Magic Punk

Chapter 724 Origin (Part 2)

Xiying has lived on that high tower since she was four years old. Her daily pastime is to climb to the highest point of the tower and watch the clouds, bright moon, sunset and sunset in the sky.

Others called her the Princess of the Tower and were grateful to her.

Because everyone vaguely knows that the abundant spiritual power that helps them grow rapidly every day is closely related to the princess on the tower.

Under her own efforts, the entire younger generation of the Nihuang clan has made rapid progress.

But Xiying didn't know whether she should be happy or not.

She didn't even know if she should be sad.

Ever since her illness was confirmed to be incurable, she was treated as a child destined to die.

A person who is alive now but will die soon in the future.

And her value becomes the value of realizing the present.

The Yin tribe has always been an efficient and pragmatic group. If not for this, they would not have been able to fight in the cruel war of hundreds of tribes.

Xiying never had her own childhood, because she was just the princess on the high tower. Every day, someone would fly up to the high tower to bring her food and water, as well as beautiful and fitting clothes.

But no one will talk to her because talking to her is a very dangerous thing.

Because she was young and didn't know how to control her power, every word she spoke carried real power that could change the world.

She said it was going to rain, and tomorrow it would rain in the world.

She said there was going to be thunder, and there would be thunder in the city tomorrow.

She said that she would eat omelette first tomorrow, so omelette would be an option in the food she would be given tomorrow.

Likewise, if she says someone will die, that person will die within a few days.

This ability is the spirit of speech, the power that can turn words into reality. It is a very profound and powerful power that only the most powerful saints are qualified to master.

Hundreds of years later, Xitian once also cast a spell, that is, against the Xia family who married with foreigners, planting a curse on them that could never be lifted, making every Nihuang tribesman hate the filth. There is no deep taboo on blood, and they are born to hate that kind of dirty union.

This is the spirit of speech.

And as early as when the golden humans conquered the seven hidden tribes, they once issued a more powerful word spirit, that is, all humans in this world who dare to speak the name of the hidden tribe will suffer all kinds of unimaginable attacks and disasters. , so that both body and soul will be destroyed in that moment.

Only humans above Dongxuan have a chance to resist this kind of unreasonable and indiscriminate destruction. Or you are in a special area, such as the ancestral land of various races, or you are not in this human-dominated plane. .

This is also a word spirit, and this word spirit has completely blocked the existence of the Yin clan for thousands of years.

After all, for ordinary people, as long as you accurately pronounce the name of the Yin tribe, you will encounter sudden death. This kind of fear that cannot be expressed in words has successfully made the name of the Yin tribe disappear from the world, and The Yin tribe finally became the Yin tribe.

To this day, this word spirit is still active in this world, and the true names of the Yin tribe are still taboo in this world. Even a superior person like Jiao Yue uses the names of these ethnic groups with caution when mentioning them. Various references, and when Xuanyi heard the name of the Xingche clan, their powerful instructor first said the name with a smile, and then saw who could not help repeating the name.

At that time, Xuanyi would never forget the scene of those children who also said the name with a smile and turned to ashes in front of him with despair on their faces.

Word Spirit has never been a fun thing, it is something that even those golden humans on the other side or Xitian, who are considered outstanding even among saints, use it with caution.

But Xiying didn't have the ability to restrain this power.

Because she is a giant, the dwarf cannot teach the giant how to use her power, and she is still so young.

Therefore, every word she speaks will inject real influence into the world, and those influences will in turn draw out her own power, causing the riddled body in her body to flow out flames and spiritual power faster. .

And the only thing that can overcome the spirit of speech is the only thing the dwarfs taught the giant to do.

Just tell her not to talk.

If you don’t want to talk, then don’t talk.

Because Xiying has always been well-behaved, so well-behaved that she knew that she was going to die soon and that she was getting weaker and weaker, but she was still well-behaved.

She obediently lives in a tall tower built specifically for her, and works hard every day as a human-shaped spiritual gathering tool for the tribesmen who rely on her to absorb the power that spreads from her body, as if she was surrounded by a fence by a shepherd. A giant dragon, and this giant dragon can clearly tear apart the fence that is not even a piece of paper to her with a raised hand, kill the annoying sheep surrounding it, and even kill the person who dares to imprison it. Damn shepherd.

But she chose not to do anything. If she was born well-behaved, she would be born well-behaved and wait for death.

She had almost forgotten that she had a brother who was born at the same time as her.

That day Xiying was sitting on a high tower watching the sunset. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable with the sun shining on her, so she made an exception and said she wanted to watch it rain.

Three hours later, the rain began to fall. Xiying happily sat on the top of the tower and watched the heavy rain falling all over the city.

It was a pleasure to watch.

Because this is her most harmless prank, and this city, which has been hot for a long time, also needs the cooling of rain.

The cultivating children under the tower didn't even take shelter from the rain, because the rain had no impact on them.

Just when Xiying thought it was another ordinary day, she saw a hand climbing up the wall of the tower.

Taking advantage of this unparalleled rainstorm, the child wanted to see the princess in the tower.

He stood in front of Xiying with his whole body wet, and his fiery red hair kept dripping water. He looked like a drowned rat in extreme embarrassment.

Xiying looked at the other person and felt that the other person was familiar and friendly, and that the two of them really looked alike.

Xitian felt that the girl in front of her was shy and pretty. She was not like what many people said. There was a powerful and ugly witch in the tower.

They told each other's names and met again after they were born. After this encounter, it was difficult for anything to separate the two people.

They also know the relationship between each other, because for some relationships, as long as they meet each other and take a look at each other, they can know the relationship.

Xitian promised that he would often visit the sister who was hidden by her father.

Xitian promised that he would find a way to save his sister who was slowly dying.

Xiying listened quietly to her brother's promise to her, always smiling and saying that it didn't matter to her.

As he grew older, Xiying finally gradually mastered the method of controlling the spirit of speech, but no one cared about it at this time.

That year, Xitian was eight years old.

Xiying is also eight years old.

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