Magic Punk

Chapter 773 Xuanyi’s planning time

In the morning, Xuan Yi woke up at five o'clock when the sky was just turning white.

Although he didn't sleep for too long, because a lot of things actually happened last night, from the conversation with Ye Ya to Luo Nanfeng's sudden insertion, and finally Jiao Yue's call.

It can be said to be fulfilling.

But Xuanyi is really the type who only needs two hours of sleep a day to be full of energy. When he was on the mission, Xuanyi could do it for three days without sleep, and he only needed seven or eight hours a week. A few hours of sleep is enough to maintain energy.

This was originally a necessary characteristic for a young man to survive, but now it seems that it has become a unique habit and advantage.

He stood up, got dressed, came to the window and looked out, only to see that the city was slowly waking up, the street lights on the streets were extinguished, and the street lights where the black shadow stood last night were now silent.

There were pedestrians in twos and threes on the street, but overall it was still very deserted.

Xuanyi thought about it for a moment. In fact, his finger had already been stretched out, and the black ring appeared.

But in the end, Xuanyi didn't contact Jiao Yue.

Because what I wanted to say last night has actually been said.

What to say now is actually meaningless.

Xuanyi will not stop Jiao Yue, because Jiao Yue has never stopped herself.

As he said, if something really happened to Jiao Yue, it would not be too late for him to help or rescue her.

And with Jiaoyue's character, it's actually very difficult for anything to happen.

Thinking like this, Xuanyi has already sat at the table. This seems to be Luo Xi's guest room. Although I don't know how long this guest room has not been occupied, but in front of Xuanyi, there is a quill dipped in ink on the table. and a pile of snow-white notes.

It's actually still very early now. According to what Luo Nanfeng said yesterday, the trial will start at twelve noon.

This is different from the original Qianxing Trial. At that time, Xuanyi had the idea of ​​​​smuggling from the very beginning, but this time, he was married by an official matchmaker - no, a legitimate participant, nominated by the Xitian Clan Chief, and endorsed by the Luo Xi Clan Chief .

It is said that two saints serve Xuan Yi, who can have such a blessing?


elder sister.



Xuanyi picked up the quill and wrote these four groups of words from top to bottom.

He used the words of Star City.

Because no matter what, the experience in Xingcheng gave this young man the most indelible mark. He is eighteen years old this year, and for fifteen years - maybe less, but at least for twelve or thirteen years, Xuan Yi was During the boyhood he spent in Star City, where his character and outlook were formed, he was basically shaped by the rules of Star City.

If it weren't for her sister, Xuanyi would probably be no different from other ruthless devils now.

Xuanyi wrote this set of words because he was thinking about his next path.

The first is of course Xiying.

Xuanyi wrote after the word Xiying.

Xiying's illness.

In the next three years, my first goal will definitely be to find a way to cure Xiying, but now this is a disease that the two saints, and even the golden humans on the other side, can't do anything about. I don't know how far I can do it. , but it all depends on man-made efforts. You can’t say you won’t do it just because there is no hope.”

As long as Xiying is still alive, my long-term goal is to find a way for her to not only walk in the world, but also survive in this world. Even if she takes a step back, it is still a way to extend her life. In this regard It seems that Luo Xi has a medicine that can work on this, but Luo Xi said that the materials are difficult to collect.”

In the next time, if there is an opportunity, my first goal is to ask Luo Xi about the principles and materials of that medicine. After all, I am also a master of medicine. There is no reason why I can't refine that medicine.

Then as our strength grows, we will work hard to find a way to completely cure Xiying in the future.

This is set as a long-term goal.

After Xuanyi finished writing this paragraph, he was silent for a moment.

Yes, I met Xiying, and while I felt lucky to be liked by her, even though Xiying herself had accepted her fate, and planned to use these three years to walk around the world to complete the end of her life.

But how could Xuanyi be willing to do so?

However, this road is too slim, and seems much slimmer than anything Xuanyi has ever done.

The only similarity is that Xuanyi once fought against fate in order to escape the fate of killing each other with her sister. However, as a result of the struggle, she watched all the hopes she once held on burn in the wooden house where everything originated. To ashes and then withered.

But this time, I still have to try.

After Xuanyi finished writing this sentence, he dipped his quill pen in a little more ink, looked at the note paper, recorded the contents in his mind, twisted the paper with his fingers, and thought, Nihuang The fire grew and spread from Xuanyi's hand, and in just a moment, it completely engulfed the paper and then vaporized it. It was a blazing flame that could burn even ashes, so in the end nothing was left.

The second page is about my sister.

Sister's current situation is very stable. After all, Shi Feng said that Ice Lake is the best resurrection ceremony venue.

The resurrection ceremony site once gave birth to Lin Wei, so now, my sister is also sleeping in it, although she may not have the same body after she is resurrected.

After all, my sister's body was reduced to ashes in front of me.

But as long as my sister is a sister, that's enough.

Xuanyi sighed slightly as he wrote this.

In fact, he still really wanted to have the opportunity to hug his sister again, but in his heart, this was basically a luxury wish.

I don't know the specific resurrection cycle of my sister. Judging from Lin Wei's experience, this process may be very long. Unlike Xiying's condition, one is urgent and a method must be found or changes must be made.

The other one has to wait. The situation in front of him is almost the best situation.

Xuanyi subconsciously wanted to bite the tip of the quill, but realized that if he did so, he would bite a mouthful of ink.

In the end, the boy chose to refuse.

In short, regarding my sister, while waiting patiently, I will go back and see my sister when I have the opportunity.

I haven't seen my sister for almost three years. Since Lin Wei himself left the ice lake, even if I have a prayer ceremony to pray to Lin Wei, the evil god himself has not returned at all, so I said how could I fail? So many times.”

Why can't you just summon sister?

Xuan Yi couldn't help but complain like this.

Well, regarding my sister, my short-term goal is to go back and see my sister when I have the opportunity.

I have a lot of things to talk to my sister now.

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