Magic Punk

Chapter 645 Don’t want to know

If I want to kill you.

Xing Kui looked down at the rusty sword between his arm and body. It looked like it would break at any time. The sword, which had no reflection at all, easily penetrated his extremely tough windbreaker. But after Xuanyi said those words Before, Xingkui didn't notice it at all.

This means that Xuanyi can even insert this sword into his own heart. No matter what happens, it will be in his heart.

Although Xingkui confirmed that he had the ability to fight back and could crush Xuanyi into a pulp, whether he fought back or not was secondary. He would be injured or even die, but it was a real thing that would happen.

Xuanyi smiled and slowly withdrew the long sword. The rusty long sword slowly disappeared into his body. He looked at the other party, clasped his fists and bent down: I accept.

For Xuanyi, his strongest point lies in his close-quarters assassination. No matter how strong your defense is, no matter how advanced your field is, just let him get close and then stab him gently with his sword.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be penetrated by the Emperor Tianjian. Except for the puppet body encountered by the opponent when fighting Shi Qingchuan, which caused the celestial phenomena to disintegrate and become ineffective, the rest of the time, the Emperor Tianjian stabbed out with one strike and stabbed It is not only the body that is broken, but also the perfection of the opponent's spirit, energy, and spirit, causing it to die like a deflated balloon, constantly weakening.

Is this the sword that almost killed Xinggui Ax? After a moment of shock, Xing Kui's expression became more solemn.

Xuanyi nodded.

In fact, if Xinghuai Yao hadn't used his shadow to stand in for Xinggui Ax, the governor would have died.

Of course, in a sense, because Xinggui Ax is not dead, he and Liang Zi of Xingcheng are not irresolvable.

Although Xing Huainan died because of him, no one in this world would blame Xing Huainan on him, not even Xing Huai Yao.

It's so terrifying. Xing Kui said quietly, and then sighed: I originally wanted you to give me an explanation, but now you have given it to me.

Yes, Xuanyi just showed that he has the ability to kill Dongxuan as long as he gets close to him. If this ability is used for assassination, it is really the best explanation.

Xuanyi smiled and said nothing.

In fact, when he said those words to Xing Kui that only the two of them could hear, he had already given his explanation.

What he said was: I am the emperor's son.

Xuanyi did not say which emperor he was, nor what kind of son his son was.

But for Xingkui, this sentence is enough.

As for the origin of Xuan Yi, there have been countless explanations to this day. Although the explanations are different, generally speaking, senior officials generally believe that Xuan Yi is the bloodline of the Os family who lived in Star City.

As for how he ended up in exile, and what Xuan Yi's original position was in the Os family, this has not yet been clarified. Even if it is clarified, it should be a very complicated issue, so in the end it just depends on how the Os family expresses its position.

But now, Xuanyi told Xingkui the most terrifying origin.

If Xuanyi is really the son of the contemporary Emperor Aosi, then who is the current Prince Aosi, and how Xuanyi ended up living in Star City? What kind of power was it that allowed the prince of this empire to finally become the most popular person on the streets of Star City? of abandoned babies.

Xing Kui doesn't know, and doesn't want to know, but he doesn't doubt this statement, because the attitude of the top management of Star City towards Xuanyi is still very ambiguous at this time, and this ambiguity even comes from the Star Lord himself.

As for the Aos family, the Aos Empire's acting moon princess Aos Jiaoyue, who is standing behind Xuanyi to endorse him, is the best silent proof that the Aos family dares to stand up to Xuanyi with such a gesture. If this is the direction in the end, Xing Kui wouldn't be surprised at all.

Therefore, Xing Kui doesn't want to know the truth of some things. Even if he is as noble as Dongxuan, the identity of the leader of the party is still impossible to know, and he is not willing to know.

But one thing Xing Kui knows is that there is no need for him to stay here.

Originally, Xing Kui appeared here because he got traces of Xuan Yi and came to hold down the formation for the three lower-level commissioners. However, before the formation was completed, he encountered three deserters.

Xingkui chose to kill the three deserters and chose to go into battle himself, but he did not expect that in the end, even he might become a deserter.

It's just that there are not many people in this world who can punish him. After all, every demigod above Dongxuan is a precious treasure in the world.

Then, Your Excellency Xing Kui, please allow me to take my leave. Xing Kui once again bent down and saluted, towards Xuanyi.

I still have a message. Xuan Yi looked at the other party and said.

A cold smile appeared on Xing Kui's lips: I will personally convey this to Your Excellency Xing Xing.

Xuanyi nodded and did not ask how the other party knew the content of the message. After all, there were many extremely mysterious methods in Dongxuan, and there was no need for the other party to panic.

In other words, even if this message is not conveyed, his appearance here today is a very clear signal.

Xuanyi nodded, the other party tapped his toes, pushed up the clouds, and in the blink of an eye he became a star in the night sky.

The light green field that had been shrouding everyone slowly shrank and disappeared, and the black shadow in the garden turned into a breeze.

There were whispers behind him, and the focus of the discussion was Xuan Yi's appearance.

After all, Xingcheng Qianxing is the first person in history to defect and successfully escape. Although Xuan Yi is not the youngest Xingxing in history due to the existence of Jiao Yue, at the age of fifteen, he is undoubtedly the youngest. One of the young walking ones.

There are too many mysteries and legends about him, and he has even been processed and sung by many bards after dinner. Some people are even arranging the love story between him and the Ninth Princess, but it is only limited to the unexpected land of Lanye Empire.

However, now this legend actually appeared in front of him in a grand manner more than two years later, on the land of the Aussie Empire, and the Moon Princess Jiaoyue walked with him.

What exactly this means, many people may not be able to explain clearly, but they can clearly understand that this is an earth-shaking event.

At least, after the strong rise of Osyusei, Her Royal Highness the Princess, who has been on the defensive for a long time, this strong appearance almost heralds the beginning of a desperate comeback. After all, the joining forces between the modern Osyusei and the former Star City Walking, will the two people set off a revolution? What kind of disturbance will happen is what everyone is thinking about.

Behind Jiao Yue, Qian Ying took two steps forward and greeted Jiao Yue in a low voice. Although Qian Ying was now the core of the princelings, greeting Jiao Yue again was a bit suspicious of being in Cao's camp but in Han. Qian Ying had grown up with Jiao Yue since she was a child. Two years ago, she was under the protection of Her Highness the Princess and put under house arrest for two years because of the incident. She was undoubtedly lying if she said she had no emotion or awe at all.

But after saying hello, Qian Ying turned her attention to Xuanyi, who was still standing in the center of the courtyard.

So you are Xuan Yi? the prince's concubine asked gently.

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