Magic Punk

Chapter 727 What a big fight

This debt collection is destined to not go smoothly.

Fortunately, Xitian's footsteps are very fast, fast enough to travel across the entire continent in one day.

He visited the other six hermit tribes in the world one by one, took out the list that had been regarded as a joke, and seriously asked for the treasures on the list.

But the good news is that besides having fast feet, Xitian is also really good at playing.

He was particularly good at fighting. Even though he was not recognized as the strongest person in the world at that time, he was at least among the most capable at fighting.

Facing the leader of the Nihuang clan who blocked the door, not only could the leader be able to fight, but he was also terrifyingly young.

At this time, many Yin people finally held the idea of ​​​​forming a good relationship and finally chose to be convenient with others.

At that time, no one thought about the fate that they would eventually escape.

When they agreed to trade with Xitian, most of them had the idea of ​​giving something close to charity, because this outstanding-looking young man was very polite and showed enough respect for even the humblest servant who received him.

Wherever he went, no one disliked him.

If it weren't for the fact that the hidden tribes couldn't intermarry, then I don't know how many girls would have chased him all the way to the gate of the Forgotten City.

Every time he reached a deal with a hidden tribe, he would return to the Forgotten City and give those treasures to Xiying for use, just like adding firewood to a pyre that was about to burn out to keep the pyre burning for a while longer.

After all, as mentioned before, in addition to being able to fight, this patriarch is also very fast on his feet.

Xitian did not tell the second person about this matter, because at least anyone with some sense knew how stupid and blind his behavior was.

But Xitian is willing.

Soon, three months passed. Xitian worked hard and got the treasure he wanted from the three Yin tribes. Of course, he also gave the same precious promises and exchanges, which even included the Yin tribe. The Guijian clan, which is the strongest among them and is still the chosen one of God, also includes the Xingche clan, which has just been replaced by the Shadow clan as the demon's dependents due to changes. As for the third clan, it is quite close to the Xingche clan and has completely The Xiguang clan was born.

In any case, everything goes well on this trip. These three tribes are basically ranked among the top three in terms of strength among the Yin tribe. If these three hard bones are broken, then the next actions will definitely be smoother.

But Xitian didn't expect that the bone in front was actually the hardest to chew.

That bone is called the Shadow Clan.

Of course, the final result of the matter has been known to the world, but at that time, the Shadow Clan had just replaced the Xingche Clan as the demon dependents. However, because of their insufficient background, unstable footing, and unestablished prestige, they were preparing to find People establish authority.

At this time, Xitian walked to the door.

In the past few days, Xitian has been spinning around the whole world. All the Yin clans know that the new leader of the Nihuang clan has almost completely disgraced the ancient Yin clan, and is almost using the entire Nihuang clan's ten thousand years of accumulation to go to other places. The Yin people seek treasures that contain abundant energy.

Among the Youying clan, what Xitian wants is a huge piece of natural red jade that has been formed since the beginning of the world. The power contained in this piece of ruby ​​is just suitable for nourishing Xiying.

But the Shadow Clan refused.

Xitian was not surprised, because these days when he went to make a request for the first time, he usually received a rejection.

But Xitian will choose to stay at the other party's place, seriously and casually negotiate terms with the other party, and by the way, compete with the other party's top experts to learn a few moves.

Usually within a month, Xitian can always have his requirements met.

So Xitian originally thought that there would be no exception this time.

In fact, Xitian never thought that he came here to exterminate the clan.

This time the Shadow Clan was not even willing to let Xitian move into their clan, and then a group of people said many unpleasant things in front of the young clan leader.

Xitian chose to hold back and seriously wanted to ask to see the leader of the Shadow clan.

At that time, because the Shadow Clan had taken over the Xingche Clan's status as a demon dependent, the leader of the Shadow Clan was also a genuine saint.

In other words, he is a false saint who possesses the key to becoming a god.

Xitian's request was rejected again, and the other party once again laughed at the young patriarch who was still in their eyes.

After all, he is the new demon's descendant, and the clan leader has just become a saint. Even the previous Xingche clan is not looked down upon by them, not to mention Nihuang, whose old clan leader has just died and the new clan leader is obviously unable to hold up the wall. A clan.

At that time, there were constant rumors that the Nihuang clan was about to decline and even fall out of the ranks of the hidden clans. Even the Nihuang clan had such worries. After all, their clan leader had hardly lived in the Forgotten City since he took office. Instead, he had been Begging for food outside.

In the end, Xitian, who had been shut out for a long time, finally recognized their ridicule and contempt, as well as the arrogance of being in a high position just now.

Then Xitian finally said: So I have to get it myself to make you happy, right?

And this is what the other party is waiting for.

The battle begins, and then the opponent is completely defeated.

Only then did they finally understand how terrifying this nineteen-year-old boy who was said to have killed his father and ascended to the position of patriarch was.

But at least they still have the patriarch.

The patriarch who is a saint.

In the end, the patriarch of the Shadow clan was forced out. Although the things here were under her instruction, she did not expect that they would reach such an unbearable state.

Especially since the entire clan, with the exception of almost himself, was unable to do anything to the 19-year-old young clan leader.

Then the newly promoted saint took action and easily subdued Xitian.

Because all saints are ants, even Xitian cannot resist this iron law.

The saint hoped that Xi Tian would leave and compensate the Shadow clan for their losses. This was how the storm was resolved.

Xitian thinks compensation is okay, but he wants to take away the ruby.

Of course, Xitian will also pay adequate and appropriate remuneration for the piece of ruby.

His request was rejected as a matter of course, because it was obvious that a loser was not qualified to make conditions.

So Xitian could only keep fighting.

Fight again and again, defeat again, fight again and again.

Until Xitian suspected that he was about to die, someone appeared in front of him and opened his hand to block his face.

The girl with red hair and white skirt stood in front of thousands of troops of the Shadow Clan, and in front of a handful of saints in the world.

Xiying knew that Xitian was about to die, so she traveled thousands of miles across thousands of mountains and rivers, hoping to fight side by side with him.

This is the first time Xiying has ever tried to fight.

Xitian then held Xiying's hand and decided to join forces with her to fight this brother and sister's first cooperation.

What a big fight.

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