Magic Punk

Chapter 613 Austin Road

Chapter 67: Austin Road

The wind blew gently, the palace was cool and pleasant in spring, and there was no one here.

Faced with Xuan Yi's straightforward question, Xuan Er was silent for a long time, and finally asked: What do you think?

If you don't deny it, you must be right. Xuan Yi said softly: You have such an inextricable relationship with the Os family, and you were the top figure in the Os family thousands of years ago, but why are you not included in history? Where’s his name?”

The answer is probably to keep it secret for His Holiness.

Many big shots are covering up the traces of your existence. Now I have gradually understood that whether it is Ye Qing, Ge Sheng, Yongyao Supreme, or even the ancestor of the Commercial Federation, each of them is among them. Contributing my own strength, but it is in this layer of fog that I can get a glimpse of the reality behind the fog.

You died very early and in an accident. You lived in the fog to begin with, so there is no need to get out of the fog after your death.

You have climbed to the highest peak in this world in terms of strength at a very young age. Your blood-burning technique was mastered jointly with the Empress of Guanghua. You can even burn the Qixi Ziwei in your body to the limit and make them fight for it. What you use.”

You said that you died in a battle with the Tianwu Emperor, which means that your strength before death was well-deserved at the peak of Taiwei, and you were even slightly better, because I have personally witnessed the complete destruction of Qixi Ziwei. With your burning fighting power, you should be stronger by then.”

But at that time, you probably wouldn't have had the chance to place your body in the Ice Lake, because the Ice Lake was still occupied by Ning Xiner at that time.

So even though you won and died, before you died, you used the soul division technology to save part of your soul on something beside you, and this thing is the Emperor's Ancient Sword.

Xuan Yi said calmly in his heart. He was lying on the big bed in the palace. The spring wind passed through the hall. He could hear the sound of cherry blossoms falling outside and the gurgling sound of the stream.

Now that the young man is no longer Wu Xia Amon, simple lies no longer mean much to him. The growth of his knowledge allows him to draw inferences from one instance to another, and even say that he can deduce the truth of the matter from the details that Xuan Er inadvertently leaked.

Xuanji didn't answer.

Still, failure to deny is tantamount to acquiescence.

This devil has always been honest and rarely lies. At most, he uses words to confuse the audition.

You are a member of the Os family and have a close relationship with Empress Guanghua. You both master the blood-burning technique, and you also master the Emperor's Ancient Sword.

Yes, I have never seen such a powerful sword. Even if you cover up its true form, you still can't cover up the power of this sword. I can use it to easily break through the defense of the demigods above Dongxuan. Just It's like holding a sharp sword to pierce a layer of white paper. I have seen many first-level spiritual weapons in the heavenly realm, but none of them can be compared with it. Only the blade of disillusionment that was once in Xi Ziquan's hand can compete with it. .”

I kept guessing, but I never had a firm idea until I got a replica of the Emperor Tian Ancient Sword.

Although it is an imitation, it has power close to that of a first-grade heavenly weapon. Even a master like Qian Mu didn't notice that it was a fake, but I did.

Because I've used the real thing.

And you should be the crown prince of the Os Empire who was the contemporary of Empress Guanghua a thousand years ago. Os Qianmo should be called this. After all, your surname is Os and your first name is Qian Mo. You may even be like today's Os. A character like Hanyu, hiding in the shadow of the Empress of Light, comes to hide her power and bide her time, taking over your throne only when needed.”

But before that, you chose to ignite the Qixi Ziwei and choose to fight that desperate battle with Emperor Tianwu.


The young man issued a final question.

Xuan Yi spoke calmly and rigorously. Xuan Er was silent for a long time before sighing and saying, You may really be the man in the legend, with an unlimited future.

That man in the legend? Xuan Yi has heard Xuan Er use this expression more than once, and there are also similar expressions like the boy in the prophecy.

In the era I lived in, there was a man who arrived from the future. He spent his whole life peacefully and only bloomed in the last moments of his life. Xuanji said simply: At that time, he mentioned that in his era A man who dominated the world appeared. He fought against him all his life and was finally defeated. Before he died in despair, his last soul traveled through time and space and came to our era.

I don't understand. Xuanyi said.

That was a man who became the fourth saint after the Three Saints, with a fiery ambition that others could not understand. Xuanji continued his story: This is the description of him by the person who returned from the future to the past. , and even thought that even Emperor Tianwu couldn’t compare with him, we couldn’t believe it at the time.”

After all, that was a thousand years later. We were all dead by that time. After I die, there will be no need to worry about the flood. The spring of the fourth year of Qingli is our biggest enemy, not others.

Not the illusory fourth sanctified person thousands of years later.

Then I lived a thousand years later, and then I met you. I kind of thought you were, but I felt like you weren't. With such curiosity, I helped you get to this point, and then I realized that you probably really were that legendary achievement. A person of immeasurable fear, whose mere name can make the world tremble for you.

Xuan Er said something that Xuan Yi half understood. He could only smile bitterly and said in his heart: I'm just a poor guy who can't even protect his own sister.

Fighting against the poison in the body that will swallow him up at any time.

I've just learned not to live like a rat.

But in the blink of an eye, you have transformed into a dragon. Xuan Er said softly: It only takes a moment for the fish to leap over the dragon gate and transform.

I don't want to bring terror to the world. Xuan Yi continued: I still want to fulfill my promise to my sister and become a person who can bring happiness to the world.

This is not a contradiction. Xuanji retorted.

This pair of ancestors and descendants who have spanned thousands of years have never had such an equal conversation. These conversations can only happen now when all the truth will be revealed.

Because the great love for human beings is originally cruel to individuals, just like the Star Lord. What he wants to do is indeed a change that has never been seen in history. Even though there will be countless sacrifices, he can still persuade everyone The powerful force will accompany him to complete this huge gamble in which he spends almost everything.

Because the future vision described by His Excellency the Star Lord is so beautiful that it is worth fighting for for generations and dozens of generations. This is the future that human beings should pursue.

Xuanji's voice was calm and powerful. After all, he was also the Crown Prince of Os who once stood at the highest level of mankind and thought about problems.

I don't know if you are the child of the prophecy, but I believe you are, and I hope you are.

Because I have watched you go all the way. Although I may not necessarily watch you go all the way, I believe that you will definitely go on the path you think is right.

You are the person that Xing Lihua believes in, you are also the person that I believe in, you are also the person that the Ninth Princess believes in, and you are also the person that Ao Jiaoyue believes in.

You carry the trust of so many people, so you should work hard to carry these new people on.

Xuanyi said yes.

Of course, these are things that are too far away for him. Now the young man is in the Dharma Realm. If it is true, as Xuan Er said, that he will be the fourth saint in the future, then who knows this? How far is the road to go?

After studying things, one can gain knowledge; to gain knowledge, one can then understand the Dharma; after understanding the Dharma, one can gain insight.

Above Dongxuan are three realms, one is called Tianshi, the other is Ziwei, and the other is Taiwei.

Only above the Taiwei Heaven Realm is the legendary realm of saints, that is, the realm of true gods.

Even big figures like Emperor Ossi, Ninth Princess Ye Xuan, Star Lord and Stego Xi Yuanhong are only at the peak of Taiwei, and they can maintain the existence of a super empire.

Xuan Yi can imagine just how far away the realm of saints is by just thinking about it for a moment. Now that Xuan Er says that he can reach this realm, why doesn't he feel frightened?


I don't know how long I can stay with you. Xuan Er couldn't help but nodded when he heard the young man's hum: My life will also end, just like the flowers that bloom and fall, it will not happen because I am a soul. Changes in your state will only prolong this period of time. Your road should be longer than what I have seen, longer than mine, longer than Shi Feng, longer than Ge Sheng, and longer than Ye Qing. I believe you It won’t be the demon king who destroys the world, and I don’t want you to be either.”

Even at that time, I should have no power to stop you, or in other words, I should be dead.

But I don't want you to be.

This world is a world worth loving. Even if you have experienced the pain caused by this world, I think you think so at this moment.

So don't destroy him easily.

Xuanyi hummed again quietly.

I have nothing more to say, and there is nothing I can't help but tell you. Xuanji said softly, Is this the end of the conversation?

Xuanyi shook his head.

I want to know more about your life.

Xuanji smiled bitterly: What is there to know about my life?

I am Osqian Mo, the son of the emperor, and the twin brother of Os Snow Hua. When I was very young, I was swept away by the then powerful Green Wing Edge. During that time, I awakened the art of burning blood and the The even more dangerous Tanabata Ziwei went on a rampage, was seriously injured and was dying, and was almost abandoned by the family.

My sister and I survived relying on each other. With the help of my father's kindness and my mother's dedication, we learned to prepare the Lotus Resurrection Potion ourselves, because this saves us the trouble of family distribution.

My sister and I learned to face the world with the same identity. That identity was Qian Mo. At that time, we thought we were the same person.

Later, because of Xia's invitation, I went to see Xia and rejected his idea of ​​accepting me as his disciple, so Ge ​​Sheng became the successor of Xia. We experienced the City of Eternal Night together and met the man who was at that time. The Yongyao Supreme of Weapons, the Tianwu Emperor Xiche who was still in the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, and the Ninth Princess who was not the Ninth Princess at that time.

Later we entered Ye Ye College. I became the chairman of the Student Government Association and met His Highness the Third Highness. My sister became the president of the Snow Burial Society. Later, classmates Ge Sheng and Ye Xiaojiu also entered the college. Ye Xiaojiu formed the Late Summer Friends Club and roped in many people she knew, and the ten members of the Late Summer Friends Club became ten people forever.

We have been to the Ice Valley of Tianlan City, faced the majesty of [Privy Councilor of the Dead] Rodriguez, and witnessed the power of the Heavenly Bell's Bones of Disaster. In the end, Ye Xiaojiu used the Eternal Sky Formation at the expense of his own future. , that night the sky spread its wings, and the girl turned into a beast that roared ferociously in the world. In the end, Shi Li died in front of her brother, and the world has never been so quiet.

We have also been to the icy lake in the Forest of Death. We fought through thorns and thorns along the way. In the eternal ice and snow wasteland there, we saw the undead hovering in the sky. They are the strongest overlords in the Forest of Death in the past to challenge the Lord of the Ice Lake. The imprisoned souls of losers, we fought with Aurora and the Lord of Eternal Winter, and finally killed the gods. The Emperor Tianjian was stained with the blood of the gods, and I was sucked into the collapsed and forgotten kingdom of God together with Xingxi. world.

I carried the dying weapon girl on my back and walked through the pure black world for countless days and nights. Finally, I found the lighthouse of the world and saw my sister standing at the end of the darkness. She turned her body into a torch and forcibly broke through the darkness. The world guided me. When I saw her withered face, I called her sister for the first time in my life. From then on, I recognized that she was my sister, not the sister I always thought.

We have also witnessed the death of the saint, the approach of the Sky City, the invasion of Ye Ye College from a city thousands of miles away, and the heroic appearance of the weapon girl who has returned to the top of the world step by step.

That night when the Star Master died, Xing Xi ascended to the position of the Star Master of the Xing Che clan with an invincible appearance. Anyone who disobeys her will die.

We continued to sail toward the end of the ocean on the giant ship made from the feathers of ancient elven trees. We passed through the ice field battlefield where the golden humans and dragons fought thousands of years ago. We witnessed the lost history. We even arrived at the only place that existed. On the legendary Dragon Island, I saw the giant dragons that are still active in this world. They were once the masters of this world, but now they are just prisoners trapped in a prison by the golden humans.

We continued sailing towards the north, but finally saw the border of the Kingdom of God. The messenger of the golden human told us that this road was impassable, and we had no choice but to return. It took us a year to complete this journey around the world.

When I came back, everything opened a new chapter.

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