Magic Punk

Chapter 558 What do you want to eat?

Emperor Aosi told him to stop. Of course Xuanyi didn't dare to stop. But when he turned around, he saw a long sword with a golden body and purple blade placed on the table in front of him: You forgot Your sword.

Xuanyi looked at the ancient long sword and guessed the name of the sword in an instant: Is this the ancient sword of Huangtian?

Yes. Emperor Aos nodded, and then said: Imitation.

The real Imperial Ancient Sword is still held by Hanyu. It is the only difference between you and him.

Xuanyi nodded and stepped forward to hold the hilt of the Huangtian Ancient Sword. His hand felt heavy and cold. In the next moment, Xuanyi felt something was wrong and raised his head to look at Emperor Aos.

Emperor Aos smiled and said, Yes, the Emperor's Ancient Sword has not yet completed its spiritual infusion, so it cannot be integrated into the body like an ordinary spiritual weapon. It can only be carried with you.

Of course, although this fake is fake, it is a sword made with the same set of blueprints. It is enough to exert 30% of the power of the original. According to the current classification method, it can still be regarded as a first-class heavenly realm weapon. It’s just that it’s the last among first-grade spiritual weapons.”

That's enough. Xuan Yi said lightly, put the long sword into the black iron ring, and whispered: Thank you, Emperor.

Emperor Aos looked at Xuanyi with a half-smile: From now on, the name you call me will change.

Xuanyi was stunned at first, and then understood what the Emperor Aos meant. If he were an ordinary person, he might have hesitated a little, but he had grown up in an environment of intrigue since he was a child, so there was no psychological obstacle at all. He immediately turned towards Emperor Aos. Bow deeply and say hello.

I have met my father.

When Xuan Yi walked out of the huge black door, looking at the starry sky still shining above his head, he couldn't help but feel as if he was in another world.

Outside the door, of course Os Yusheng had disappeared, but Os Jiao Yue was still waiting there. When she saw Xuanyi walking out as usual, she couldn't help but smile coquettishly and looked at Xuanyi and called her brother softly.

This shout made Xuanyi tremble all over and almost wanted to hit her, but after Jiaoyue screamed, she walked forward, looked Xuanyi up and down to confirm that he really didn't have any missing pieces of meat, and said lightly: Sure enough, As expected of the person I chose, where is Huang Tian?

Xuanyi took out the fake Emperor Tian from the Black Iron Ring and handed it to Jiao Yue nonchalantly. Jiao Yue played with it for a moment and smiled before returning the Emperor Tian to Xuanyi: It seems that father is very satisfied with you, so I will give you the Emperor Tian Ancient Sword directly.

It's just fake. Xuan Yi said lightly.

The fake one is also a first-grade Heaven Realm spiritual weapon, enough for everyone in the world to fight for it. Aos Jiaoyue paused: Besides, almost all the people who have seen the True Emperor's Ancient Sword are dead.

If we're going to say it's true, then he's true.

Xuanyi didn't comment, but just held the heavy Bafang sword: I heard that the ancient sword of Huangtian is as famous as the Blade of Disillusionment?

To this day, Xuanyi still can't forget how majestic the Blade of Disillusionment looked when it was held in Xi Ziquan's hand, but he didn't expect that as time goes by, one day he will also get a weapon that is as famous as the Blade of Disillusionment. of spiritual weapons.

And it is the only existence.

Although it is false.

Put it away. Jiao Yue said calmly: If anyone questions your identity, this Emperor Tian Ancient Sword is the best proof.

There is an ancestral motto in the Os Empire that the one who holds the Emperor's Sky is the Crown Prince. As long as we say that the one in your hand is real, then it is real.

What if you say it's fake? Xuan Yi asked with a smile.

Then even if it is true, it is also false. Jiao Yue said matter-of-factly, and then walked straight towards the darkness of the palace: Follow me, you will stay in the Prince's East Palace tonight.

Xuanyi nodded, put away the long sword, and followed Jiao Yue out. He didn't ask Yaoyao or other people about it because he had been a walker in Star City.

As long as he is still the Crown Prince of Aos, all problems are no longer a problem for him.

Xuanyi followed Jiao Yue through various twists and turns, and this time came to a somewhat remote small palace. After passing through three locked doors, he finally arrived in a small closed room. The room was quiet and elegant. There was a bed and a chair, and the ebony shelves on the wall were filled with all kinds of medicines.

Lie down. Jiao Yue pointed to the bed and said coldly.

Xuanyi thought for a while, then gave up on refuting the princess and lay down on the bed.

Take off all your clothes. Jiao Yue continued to say expressionlessly.

Xuanyi couldn't help it anymore: Hey!

I've seen everything I should see on Mount Sumeru, so what are you going to feed me? Aos Jiaoyue said coldly: Do you think you will act like a little girl?

Of course, Xuan Yi was not shy enough to act like a girl when a girl was naked, but except for the time when Xue Xing performed surgery on him, which was an irresistible situation, besides that, he had also taken off his clothes in front of Jiu San?

Of course my sister doesn’t count.

And the person in front of me is a ruthless person who dares to cut if you give her a pair of scissors. If he reacts to the next physical contact, wouldn't he die without a burial place?

Can't you change someone? Xuan Yi asked seriously.

Do you think I want to do it myself? Jiao Yue looked at Xuanyi: If this matter wasn't of such great importance, it would be best if no more than four people knew about it. Do you think I can do it myself?

Take it off quickly!

Of course, Xuan Yi couldn't say such shameless words that if I take off my clothes, you should take them off too. After all, the desire to survive is still very important.

Although you can use the words Turn your back, otherwise I will be shy to explain it away, Xuan Yi really is not pretentious to that extent.

He sat expressionlessly on the single bed, which was like a hospital bed, and took off his clothes one by one and put them on the bedside. Because it was still early spring, Xuan Yi had quite a lot of clothes until When the last shirt was taken off, revealing the young man's smooth and strong chest, Jiao Yue still looked at him intently.

So you're really not shy? Xuan Yi sighed and said, You're only seventeen, right?

What's there to be ashamed of? Jiao Yue said matter-of-factly: Whether they are alive or dead, I have seen too many.

Okay, society, you sister Yue.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

Xuanyi bit her lip gently for the first time in a long time, with a certain mentality of being forced to take off her clothes in front of her clients, but she took off all her clothes without any trembling in her hands, and lay completely naked on the single bed. , then Jiaoyue pulled a white sheet that had been prepared long ago, covered Xuanyi's body completely, and then lifted his head, revealing the young man's delicate and pale face.

Xuanyi was a little surprised.

And Jiaoyue bared her teeth and grinned: What?

You really think I want to see it.

Saying this, Jiao Yue lit up the scalpel in his hand.

Do you want to eat wontons? Or do you want to eat flat noodles?

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