protect himself in it.

There is even a chance of coming out.

But—Xuan Yi told herself that it was not now.

Although my sister is inside.

Although I really miss my sister.

But at least now, it's not the time to go see my sister.

So the boy chose to bypass this huge upside-down bowl in the sky. The area of ​​this big bowl was as big as a kingdom.

In the big bowl is the Forest of Death.

And Star City is right behind the Forest of Death.

Therefore, Star City is qualified to use this huge barrier as its own trial venue.

It was almost dusk when Xuanyi saw the tall city wall in the distance, crawling on the ground like a giant beast.

The boy set off in the early morning and finally arrived at Star City at dusk. The journey that Ye Ya took three days and three nights on the Ice Knight from Qingye City only took one day for Xuanyi.

But that's not to say that Xuanyi is still a bit slow.

Mainly because this journey is too long.

The young man thought again of the legendary shadow-chasing Pegasus, which traveled thousands of miles a day, but in the end still couldn't outrun time.

He is now almost as fast as Shadow Chaser Pegasus.

But Xuan Yi still feels that there are too many things in this world that she cannot do.

While thinking this way, Xuanyi landed.

With his feet on the ground and his red wings retracted, the boy indeed consumed a huge amount of strength along the way, but now Xuanyi can indeed hold on.

And - no one found this young man who came to this land at dusk.

As long as Xuanyi doesn't want others to see it, they really can't see it.

In front of Xuanyi was a pile of ruins, burned remains, with only some charred wood standing in the open space.

This is his cabin, his and his sister's cabin.

After that day, Xuan Yi thought that he would never return to this place in his life, but in the end, he came back.

Sure enough, time is a good medicine that can smooth out everything, and even those things that are never forgotten can be gradually forgotten in the years of never forgetting.

Xuanyi looked at the flame-burned remains and stretched out his hand.

On the ashes, white-bone flowers grew.

Delicate and beautiful, the petals of each flower are very thin periosteum.

Xuanyi was very satisfied and walked towards Star City.

Every step.

A similar bone flower will grow on his footprints.

He walked towards Star City step by step.

These flowers of bones will extend from home to the city wall.

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