Magic Punk

Chapter 584 Return

Now that the words had reached this point, Xuan Yi had no room to refuse. He complied and called Shi Feng Shishi, and then asked if there was anything he could do for him next.

Even today, Xuanyi still believes in the principle of equivalent exchange, so since Shi Feng taught him Zhou Liu Jing, even if the other party agrees to become a half master, Xuanyi still wants to know what opportunities he has to repay him.

Even if his own strength is far from enough to help them, after all, he was a peak Taiwei expert on the same level as the Star Master above Dongxuan during his lifetime, but now as the crown prince of the Os Empire, he can still do to many things.

But unexpectedly, Shi Feng shook his head: In our current state, we don't really have any extravagant aspirations except resurrection.

But Mo Xiaojing doesn't care for the moment, at least I don't want to be resurrected.

This world no longer has the people I know and cherish, so your world has no extra value to me.

And I have no unnecessary regrets about this world. I settled my grievances, paid off my karma, and then began to realize my final common sense.

Although I failed, I have no regrets about this world. It was just an accident that I was still alive. Even I didn't know that I could still leave this remnant soul behind.

Perhaps we can find another suitable body? Xuan Yi asked reluctantly.

This is what he said to Xuan Er.

The origin of Xuan Er has actually been revealed. He is a member of the Os family who was the same generation as Ye Qing a thousand years ago, and is very likely to be inextricably related to Empress Guanghua, one of the three empresses of that era. What if it was like that before? , at least when he has the ability in the future, can he reshape Xuanji's body?

In other words, maybe my own body is the best choice for this devil right now.

But he didn't mean it right now.

After all, if Xuan Er competes with Xuan Yi for his body at this time, then Xuan Yi will definitely not be his opponent.

Please don't. Shi Feng said quietly, with an air of peace: You may feel that we are normal now and seem to have complete memories and sanity, but neither I nor Mo Xiaojing are just A relatively complete fragment peeled off from his original soul.

And history has proven countless times that when such a soul fragment has a complete body, it will be unable to control the new body, because he will never be the same person as before, and will only be occupied by superfluous evil thoughts and become the person who would rather die. Someone I don’t want to be.”

Rogrigues is the founder of this technology, but he did not escape this bad fate and was eventually completely devoured by my sister Shi Li.

I once wanted to resurrect my sister in an incomplete state, even against her will, but in the end I created such an evil thing as the Temple of Bones.

We are eloquent and eloquent now, but I can't guarantee how this soul will change if I get a complete body and face this strange world.

As for Mo Xiaojing, if he wants it, your body is the most suitable body for him in the world, because you are a descendant of his bloodline, but he did not choose to do this, which means he knows everything well. .”

Xuan Er smiled bitterly and said: You have already said the words, what do you want me to say?

Shi Feng said seriously: Thousands of years have passed. Are you sure that this child is the one mentioned in the prophecy?

prophecy? What prophecy?

When Xuan Yizheng was confused, Xuan Er had already given his own answer: I think so.

Is he the person who was predicted to rule the world? Shi Feng smiled: How can we actually meet him across a thousand years?

Everything will be known later. Xuan Er said quietly, ignoring that they were actually mentioning this in front of Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi rationally did not ask questions, but kept all this in mind.

When the conversation between the two came to an end, he asked: About the Palace of Bones...

The refining in the Palace of Bones is far more dangerous than you think. Shi Feng replied quietly to Xuan Yi's words. Different from Xuan Er's style, this necromancer who was supposed to be extremely vicious turned out to be a soft-spoken and charming person. Xuan Yi felt a little out of tune with the spring breeze-like young man.

At least until you officially enter the heavenly realm, which is what you call the cave, you will have the opportunity to truly refine the Palace of Bones for your own use.

Anyway, that palace has been sleeping underground for hundreds of years, and I don't care if it sleeps for a few more years.

Xuan Yi fell into a trance and found himself back on the mat in the secret room of the Taiwong Palace. Everything that happened before was like a dream. Although it was vivid in his mind, it didn't feel real.

Did he really have a face-to-face conversation with Shi Feng, the necromancer from thousands of years ago and the creator of the resurrection technique, and even worship him as a half-master?

He looked at his hand, and the black jade stone still stayed in his palm. However, even though Xuan Yi was in the secret room and could not directly see the sky outside, his intuition told him that it was at least early morning. .

In other words, a conversation that lasted only an hour in his own senses actually lasted a whole night in the real world. This was not due to the influence of the Star Lord's ability to distort time.

It always feels so unreal.

Xuanyi recalled carefully, but found that the Zhou Liu Jing taught by Shi Feng in his dream was still clearly in his mind. He tried to run it, and only felt that the energy flow in his body was running and transforming in his body like a river, and his limbs were all broken. The feeling of warmth and comfort in that moment made Xuan Yi sure that this practice method really worked for him and that it was a practice method that could confirm his Dharma state.

Is he really the strongest person from a thousand years ago?

You should be lucky that you have met the best friend I can talk to. Xuanji whispered in the young man's heart. Apparently, he himself was quite satisfied with the previous conversation.

Xuanyi looked down at the stone in his hand: How should I preserve it?

Now Shi Feng's remnant soul is among them. If he hadn't taken the initiative and showed up without any malice before, Xuan Yi really didn't think that he would be able to resist the malicious seizure of the body by this powerful man who was once the pinnacle of Taiwei.

Unless Xuan Er takes action.

Just put in the Black Iron Ring, he's very durable. Xuanji said with a smile.

The other party seemed to have been close friends with Xuan Er during his lifetime, so Xuan Yi did not mind Xuan Er's rude words, but asked seriously: What was the relationship between you people back then?

Whether it is from the temple spirit Wuyougu or from the few words spoken by Shi Feng himself, there is no doubt that Shi Feng, Xuan Er, who is called Mo Xiaojing, as well as the first Xia disciple Ge Sheng and the first generation Nine Princess Ye Qing , these great men who later left their names in history really once served as each other's best friends in an era.

Then we have to talk about a certain idiot named Ye Qing. Xuan Er said quietly: If I have time, maybe I will tell you that story from a thousand years ago.

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