Magic Punk

Chapter 690 Steps

Chapter 76 Steps

In the Forgotten City, Chief Xitian is the true supreme god.

After all, even an emperor cannot rule an empire for a thousand years.

When the patriarch issued the oracle again, no matter how reluctant they were, everyone still made way to both sides.

Including Xixi.

Ye Ya nodded calmly, but her legs were shaking a little.

I wasn't shaking when I got off the Heavenly Car just now, and I haven't been shaking after walking for so long.

But it wasn't until the Xitian clan leader spoke that Ye Ya realized what she was doing.

Although there was no change in his expression, his body's instinctive fear was still there.

But I was afraid that it was only for a moment, because the girl's footsteps never stopped.

She was holding Yaoyao in her arms, and the girl was still sleeping. Maybe it couldn't be called sleeping, but dormant.

Xuan Yi followed behind Ye Ya, with Lin Wei at the rear.

So they are still moving forward.

The road ahead was completely separated, and everyone was watching and watching.

Ye Ya suddenly turned around and looked at Xuanyi: I never thought that such a scene would happen.

Yeah, never thought about it.

I thought I would hold a girl and walk through a city full of enemies, looking for an explanation from the most powerful god in the world.

Even if the idea was actually originally proposed by Lin Wei.

How do you feel? Xuan Yi smiled and asked her.

It feels pretty good. Ye Ya nodded and smiled.

If you feel tired, let me hold you for a while. Xuan Yi looked at Yaoyao in Ye Ya's arms.

No! Ye Ya immediately objected: Yaoyao is very light.

So I won't be tired.

At the end of the road is the palace as tall as a mountain.

Ye Ya has never seen such a high palace.

Even the palace gate is nearly a hundred meters high, and even if you look up, you may not be able to see the end.

The palace door opened, and there was light inside.

No one stopped them. Since Chief Xitian said they could come in, they could come in.

So Ye Ya walked in, then Xuanyi, then Lin Wei.

After entering the main hall, you can only see endless empty steps, and at the end of the steps, you can see a throne in the distance.

There seems to be a figure sitting there, even if it is completely unclear, it can be clearly perceived.

Ye Ya wanted to hug Yaoyao and continue up the steps, but Xuanyi grabbed Ye Ya's shoulders from behind, and then moved forward, her voice neither loud nor quiet.

Because he clearly knew that the other party could definitely hear it.

Is it okay to say it here?

The other party did not answer, but all the stairs were glowing with white light, weak, but slowly rising and falling in the field of vision.

Ye Ya sighed, and then stepped up. The white light of the stairs slowly extinguished, but there were endless stairs waiting in front.

At least at first glance, you can't tell how many stairs there are.

The other party didn't answer, but gave his attitude.

That is, only Xuanyi and the others can climb these stairs and have the opportunity to come to him and express their demands.

In fact, Ye Ya even suspected that it was because of his previous attitude that the Xitian clan leader did this.

If you want to leave, then let yourself keep going.

Just like the endless stairs in front of him, Ye Ya didn't believe that when others came to visit the Xitian clan leader, they would have to climb the stairs with no end in sight.

She was probably the only one who needed it.

But Ye Ya still stepped up to the second level without saying a word.

Xuanyi and Lin Wei still followed her.

But this road seems longer than before.

These steps do not make Xuanyi feel heavy, and there is no special pressure or restriction.

But these steps happen to be very long.

It seems to have no end.

Ye Ya always raised her head, hugged Yaoyao, and climbed up step by step. Xuanyi asked again: Let me come for a while.

Ye Ya still said the same thing: I'm not tired.

In fact, the three of them probably couldn't count how long they had been climbing in the end, but even Lin Wei didn't try any destructive behavior. Since she wanted to climb, she just climbed down.

There seems to be no distinction between day and night here. After entering the palace, it seems that even the meaning of time does not exist. Xuan Yi actually had an enlightenment at that moment.

That is the palace in front of you, perhaps the divine kingdom of the Xitian clan leader.

But even if it is the Kingdom of God, it does not mean that we have to retreat.

And all three of them can climb. If you really want to say it, Xuanyi is probably the one who can't climb the most, but even Xuanyi can climb effortlessly for three days and three nights without stopping.

It's not particularly tiring, but just time-consuming.

In fact, there is nothing left to say. The three people have basically finished talking in the Tianzhi Car. Now they just need to fight. This is what Lin Wei thinks. But after getting off the Tianzhi Car, no one even asked her. There was no one to do anything, and the girl couldn't help but feel very aggrieved.

Then Lin Wei touched her arms.

Yes—Jie Ying has been slipping away since Lin Wei stepped off the Heavenly Car.

Yes, cats are the most bullying creatures in the world. Even if you are its owner, if you are only the size of a mouse, no matter how many times you feed it, it will not stop it from swinging you around in its mouth. Look. When you are lying on the ground and have no strength to move, I will gently pat you with my paw to encourage you to get up and keep running.

But if you are taller than it, tall enough that you can effortlessly lift its neck and watch its four legs relax naturally, then most cats in the world will smack slightly under your hands. Snoring, looking peaceful and peaceful as time goes by.

So Lin Wei wasn't very surprised and didn't even curse twice.

She wanted to save some energy.

She doesn't have much energy, so it's better to save a little.

The steps finally reached the end, and on the platform of unknown height, there was an empty vermilion seat.

The figure I saw before was not found here.

The land was empty.

Lin Wei leaned down and patted the ground beneath her feet. Invisible frost spread around, and then completely froze the top of the palace into a huge iceberg.

We want to talk something. Lin Wei said softly.

No, you don't want to, someone answered from above.

Lin Wei raised her head.

Then she knelt down.

Ye Ya knelt down.

Xuanyi also knelt down.

Yaoyao did not fall to the ground, but was floating in the air. Even every strand of her hair was floating in the air, but she did not open her eyes and still closed them tightly.

It seemed that the dream was extremely long.

The red-clothed and red-haired patriarch quietly appeared in front of Yaoyao and gently pressed the blue-gray scales on the girl's face with his fingers.

Then asked: What would you do if I killed her now?

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